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How do I create a column in my Markbook?

The columns displayed in your Markbook are directly linked to the assignments, quizzes and assignment groups that you have set up in the ‘assignments’ area of your Canvas course site. To create a column in your Markbook you will need to create a new assignment.

You can only enter marks into published assignments. This means that students will see this assignment and the associated mark in their marks view. If you are creating columns in your Markbook it is important to name them appropriately so that students can understand what they are seeing. (e.g. Business Report Part 1, Business Report Part 2, Business Report TOTAL).

The understanding assignment groups in Canvas video provides more details on the connection between assignments, the Markbook and the students’ view of marks.

Why isn't my assignment/quiz showing up as an option in the GMS dropdown?

Likely Cause: Only published assignments and quizzes show up as mapping options in the GMS.

Once you have published your assignment/quiz you will be able to select it from the dropdown menu. Instructions for how to publish an assignment (Canvas Guides).

I mapped an assignment group total in the GMS and the ‘marked out of number’ changed to 100. How do I fix this?

Assignment group totals are calculated in Canvas as a percentage out of 100. The GMS will automatically change the ‘marked out of’ number for that assessment item to 100 to enable the percentage to be carried from one system to another, which ensures proper grade calculations. This is expected behaviour and you don’t need to take any additional action.

My student’s total mark in Canvas doesn’t match their total in the GMS.

What has gone wrong?

Likely Cause: You haven’t set the default mark for your Canvas assessment items to 0.

The total marks column displayed in your Canvas Markbook is a running total. This means that any unsubmitted or unmarked assessment items are ignored and the total displayed only represents the items that have been submitted and marked. Conversely, the GMS will consider all assessment tasks and display a total accordingly. If you wish to see a more indicative total while working in Canvas you should set the default mark for your assessment items to 0 once you have finished marking each assessment item.

Likely Cause: Your assignment groups are unweighted.

If your assignment groups are unweighted, Canvas will not apply weighting to the mark displayed in the total marks column of your Canvas Markbook. Conversely, the GMS will consider the weighting of all assessment tasks and display a total accordingly. If you wish to see a more indicative total while in Canvas you should add weighting to your assignment groups.

Why isn’t my drop rule working properly?

Likely Cause: You haven’t set the default mark for your assessment items to 0.

If you are using a drop rule (e.g. best 4 out of 5 quizzes) Canvas will ignore any unsubmitted assessment items and drop a higher score. To enable drop rules to work correctly you must set the default mark for your assessment items to 0. More information on drop rules is available on the complex mark calculations page.

I applied the ‘missing status’ in Canvas but I am still being asked to enter a ‘no mark reason’ in the GMS. Why do I have to do it twice?

If you map the individual assignment or quiz in the GMS the ‘missing status’ will automatically update the no mark reason. If you map a group total in the GMS the ‘missing status’ will not carry over and you will need to manually re-enter the no mark reason.

I have already done my mapping and now it is broken. What happened?

Likely Cause: If you change the name of a mapped assignment, quiz or assignment group it will break the GMS connection and you will need to remap it. Similarly, if you delete an assignment/quiz in Canvas and then set it up again the connection will break.

How do I find help for issues relating to steps 2, 3 and 4 of the GMS process?

The Grade Management System (GMS) webpage contains a wide range of quick guides which will help you through the entire process.

I still have questions. Who do I contact?

For issues relating to your course profile contact your Academic Support Officer or email

For issues relating to your Canvas assignment group setup and the GMS mapping process contact your Learning and Teaching Consultant.

For issues relating to the GMS (step 2 onwards) contact your Academic Support Officer or email

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