Make connections through PASS

Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) is a free program that offers structured and fun group learning sessions for some of the courses that students find to be more challenging. The weekly one-hour study sessions begin in Week 1 and run all trimester with an Exam Buster in study week for those attending five or more sessions. The sessions are facilitated by students who have previously achieved excellent results in the course and who have completed a nationally accredited training program.

Peer-Assisted Study Sessions

Trimester 1 2025

Course code Course name Gold Coast Brisbane South (Nathan)Online
1004GBS The Purpose of Business
1007GBS The Future of Work
1008GBS Business Decision-Making
2201AFE Corporate Finance

PASS Leader alumni

Connect with some of our previous GBS PASS Leaders.

How do I get involved?

View session times by going to your Learning@Griffith site, selecting the course, then selecting PASS from the course menu on the left.

You may attend as many sessions as you like each week.

No need to sign up in advance, so just come along and enjoy the benefits of PASS.


Contact us

Coordinator: Michaela Geluk