Get marathon prepared with record holder, Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll is the Queensland Half Marathon (61:11) and Marathon (2.09.39) record holder. Pat mentors runners online, setting participants a training program for upcoming events. Pat also organisers pace runners for the Toohey Trail Run.

Training for Toohey

Looking for ways to train for and improve your running ahead of the Toohey Trail Run?

1. Griffith Sport organises a weekly Run Club, operating out of the Nathan Fitness Centre on Wednesdays at 12pm.

Every Griffith Sport Run Club participant receives a FREE Training for Toohey singlet.

2. Pat Carroll mentors runners online, runners will be able to converse with Pat via email throughout the campaign if you would like to take your training to the next level with Pat's help, get in contact today. He offers a 20% discount for the Toohey Trail Run entrants.

Pat is also offering four free passes to his South Bank based running group (past and present PCRG members are ineligible).

Read more details at: or email to obtain your 20% discount.

Pacers at Toohey

If you have a desire to complete the 21.1 km Half Marathon within a certain time frame, it’s highly likely a Pat Carroll Online and Onland Pacer will be able to assist you greatly. The pace runner facility is offered free to all participants.

Pacers will be available for the following goal times:

  • 1hr 40min
  • 1hr 50min
  • 2hrs
  • 2hrs 10min

What is a Pacer or Pace Runner?

The Pat Carroll Online and Onland pace runners will do their best to maintain an even pace throughout the entire race with the aim to have you finishing slightly faster (30 sec or so) than the pace groups relevant target time.

Race Day

Pace runners will be assembled in the start area 15min prior to race start and will be holding a large sign depicting the relevant finish time they’ll be achieving.

Pace runners will be identifiable throughout the race via their large colour coded helium balloons. Pace runners will offer encouragement to runners throughout the race.

Pace Runner Benefits

  • Griffith Sport will cover the costs of entry fees for all pacers.
  • All pace runners will receive an event singlet.

Requirements of a Pace Runner

To adequately carry out the pace runner role you’ll need to be able to comfortably run the pace you’ve nominated for. You also need to be prepared to offer encouragement and motivate runners in your pack.

To apply, please contact

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