Connect with immediate mental wellbeing support
Griffith operates a 24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support Line that you can contact for immediate relief for emotional distress.
As well as shorter term coping strategies, you can call or text the support line to work out next steps and explore longer-term solutions.
24/7 Griffith Mental Wellbeing Support Line
No-interest loans
Need an essential service or item and don't have the money? With a no-interest loan, you only pay back what you borrow—nothing more.
While still a form of debt, the loan is interest free with no fees and flexible repayment plans. This is a service funded by the Commonwealth Government and is delivered by local charities. Contact them for more information..
No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)
Griffith financial hardship bursary
If you're experiencing extreme financial difficulty, you may be eligible for a student financial support bursary.
This one-off payment helps cover education-related expenses, so you can focus on your studies.
Student Financial Support Bursary
Griffith student financial support
Find out more about the scholarships, bursaries, emergency and study support Griffith offers students facing hardship.
Student financial support
Learn how to save
Build financial skills, learn life-long saving habits and have your savings matched up to $500 with Saver Plus.
Saver Plus is a free financial literacy course free open to those receiving Centrelink payments.
Smith Family Saver Plus
GUGC Campus Cupboard
The Gold Coast Student Guild provides free groceries to all Gold Coast students from its Campus Cupboard (G07).
The Campus Cupboard is open Mondays from 2pm until stock runs out. Please bring your own bag and student card.
GUGC Student Guild food assistance
SRC free fruit and vegetables
Across the trimester, the Student Representative Council (SRC) will provide free fruit and vegetable boxes to students at Brisbane and Logan campuses.
SRC free fruit and vegetables
Debt and your rights
Find information about the key rights you have in some common debt situations such as fines, personal credit cards and loans, debt collection, utility bills, telco bills and payday loans.
National Debt Helpline: Know your rights
Renting in Queensland
This page by the Queensland Department of Housing is the home of information and services for people renting in Queensland.
Renting in Queensland
Support for students on placement
We’ve compiled a list of resources specifically for students studying nursing, midwifery and education who are required to complete long, unpaid placements.
Placement support
Having issues with your tenancy?
The Queensland Statewide Advocacy and Referral Service (QSTARS) provides high quality, free, and independent information and support to help you manage and sustain your tenancy. This includes referrals, advice and assistance navigating tenancy issues.
Moving in with your partner?
Who you are living with can have a major impact on your eligibility for different welfare payments.
It is important you inform Centrelink of any changes to ensure you are not over or underpaid.
Centrelink: Living with others
Rent Assistance payment
Rent Assistance is an extra payment the Federal Government provides eligible people on welfare payments.
While Rent Assistance is applied automatically, it is important you notify Centrelink if your circumstances change to prevent underpayment or the accruing of debt.
Services Australia: Rent Assistance
Griffith accommodation
Find information on accommodation options and supports for students of Griffith University.
Griffith accommodation
Need short-term accommodation in Brisbane or Logan?
If you are new to Brisbane or between rental agreements, you may need to find temporary accommodation.
has compiled a list of short-term options near Brisbane and Logan campuses.
SRC: Short-term accommodation
Guides for accommodation while studying
Insider Guides aims to answer your questions about moving to Australia, such as what accommodation options exist, what to consider, where to go for help, plus tips on how to do this on a budget.
Insider Guides: Student accommodation in Australia
Student accommodation in Queensland
Study Queensland provides a brief summary of student accommodation, homestay and rental options available in Queensland.
Study Queensland: Student accommodation
Moving to study at Griffith? Wondering where to live?
International Student Experience has developed this website about accommodation options and support in Queensland.
It is useful for anyone who is moving to study.
Where to live: Plan your move to Australia
Are you LGBTIQ+ and having issues at home?
Open Doors Youth Service has youth workers, case managers and counsellors across several programs who can provide a range of support to
+ young people aged 12 to 24.
This includes assistance with homelessness or unstable accommodation.
Open Doors Youth Service
Changes to rental laws in Queensland
New laws are commencing in Queensland that give new rights to tenants. These relate to rent and increases in rent, balancing privacy and access, rental bond processes and others changes.
RTA: Changes to rental laws
Discover your rental rights and how to protect them
The Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA) is the state government statutory body that oversees Queensland's rental laws and processes. The
provides tenancy information and support, bond management, dispute resolution, compliance and enforcement, and education services.
Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA)
My Community Directory
My Community Directory is a database of up-to-date information for community organisations in Queensland. Search for local services in your area.
My Community Directory
Get help from a local charity
There are hundreds of charities in Queensland that support our local communities.
