Explore Griffith's sustainability initiatives, actions, and campaigns
There are lots of ways staff and students can engage with sustainability initiatives at Griffith. We invite all staff and students to share their achievements — big and small, get involved, and support the SDGs. Find out what you can do below.

Bring your own cup
Help keep our state beautiful with Griffith! Bring your KeepCup or mug to our cafés and save yourself a 50-cent surcharge on disposable cups. Let's make a difference together—one cup at a time!

Containers for Change
Help the environment and support Griffith students in need! Drop your empty containers into a green bin on campus to fund Brighter Futures Scholarships through Containers for Change.

Sustainability Community of Practice
Register your interest and join the Sustainability Community of Practice (CoP)

Green Bites
Join our Green Bites lunchtime webinars and meet special guests presenting on diverse themes related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Repair Café
The Griffith University Repair Café brings together a society of students whose purpose is to engage with sustainability and contribute to SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG Game
What kind of world will emerge by 2030? What will be the impact of your decisions? All will be revealed when you play the SDG Game!

Sustainable leadership
Find out more about Griffiht's leadership in sustainability issues via Enlighten, a multidisciplinary, multimedia story hub

Green Impact Program
Join the internationally renowned Green Impact Program and learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Enviro Week
Learn how to incorporate sustainability into your everyday life with an exciting array of workshops, activities and stalls during Griffith's Enviro Week!
Sustainability Student Experience Program
Are you a current Griffith student, looking to complete a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placement or community internship and interested in Sustainability? The Griffith Sustainability Student Experience Program is for you! Our placement opportunities will provide you with real-world sustainability challenges, help the university achieve its Sustainability ambitions, and help the University operate more sustainably. We have a number of placement opportunities available throughout the year for Trimesters 1, 2, and 3.
Contact us for more information
SDG files
Share your achievements and actions for sustainability impact through your research, learning and teaching, projects, operations, partnerships, and more.

SDG Pledge Wall
Share the ways, big and small, you can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Vice Chancellor's Excellence Awards
Griffith’s 2020–2025 Strategic Plan emphasises sustainability, aiming for a robust, equitable, and environmentally sustainable society. The university acknowledges individuals who integrate the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their work. This year, both professional and academic staff can be recognised for their contributions to the SDGs through a new award category.
Nominations will open again in 2025.
Collaborate for sustainability
Contact Griffith Sustainability
Griffith Sustainability Room 0.08, Building N23, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan QLD, 4111