Griffith Team Leader opportunities are available to all Griffith Students

Each sport that competes at the Gold Coast 2025 Nationals is required to have a Griffith Team Leader (GTL) to assist in coordination and management of their team. In most cases, a student from Brisbane and Gold Coast will be appointed as a GTL for each sport.

As a GTL you will assist Griffith University Team Management (UTMs) in ensuring that the team is well represented both on and off the field and the highest standards of sportsmanship and behaviour are upheld at all times. You will be responsible for aiding in the promotion and recruitment of teams, ensuring that your team meets registration and payment deadlines, communicating information amongst your team, ensuring team members perform at the best of their ability and display a high standard of behaviour, conduct and sportsmanship leading up to and during Nationals.

You will champion Griffith's welcoming and inclusive team culture with a focusing on achieving Gold for Griffith.

Applications now open!

Interested in becoming a Griffith Team Leader?

Benefits of being a Griffith Team Leader

  • Training and Professional Development Opportunities
  • The opportunity to assist in the development of Griffith University sport programs, playing a pivotal role in providing pathways for sport through Nationals representation
  • Practical experience that will look great on your CV – written & verbal references can be provided post-2025 Nationals Div 1 & Div 2
  • Financial Subsidy – GTL’s will have their Griffith University packages subsidised. The subsidy will only be covered if the GTL attends all meetings, training, assists in the running of all promotional events and reaches personal KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators). The subsidy amount will be based on achieving percentage weighted KPI’s & the specific cost of participation each year
  • 2025 GTL KPI's can be found via the link below

Do you think you have what it takes to become a GTL in 2025?

We encourage interested applicants to familiarise themselves with the Griffith Leadership Program Information Pack which outlines the KPI’s, Key Dates & Training Information for this position to ensure they fully understand the expectations of the role.

Find out more

Contact us

Contact us

Andrew Coleman | Programs Manager

(07) 3735 5436

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