Stay healthy so you can study and work well

Access preventative and practical help to look after yourself while you study and work. Griffith University Health and Medical Services is an accredited general practice. We provide a range of medical and ancillary services for students and staff.

Currently we offer:

  • GP consultations, mental health nurse consultations, psychologist and psychiatrist appointments
  • all vaccinations, including flu vaccinations for students and staff
  • student immunisations for clinical placement
  • travel vaccinations.

To make an appointment, call your preferred location directly using the details at the bottom of this page.

3 Good health and well-being

Sustainable Development Goals

Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and committed to tackling global challenges around good health.

Are you a new student? Do you need vaccines and serology for your degree?

Book an appointment with the nurse to discuss mandatory vaccine and serology requirements for your degree. All initial course immunisations must be seen by the nurse in the first instance, who will then organise an appointment with the doctor.

Influenza vaccinations

The annual influenza vaccination continues to be the most important measure to prevent influenza and its complications. Influenza vaccinations are available from Health and Medical Services at Gold Coast and Brisbane South (Nathan). Please contact your preferred location to book an appointment.

Drug and alcohol support

Dealing with alcohol and drug concerns on your own can be difficult. The Australian Government provides assistive services and treatment options via ADIS, including online self-assessment tools and 24/7 phone support.

Sun safety

It's important to slip, slop, slap all year round in Queensland, but now that summer is upon us, the need for caution is even higher. Check out all the ways you can be sun smart if you're going to the beach or staying outdoors for long stretches of time.

Mental Health Nurse

Our Mental Health Nurses can assist with stress management and help you cope with the pressures of life and uni.

Beat smoking

Stuck on quitting? We can help. Learn about the short term and long term benefits quitting smoking has on your body, and receive personal guidance through Griffith's own Smoking Cessation program.

Sexual health

Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are common and increasing in Australia, including Queensland.

Keep yourself safe, healthy and sexy with regular testing, protection and correct sexual health information.

Griffith offers sexual and reproductive health-care services including information, education and treatment through our service.

Contact Health and Medical Services

Online Health and Wellness Centre

Griffith's Online Health and Wellness Centre is a portal designed to increase student awareness and understanding of mental health concerns. Here you can learn tips for promoting better health and wellbeing such as living a healthy lifestyle, engaging in meaningful social activity, feeling safe, stable and secure, and looking after your mental wellness.

Griffith's Online Health and Wellness Centre

Information for staff supporting students

If you're a Griffith staff member, you can access a range of training, tools and resources to help support student mental health and wellbeing.

See the guide to supporting student wellbeing to find out more.

Contact Health and Medical Services

PLEASE NOTE: Appointments can now be made via HotDoc.

Gold Coast

Book appointment

(07) 5552 8734

Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Location: Level 1, Student Centre (G33)

University Drive, Southport Qld 4215

Brisbane South (Nathan)

Book appointment

(07) 3735 7299

Hours: From Tuesday 28 January 2025, our new operating hours are:

Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

Location: Level 1, Sewell (N12)

Kessels Road, Nathan Qld 4111

After hours

Contact the National Home Doctor service

137 425

National Home Doctor


For all medical emergencies, call 000 (triple zero) for an ambulance from any phone, or 112 from a mobile. Then report the emergency to Griffith security, call 1800 800 707.

Visit the emergency room of nearby public hospital (free emergency care to Australian residents):

The Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital at the corner of Kessels Road and Troughton Road, Coopers Plains

Princess Alexandra Hospital at 199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba

Gold Coast University Hospital at 1 Hospital Boulevard, Southport.

Health advice over the phone

13 HEALTH is a confidential phone service that provides health advice to Queenslanders.

You can phone and talk to a registered nurse 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the cost of a local call.

13 HEALTH (13 432584)

Allianz Care Telehealth

Allianz Care Australia offers OSHC and OVHC Visitors Plus members a service that allows you to speak to a qualified doctor 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via phone or video call.

See the website for more information about this free service.

Allianz Care Australia

Emergency+ App

Designed by the Australian government, Emergency+ assists emergency services to find you in critical situations.

Book an appointment with Health and Medical Services

Get in contact with us or book an appointment to see how we can help.

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Need to book a medical appointment?

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