The purpose of Records of Impact within Symplectic Elements is to record and share (internally or externally to Griffith University) the details of how your research has impact beyond academic and Griffith University settings.

Records of Impact contains three Impact Types that Griffith researchers can use to record and share both their planned and achieved research impact:

  • Impact Plan (internal access only): describe the planned activities that will help achieve research impact in relation to a research project or program.
  • Impact Journal (internal access only): your own documentation of your research impact pathway, including changes to the initial plan, delivered activities, outcomes and outputs, and evidence of impact collected over the course of the research project/program.
  • Impact Narrative (public access available): can be used internally to record multi-purpose Impact Narratives including for internal reporting or to make your achieved research impact public facing on Griffith Experts.

The data entry fields in the above three Impact Types facilitate the collection of the essential elements required to plan for and report on pathways to and the achievement of research impact outside of academia.

Scholarly impact, or academic impact (e.g., citations and influence of research outputs), and other forms of impact should be recorded in other areas of your Symplectic Elements/Griffith Expert Profile such as the Research Outputs, Professional Activities, and Teaching and Supervision sections.

Support for Creating Records of Impact

The Research Impact Hub (Griffith staff access only) contains a guide for creating the three Impact Types including examples.

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