We follow water-sensitive urban design principles and environmental best practices

To align with contemporary urban water management principles, as well as state and local government strategic planning, Griffith adopts a water-sensitive urban design approach to campus operations. This ensures we reduce our consumption through efficient water use, which has a range of health, environmental, social, and economic benefits. Water sensitive design provides cooler campuses, reduces flood risk, improves air quality, allows staff and students to connect with nature, and prevents polluted water entering the water system, including pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the University.

6 Clean water and sanitation 14 Life below water 17 Partnerships for the goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Griffith University is aligned to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to ensuring clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, and the preservation of marine life, working towards a sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

Our approach

Water consumption tracking

Waste water treatment

Promoting water quality standards and preventing pollution

Free drinking water

Water reuse policy and measurement

Water-conscious building standards

Water-conscious planting

Sustainable water extraction

Conscious water usage on campus

Griffith University is committed to sustainable and conscious water usage on campus. Our water usage guidelines are written into building design standards, our biodiversity and planting guidelines, and through our promotion of conscious water usage on campus, including the reporting of leaking taps and reminders to turn off taps.

Griffith University Design Guidelines Biodiversity Conservation Plan Gold Coast Masterplan and Planting Strategy Logan Masterplan Brisbane South (Nathan) Planting Strategy

Promoting conscious water use through campus water meters

In 2023, additional water meters were installed in approximately 50 buildings across Griffith University campuses. Water meters provide real-time monitoring that enables early identification of areas of excess consumption and leaks, minimising water wastage and associated costs, while also promoting conscious water usage. Additionally, the meters provide valuable data on consumption patterns, aiding in the identification of inefficiencies and optimisation opportunities. More meters will be installed in coming years with expected further water saving opportunities.

Be water conscious on campus

Staff and students are encouraged to be water conscious by:

  • Considering their water and energy efficiency of appliances, research and teaching equipment during the procurement process as per the Procurement and Supply Policy.
  • In staff kitchens, running the dishwasher only when full to conserve water and energy, and reducing the amount of detergent entering the wastewater system.
  • Making use of the dual flush toilets and waterless urinals on campus
  • Reporting leaking taps immediately (see details below)

Need to report a leaking tap or lodge a building maintenance request?

Urgent faults can be submitted to:

Campus Support

Case Study: Sir Samuel Griffith Centre

The 6 Green Star rated Sir Samuel Griffith Centre, which opened in July 2013, harvests rainwater to irrigate landscaped green spaces and flush toilets. The building also includes water efficient fixtures to further reduce consumption and hosts the International WaterCentre.

Contact Griffith Sustainability

Griffith Sustainability Room 0.08, Building N23, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan QLD, 4111