Students connect anywhere, anytime

Griffith students can access email, calendar, document management and other online tools via Microsoft 365.

This includes:

  • Microsoft Outlook: email and calendar.
  • Microsoft OneDrive: a personal file storage area for document and file management.
  • Microsoft Teams: a collaboration tool combining message channels, online meetings, chat and document sharing.
  • And more.

To access email, go to the email link in your myGriffith portal and login using your sNumber and password.

  • go to the myGriffith student portal > click Email and login using your sNumber and password OR
  • go to in your browser and sign in with your Griffith sNumber and password.

Accessing Microsoft 365 apps

How do I access Outlook email?

Access email from your laptop or computer via a web browser.

Outlook can also be accessed on a mobile device or installed on a PC or Mac.

Outlook for student email

Install Microsoft 365 on a PC or Mac

Download and install Office 365 apps from the Microsoft Office 365 portal.

Install Microsoft 365 on a PC or Mac

Install Microsoft 365 on mobile device

Microsoft's apps are the only recommended, secure methods of accessing your content on mobile devices.

Install Microsoft 365 on mobile devices

Currently overseas?

Download Microsoft 365 products for your desktop or mobile device when overseas instead of using web browser access:

Need help?

Contact the Griffith IT service centre.

Download Microsoft 365 for your desktop

Install Microsoft 365 on your mobile

smartphone with 365 applications

Self help

See the Productivity Hub: a one-stop-shop for Microsoft 365.

Productivity Hub

Face-to-face support

Need help making Office 365 work for you?

Tech Assist

Access to O365 for graduates and alumni

Students who have reached their conferral date may access apps for 180 days.  After 180 days, email access remains while access to all other apps will cease.

If you are leaving or graduating from Griffith:

Info on accessing Microsoft 365

Graduated or leaving Griffith?



General enquiries

Find answers to questions about your Microsoft 365 account at our Productivity Hub 24/7.

Productivity Hub

Office 365 Training

For assistance setting up access to Microsoft 365 apps, visit a Tech Assist bar at Brisbane South (Nathan) and Gold Coast.

Visit Tech Assist

Common questions