University doesn't have to be daunting. Find out how you can transition successfully.
We aim to support students from diverse backgrounds who may have experienced educational disadvantage. If you are the first person in your family to go to university there is plenty of support.
If you're enrolled at Griffith for the first time you can book an appointment with us to discuss your needs. You can also explore the range of services and supports offered at Griffith and visit the First in Family website.
Are you first in your family to go to university? Support is available
We provide additional programs for students such as:
- support for students from refugee, migrant and non English-speaking backgrounds who need the additional academic skills program Heads Up
- support for mature age students or adult learners who are returning to study after a break to develop connections and networks
- support for people who identify as LGBTIQ+ to develop connections and networks
- support for out-of-home-care leavers
- self-help resources to aid transition and ensure you're flourishing at uni
- specialised support for students with disabilities
- mentoring opportunities with prospective students in our partner schools through our outreach and widening participation programs.

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