Parents, partners and families with impact

Parents, partners, caregivers and adult mentors have a powerful role in encouraging and supporting their loved ones to aspire to and succeed at university.

A 2014 national study by National Centre for Vocational Education Research showed that students whose parents want them to attend university were four times more likely to complete Year 12 and 11 times more likely to go on to higher education compared with those whose parents expect them to choose a non-university pathway.

Given this information, there is little doubt about the important role that parents, partners, caregivers and family can have in encouraging and supporting university aspiration and study.

We have collected some stories from students who are first-in-family or from diverse background at Griffith University about the role their parents, family members or mentors played in supporting them to get into, and through, their university study. Some of these students are parents themselves and explain why they have returned to study and how it has impacted their families.

Stories from parents and families


A long held dream is achieved when Liz returns to study while raising her family.

Parent/Carer and Community Participation

External consultations and forums, many involving parents/caregivers, have reinforced the importance of parent/caregiver engagement in Griffith’s outreach strategy. Activities are diverse and include:

  • customised parent outreach resources – for in-school and on-campus careers activities, and community events
  • Parents, Partners and Families with Impact7 – a multi-media resource used across a variety of outreach activities and settings, and  parent /caregiver participation in the Tertiary Education Experience (TEE) for students with disabilities, coordinated by Disabilities Services and Student Equity Services.

Equity, diversity and inclusion enquiries

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