The site below includes a searchable list of local charities and the types of support they provide.
Queensland Government: Support from charities
Neighbourhood Centres
Neighbourhood Centres are local community hubs that provide practical support to people in need.
Everyone is welcome and anyone can ask for help.
Neighbourhood Centres
Free dinner on campus
Each fortnight Griffith Chaplaincy host free dinners that build connections between local and international students and to build friendship.
Connecting Cultures, growing community. All students welcome.
Connect Dinners
Save money on your groceries
Food Relief is a government initiative that funds organisations OzHarvest, SecondBite and Foodbank to provide cost-effective food items to those in need.
There is no shame in asking for help if you can't afford to eat—see Food Relief for details.
Food Relief
GUGC Student Guild free breakfast
Cereals, fruit and other goodies are available to all Gold Coast students every morning between 7am and 9am.
GUGC Student Guild food assistance
Free pancakes
Griffith Chaplaincy host free weekly pancakes across most campuses.
Cooked by local faith groups, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy a free breakfast and connect with your fellow students.
Chappy Pancakes
Recipes for healthy eating on a budget
Developed by the Health and Medical Service at Griffith University, this student cookbook is your guide to healthy eating.
Student cookbook
Free meals in emergencies
The Queensland Government funds free emergency meals that are provided by charities across Queensland.
You can search the Vans And Kitchens (VAKS) website for the options closest to you.
Find a free meal near you
Feeling lost? Need someone to talk to?
Everyone hits tough times. Whatever you are facing, chaplains are an open and non-judgemental space to talk through what is on your mind and heart. No religion required.
Counselling and Wellbeing services
Counsellors at Griffith provide helpful tools, strategies and perspectives on personal issues related to relationships, study or work life.
Counselling and Wellbeing
Bulk-billed doctors on campus
Griffith University has bulk-billing
clinics at Gold Coast and Brisbane South (Nathan) campuses. The clinics offer a range of medical and mental health services, and study-related services for students, such as vaccinations.
Health and Medical Services
Affordable allied health
Our world-class Health Clinics offer access to affordable healthcare while providing clinical experience opportunities for Griffith Health students.
Services include dentistry, physiotherapy, psychology, speech pathology, social work and others.
Griffith Health Clinics
Free period care on campus
Libra has partnered with the Gold Coast Student Guild and the
to provide free period care products on all Griffith University campuses as part of their Period Positivity Program.
Period Positivity
Get a discount on your bills
Explore the range of Queensland Government-funded savings and support services.
The Queensland Savers page includes a concession and rebate finder to help you save money.
Queensland Savers
Need help fighting for your consumer rights?
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority helps those in financial hardship sort out disagreements about loans, insurance, banks, investments and superannuation. They also have information on rights and processes for dispute resolution.
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Confused by the law? Looking for a clear explanation?
These resources explain how the law works, your rights and obligations and what to do when you believe an incorrect decision has been made or you have been discriminated against.
Basic Rights Queensland: Factsheets and resources
Queensland Ombudsman
The Queensland Ombudsman investigates complaints about the actions and decisions of Queensland agencies, including state government departments, local councils, public universities and government authorities.
Queensland Ombudsman
Are you being exploited at work?
Do you think your boss is taking advantage of you? Are you being underpaid, bullied or threatened? Confused about your rights as an employee?
Red Cross's Work Right Hub is a resource for people who are working in Australia for the first time. The Hub looks at types of exploitation (including modern slavery), your work rights and where to go for help.
Red Cross: Work Right Hub
Griffith international scholarships
International students may be eligible for scholarships from a number of sources.
These can significantly ease the cost of study for international students.
International scholarships
Griffith scholarships
Some scholarships involve cash payments or reduced university fees.
Just as importantly, some include networking, mentoring and professional opportunities.
Textbook exchange
StudentVIP is Australia's largest online second-hand textbook exchange.
Please note: This website is not affiliated with Griffith. Keep safe and make sure the edition you are buying is suitable for your course.
StudentVIP: Griffith textbooks
Centrelink payments
Are you a domestic student and wondering if you're eligible for Centrelink payments?
Whether it's Austudy, ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance, you can learn about and apply for these payments at Services Australia.
Services Australia: Higher education
Low cost and free technology at Griffith
Griffith University provides the software you need to study.
Information, including instructions for downloading software, can be found on the student computing webpage.
Student computing
Advice for international students
International Student Advisors (ISA) can assist with many of the situations you may be facing as a student living, working and studying in Queensland. This includes how your situation might impact your student visa.
If you are having problems with paying your tuition fees, it is important you speak with an
to discuss your options.
