If you are experiencing any issues with your submitting your assignment, check out our Technical Information for troubleshooting as well as our Frequently asked questions.

Written assignments are mostly handed in online via your Canvas course site. How you hand in an assignment will depend on the assessment tool being used in your course.

How to submit a written assignment using the Canvas enhanced assignment tool

Most courses use the in-built Canvas assignment tool for written assignments.

  1. Navigate to your assignment via the Assessment Overview button on the course home page or via the Modules in the Course Navigation
  2. Click the title of the assignment
  3. Select a submission type, e.g. Upload to upload a file from your computer (either via selecting the Choose a file to upload or dragging and dropping the file from your computer).
  4. Once uploaded, your file will be saved as an assignment submission draft.
  5. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click the Submit Assignment button

For further instructions, see How do I submit an online assignment? (Canvas Guides).

Submitting your draft assessment

A submission point shows a number of allowed attempts to show how many submissions you can make. A submission with Allowed Attempts set to 1 only allows for a final submission. If the Allowed Attempts is set to 2 or more, the submission point allows for draft submissions.

Draft assessment items are submitted through the same submission point as the final submission using the same submission process.

How to submit a written assignment using Turnitin

Another commonly used assignment tool is Turnitin. The Assignment Dashboard (Turnitin Help) allows you to submit your assessment, view the Similarity Report (Turnitin Help) and access feedback after it has been marked. Further resources can be found at Uploading a submission (Turnitin Help).

To view your Similarity Report and Feedback in Turnitin, navigate to your assignment submission point and click on the assignment paper title which will open Turnitin Feedback Studio.

How do I submit my  assignment in MASV

If your course requires you to submit assessments through a MASV submission portal, please follow the steps below. Be sure to review any additional instructions provided in your course materials.

  1. Gather all files required for submission and ensure they are correctly named, following any naming conventions specified by your convenor.
  2. Go to your course page and click the link to the MASV submission portal.
  3. Enter the provided password. Check your course materials for specific password instructions from your convenor.
  4. Drag and drop your files into the upload area, then enter your email address and other required details. Click Send Package to submit.
  5. Once the upload is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.
  6. If specified in your assessment instructions, take a screenshot of the confirmation email and upload it to the Canvas assignment submission point as proof of submission.

Peer review assignments

You may be asked to peer review another student's assignment by providing feedback through comments and/or a rubric.

Some peer reviews may be anonymous, meaning you cannot view the name of the student whose assignment you are reviewing. Additionally, the student cannot see your name as the reviewer providing feedback.

To complete a peer review:

  1. Navigate to your assignment via the Assessment Overview button on the course home page or via the Modules in the Course Navigation.
  2. Here, you can view any peer reviews assigned to you. To open the peer review, click the Required Peer Review link [1]. If your peer review is anonymous, the student's name displays as Anonymous Student [2].

    Required Peer Review link

  3. Complete the peer review by adding a comment. You can also attach a file or media comment. Once complete, click the Send Comment button.
  4. If your instructor includes a rubric, you can assign a mark using the rubric.
    1. To view the rubric, click the Fill Out Rubric link [1].
    2. To score the assignment with the rubric, select rubric ratings [2] or enter a score for each criterion in the Points column [3]. To deselect a rubric rating, click the rubric rating [4].

      Depending on how your instructor set up the rubric, it may or may not include point values. If the rubric does not include point values you still need to fill out the rubric to complete the peer review.

    3. Each criterion score is added toward the total points for the assignment [5].
    4. When you're finished, click the Submit button [6]. You may need to refresh your browser to see that you've completed the required steps for the peer review.

      After you save the rubric, you cannot edit it to change your comments or ratings.

  5. Peer review rubric

  6. Once you have completed the peer review, you will see a confirmation message.

Submitting other sorts of assessments

For information on submitting other sorts of assessments, see:

Changes to cover sheets in Canvas

From T3 2022, you will no longer need to include a cover sheet when you submit assessment through Learning@Griffith. The Academic Integrity Statement that was previously part of the cover sheet is now part of the Course Profile, outlined in section 3.3. This means that when you enrol in a course, you agree to comply with the University's Academic Integrity requirements.

At Griffith, we strive to support your development of professional and ethical decision-making capabilities, so you can get the most out of your learning experience at university and be successful in your future career. To help you succeed in your studies, there are a range of support resources and services available to you.

Find out more about these resources below and remember to reach out for the support you need at any time during the trimester.

  • Assessment Overview page in your course site – stay across the key dates and assessment requirements for your course. The bottom of this page also contains quick links to everything you need to know about assessment at Griffith. Learn more about navigating your course site.
  • Student Support – access all the learning, health, wellbeing and personal support available to assist you with your studies through the link in your course site navigation.

Information on applying for special consideration, deferred assessments and extensions can be found with our Frequently asked questions.

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