Access to a range of mentoring programs

Griffith offers over 30 mentoring programs that support women to develop skills for personal and professional growth, identify career goals, expand professional networks, succeed in studies, and receive career advice.

Our mentoring schemes have significant impact, open to all female students, with a large number of women participating in them.

Our mentoring programs

4 Quality Education 5 Gender equality 10 Reduced Inequalities

Sustainable Development Goals

Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to providing inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all.

Our mentoring programs

Mentoring at Griffith connects student mentors and mentees through a wide range of programs that facilitate mutual learning, reflection and growth. Programs such as the Bachelor of Midwifery Peer Mentoring Program, Griffith Aviation MATES, Griffith Business School Leadership Program and the Griffith Engineering Peer Mentoring Program, for example, provide important mutual support for women through demanding courses.

Explore our mentoring programs

Women in STEM support

There are a range of support networks and initiatives for women studying STEM subjects at Griffith, including Women in Stem and Education (WiSE), Ladies in Technology Engineering and Science (LiTES) and Women in Engineering – which provide opportunities for members to connect with other women in similar fields, and offer mentoring programs, school outreach workshops, professional development opportunities, industry engagement, and social events.

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Griffith University Women in Engineering

Since 2017, the Griffith University Women in Engineering program has provided support and development for women in engineering and other STEM fields through networking, mentoring programs, school outreach workshops, professional development events and industry engagement, and social events. Women in Engineering is open to any women studying STEM subjects at Griffith.

This program received the Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award from Griffith University’s Student Guild in 2022. It is involved in Griffith community engagement activities such as the Repair Cafe. Women in Engineering aims to raise the profile of women in STEM areas and encourage the next generation of women in the sector.

Through industry engagement, mentoring opportunities, school outreach, and networking, engagement, industry and social events, Women in Engineering provides mutual support, professional development and raises the profile of women in STEM.

Enabling Women Mentoring Program

This program, run by women for women, was established in Griffith’s Business School in 2021 to improve representation of women at senior academic and professional staff levels and to accelerate promotion rates for female staff. Mentors and mentees set their own goals and meet approximately 6 times a year to discuss issues such as promotion, work-life balance, aspirations, ideas and more. Griffith Business School is a member of the Wattle Program - empowering women to share, learn, lead and achieve in the university sector.

Industry mentoring: Careers and Employment Service

The Industry Mentoring Program is a partnership between students and mentors focused on developing career management skills and identifying career options and goals.

Over 12-week mentors use their skills, experience and knowledge to support participants to make informed decisions about their future career. The program includes an Industry Insights series - a monthly webinar where mentors to share personal and professional experiences on topics ranging from Women in Economics, Inspiring Entrepreneurship, and advice in the health, business, and sports sectors.


Griffith University has an extensive range of scholarships to ensure equal access to education, including a number of scholarships exclusively supporting women to commence and finish studies.

Zonta Club of Brisbane Bursary for female students enrolled in an undergraduate degree at Griffith University Logan and are experiencing financial hardship.

GWI Bursary for Women in ICT to support and inspire females in the field of Information and Communication Technology.

Glycomics Circle Honours Scholarship awarded to an outstanding female student who has enrolled in any relevant honours program with a supervisor who is a member of the Institute for Glycomics.

Financial Planning Association Women in Finance and Economics Scholarships provides financial support towards qualifications in finance, financial planning or accounting.

Diploma of Computing and Data Analytics Scholarship for women studying this degree to cover their full tuition fees.

Our success stories

Read more about how some of our mentoring programs have supported women's career and education progress

Networking for success Griffith industry mentor opens door to Dorsett Gold Coast Balancing the Bar for Female Indigenous Lawyers

Outreach Mentoring at Griffith

The Outreach Mentoring service connects students with Griffith Mentors at scheduled and unscheduled times to ensure ongoing support is available to students who may need help but are too overwhelmed or busy to make initial contact.

These calls are just another way that Griffith offers support to students at various times during their studies—with a friendly call from a fellow student to check in and offer timely advice

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P.A.S.S: Peer Assisted Study Scheme

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) is a free program offering structured and engaging peer-group learning sessions for commencing year courses which students often find challenging. Weekly, one-hour study sessions begin in Week 2 and run throughout the trimester.

The sessions are facilitated by students who have previously achieved excellent results in the course and have undertaken the nationally accredited training.

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AAMP up your career: Alumni-to-alumni mentoring the Griffith Way

This online platform allows Griffith Alumni to connect, share and learn from each other about career advancement, industry trends, and sector changes.The platform provides advice and opportunities for discussion and informal networking regardless of location.


Contact us

For more information about mentoring at Griffith, get in touch