Impact is the reason why we do research

At Griffith, we're committed to making a difference. To play our part, no matter how large or small, in advancing human knowledge, creating solutions and driving societal, economic, cultural, technological and environmental change. Impact has been adopted as the guiding principle of Griffith Research and Innovation Plan 2021-2025.

Research is one of the key platforms through which the University has the capacity to exert influence, to transform lives and offer solutions to the world’s biggest challenges. This influence can be seen leading industry, protecting the environment, making medical breakthroughs, and changing policy and practice. Here, we showcase some of the Griffith University research projects with real and measurable impact that is making a better world. Our world-class researchers tackle local and global challenges, providing solutions that will help ensure a more robust, equitable and environmentally sustainable society to be enjoyed by future generations.

Resisting or reinforcing cultural injustices – reimagining Norfolk Island’s historic areas

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Protecting vulnerable communities from the threat of viral diseases

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Reimagining the decorative

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Climate action in the performing arts

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Extreme heat illness and fatalities - prevalent but preventable

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Redefining the gap – A rights-based approach for Indigenous education

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Protecting our future through immersive film

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Advancing microfluidics towards innovative, real-world devices

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Building bridges to restore spinal function

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Occupational stress repercussions and management strategies

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World-first human challenge trial of Strep A and rheumatic heart disease vaccine

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Fairer decisions through investigative interviewing

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Improved land management practices to help farmers

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New Silicon Carbide Semiconductors

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Digital Twin

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Yapatjarrathati Projects

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More confident and happier Junior rugby league players

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World’s oldest cave paintings

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Research calls for local sport reforms 

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Water quality of the Great Barrier Reef 

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Simple revolution saving companies millions each year

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Improving farm production and disease prevention with artificial intelligence

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Promoting a nurturing environment for families

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Cambodian ‘angkuoch’

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Safeguarding Australia's golden beaches

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The importance of impactful research

Planning for impact supports the strategic goals of the University and ensures our research reaches those for whom it is intended.

Griffith University has always been focused in the effect it has on its immediate and the wider community. One of the core commitments of Griffith University’s - Creating a future for all – Strategic Plan 2020 -  2025 is “Engagement Partnering for impact domestically and globally”. This will be realised through partnering “strategically for impact at local, national and international levels, becoming even more visible as contributors to public debate, public policy and cultural life in Australia and beyond”. The University also aspires to “carry-out large-scale research with a focus on end-user impact”.

The University commits to undertake “socially relevant research to ensure that the future brings benefits for as many people as possible” and to provide “relevant research that aims to address the major problems of the day”.

There is now an increased emphasis on research impact in research grant applications. For example, NHMRC 2020 Investigator Grants Assessment Criteria allocate 20% to ‘Research impact’ as part of the ‘Track Record’, which is “the value of an individual’s past research achievements, relative to opportunity, not prospective achievements, using evidence”.

The Australian Research Council provide opportunities in the Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence section for an academic to describe “the identifiable benefits of their research outside of academia”. Applicants are also asked to describe the potential outcomes and benefits of their research. For a scheme such as ARC Linkage, focused on partnering with external organisations, ‘Benefit’ is the highest weighted assessment criteria.

Wheel of alternating colour

Sustainable Development Goals

Griffith's breadth of leading research addresses global challenges and contributes to key targets described in Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Research Impact Hub

Griffith’s Research Impact Hub is managed by researchers, for researchers. From learning how to define impact and how it translates across disciplines, to measuring success – and everything in between – the resources aim to promote excellence among the Griffith research community.

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Research commercialisation

Griffith Enterprise facilitates great partnerships and connections for business-led innovation and our leading research centres. We provide support for industry partnerships, sponsored research and development, commercial contracting, intellectual property licensing and venture formation.