International Student Advisors
Student supports at Griffith University
The home of student support at Griffith University, the below link connects you to a variety of services. You can access these services in-person, online or over the phone.
Student support
Careers and Employment
Griffith's Careers and Employment service can help you get a job now and start laying a foundation for the career you want.
Get experience, build your skills and set yourself up for success.
Careers and Employment Service
Discounted work-ready courses
and Gold Coast Student Guild offer a variety of discounted workshops, courses and qualifications to develop your casual employment skills and opportunities.
SRC courses
Student Guild job skills
CareerHub job search
CareerHub is your one-stop shop for jobs, careers events and appointments.
You can apply for work, access training and connect with the Careers and Employment team.
The Clothing Library
The Clothing Library provides business wear to students for interviews, internships and work placements.
The Clothing Library
Working while studying
Are you an international student and looking to work while studying?
Find out what supports exist in finding work that suits your study and visa requirements.
Working while studying
Your rights at work
As an employee, you have the right to be paid for the work you do. This comprehensive guide explains what these rights are and how to protect them.
Australian Unions: Your rights at work
Returning to your home country?
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has information for what to do when you leave Australia if you worked here, including lodging your tax return and claiming super.
ATO Returning to your home country
Looking for help with your tax return?
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) offers a free Tax Help program for eligible people earning $60,000 or less lodge their tax return online.
ATO Tax Help program
In trouble with debt and need help?
Financial counsellors help you get out of trouble with and manage your current bills, fines and debts. Many community organisations across Australia are funded to provide free financial counselling.
National Debt Helpline: Financial counselling
Griffith Tax Clinic
The tax clinic is a student-lead service offering free tax advice and information to the public.
They can provide assistance regarding dealing with tax issues, penalties and negotiating payment plans.
Griffith Tax Clinic
Who needs to pay tax?
There are many ways you can get paid for the work you do and this will impact your tax and superannuation responsibilities.
Thankfully the Australian Tax Office has a helpful guide to help you learn more.
ATO: Jobs and employment types
Consumer rights
Consumers have the right to expect certain things when they buy a product or service.
In consumer law, these basic rights are called consumer guarantees and are protected by law.
ACCC: Consumer rights and guarantees
Money tips, tools and advice
A government initiative, MoneySmart is a one-stop shop for all things money-related in Australia.
MoneySmart is free to access and is full of tips, resources, information and advice.
Plan your budget
A personal budget is a roadmap for your finances—helping you understand what you need now and into the future.
The Federal Government's MoneySmart site includes a free and helpful budget planner, plus an Excel version you can download.
MoneySmart budget planner
Beware of scams
Scams are an increasing problem and university students are a key target.
Find out about common scams and what to do if you've been caught by one.
ScamWatch: Types of scams
Money and banking in Australia
Curious to learn more about money and banking in Australia?
These helpful and practical guides will tell you all you need to know.
Money and banking
Griffith Repair Cafe
Broken belongings? Don’t toss it—fix it! The Griffith University Repair Cafe is a student-led initiative to bring new life to broken items that would otherwise be thrown away.
Griffith Repair Cafe
Free legal support and advice
Queensland’s community legal centres provide free information, legal assistance and referral, representation and casework, community education and advocacy.
Queensland Community Legal Services
Legal Aid Queensland
Legal Aid helps financially disadvantaged people with criminal, family and civil law matters. They work with and fund lawyers who deliver legal services to people in Queensland.
Legal Aid: Problems we can help with
Free legal advice
MoneySmart provides links to free legal services, which can assist with issues such as fines, credit and debt, parenting orders, family violence and child protection.
MoneySmart: Free legal advice
Brisbane South (Nathan)-Altandi free shuttle bus
Travelling between Brisbane South (Nathan) and the Gold Coast?
Our free shuttle bus runs every half hour from Altandi train station to Brisbane South (Nathan).
Nathan-Altandi free shuttle bus
Brisbane South intercampus bus
The Griffith intercampus bus is a free service provided for staff, students and clients of the University travelling between the Brisbane South (Nathan) and Brisbane South (Mt Gravatt) campuses.
Intercampus bus
Unlimited public transport for a flat monthly fee
Griffith has partnered with OdinPass to bring students at the Gold Coast access to unlimited public transport and other mobility options for a low monthly fee.
Transport to your campus
Depending on your campus, we have a range of ride-share and low-cost options for getting to campus, thanks to RIIDE, Beam and Liftango.
Transport to campus
Public transport discounts
Catching the tram, bus or train? Apply for student concession rates on your goCard to travel at a discounted rate.
Public transport discounts