Our staff boast a wide range of expertise
ARCHE is home to a diverse group of internationally renowned experts in a wide range of fields. We are united in our passion for exploring the origins and future of our species and increasing our understanding of humanity’s place in the natural world.
Professor Michael Petraglia
Human evolution, Palaeolithic archaeology, climate change and human dispersals.

Associate Professor Jeremy Brownlie
Genetics and Genomics, host-parasite interactions, evolution

Dr Mark de Bruyn
Evolutionary biology, environmental DNA, ancient DNA, South East Asian biogeography

Dr Jillian Huntley
Physicochemical characterisation, provenance studies, Australian archaeology, rock art, human climate adaptation

Dr Andrea Jalandoni
Digital archaeology, rock art, archaeology of the Philippines and Micronesia

Dr Justine Kemp
Quaternary geochronology, optically stimulated luminescence dating

Dr Dafne Koutamanis
Human evolution, Palaeolithic archaeology, isotope geochemistry

Professor David Lambert
Ancient genomes, rates of molecular change, Indigenous genomics

Associate Professor Michelle Langley
Human behavioural evolution, traceology, Palaeolithic archaeology, Australian archaeology, Neanderthals, archaeology of children

Associate Professor Carney Matheson
Paleomultiomics, Molecular paleopathology, Ancient DNA, Taphonomy, Residue analysis, Archaeological chemistry, Forensic science

Professor Tanya Smith
Palaeoanthropology, biological anthropology, evolution of human life history, tooth development and chemistry

Dr Mathew Stewart
Zooarchaeology, palaeontology, palaeoecology, proteomics, human and animal dispersals, drylands

Distinguished Professor Paul Taçon
Rock art, human evolution, symbolic material culture, Australian Indigenous archaeology and ethnography, Southeast Asian archaeology

Professor Lynley Wallis
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander archaeology, archaeological science, historical archaeology, heritage and cultural conservation and management
Past Higher Degree Research Students
- Shaun Adams
- Pauline Basilia
- Daniel Borombovitis
- Haya Cohen
- Samuel Dix
- Tal Fitzpatrick
- Marisa Giorgi
- Robert Haubt
- Andrea Jalandoni
- Jono Lineen
- Janet Marles
- Eva Martellotta
- Emily Miller
- Yinika Perston
- Marcela Ortega Rincon
- Irina Ponomareva
- Holly Smith
- Adrian Strong
- Roxanne Tsang
- Nicola Winn
Contact details
- Phone
- (07) 3735 8523
- j.papas@griffith.edu.au
- Location, mail and delivery address
- Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution
- Griffith University
- 170 Kessels Road
- Nathan, Qld 4111