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We have more than 30 PhD candidates undertaking a thesis aligned with our research and under the supervision of our staff.

If you have an honours or masters by research degree in related fields, you can apply to do a PhD under the supervision of a WOW centre member. Candidates’ whose principal supervisor is a member of WOW are eligible to apply to the Centre.

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Griffith Graduate Research School

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Contact the relevant research convenor for the School or Department in which potential supervisors may be located and to discuss your research project:

Explore our PhD candidates

Jafar Akbari The conceptual OHS model of job demands and job resources: Exploring the mediating and moderating effects of presenteeism on negative and positive OHS outcomes Paula Brough, Carys Chan
Salman Ayyaz Psychological contract, employee engagement, behavioural outcomes Alannah Rafferty, Sudong Shang
Luke Booker Exploring technology-related stress in our work-from-anywhere world Keith Townsend, Paula Mowbray
Max Ding Empowering people with disabilities to Mid-to-Senior positions with supportive technologies Paula Mowbray, Maria Golubovskaya
Huijuan Dong The effect of wellbeing-oriented practices on employee wellbeing - the role of leadership style Paula Brough, Sudong Shang
Corie Duff A case study of mid-level leadership within an Australian heavy industry project environment Kate Hutchings, Mohan Thite
Ufi Fatuhrahmah The Computational Model of Occupational Mental Health: An Integrative Framework Paula Brough, Carys Chan
Edward Fosu Exploring the influence of transformational leadership on employee productivity Alannah Rafferty, Sudong Shang
Negar Faaliyat The probability of unemployment for Middle Eastern female skilled migrants in Australia David Peetz, Susan Ressia, Ashlea Troth
Vanessa Giannos Heating up the boardroom: Exploring senior menopausal leaders' experience of menopause at work Ruth McPhail, Amie Shaw, Carys Chan
Tuma Greig Employee voice in hospital settings Michael Barry, Adrian Wilkinson, Paula Mowbray
Aldrich Guarin Re-theorising employee voice at time of change Keith Townsend, Adrian Wilkinson
Leah Hague Greenspace: effects on mental health and wellbeing at work Paula Brough, Ralf Buckley
Alan Hudson Emotions in leadership Peter Jordan, Ashlea Troth
Rakiza HusseinNavigating Evolving Professional Identity: Generativity, Technological Adaptation, Well-Being, and Intergenerational Collaboration Among Senior DoctorsAshlea Troth, Katrina Radford
Ramanathan Iyer Technology & Employee experience Mohan Thite, Sangita De
Paul JindalucksawongIn-Person versus Online: Understanding Pitching and Presenting in the Contemporary EraSharyn Rundle-Thiele, Paula Brough
Neelab Kayani Employee voice through a Cross-Cultural lens Keith Townsend, Adrian Wilkinson
Samantha Kilmartin Graduate employability, barriers and employer expectations Amie Shaw, Ruth McPhail
Kfir Levin Study crafting in higher education Peter Creed, Liz Jones
Victoria Lister Healthcare professional silence: Understanding the forces that prevent professionals from speaking up about issues that affect them and their patients Susan Ressia, Jennifer Kosiol
Arash Mashhady Thesis title - Diversity Management In The Era Of Workplace Digitalization Kate Hutchings, Susan Ressia, Sangita De
Nurdan Bilge Ozgun Examining career prospects and career progression into leadership for women migrants in Australia Susan Ressia, Glenda Strachan, Andrew Rixon
Randolfh NeronaThe Role of Job and Study Demands and Resources in Working Students' Career DevelopmentMichelle Hood
Hasandi Perera Adjustment challenges faced by foreign female executives in local organisations: a cross country analysis Ruth McPhail
Ida Bagus Gede Adi Permana Green human resource management, green organisational culture, and green behaviour Peter Jordan, Sudong Shang
Nirma Praveeni Sooriya Mudalige Thesis title - Technology Driven Multitasking Behavior and Entreprenurial Well- Being Dhara Shah, Anna Ekberg
Laura Rasmussen The Interaction of Personality and Work Demands in Predicting Work-Family Strategies and Outcomes for Individuals Paula Brough, Carys Chan
Rizal Rickieno Digital ecosystem in facilitating distributed social intelligence Amie Shaw, Ruth McPhail
Afrouz Shoghi A socio-ecological and integrated approach to enabling and supporting working mothers' return to the workforce during the 'early years' Ashlea Troth, Amanda Biggs
Rosalie Tan The role of culture on entrepreneurs' mental health and wellbeing: Comparison analysis between Australia and Malaysia Mark Loon, Anya Phelan, Sara Ekberg
Kate Thi My Duyen Hoang Trust-building in 'blind voice': socio-technical lens across different settings on social media Adrian Wilkinson, Paula Mowbray
Jeewanthi Thiserage Employee voice: cross cultural perspectives in the South Asian region Adrian Wilkinson, Sudong Shang
Jacqueline VandenHeuvel Suicidal behaviour and ideation among Australian veterans, and the support provided to them and their families: A mixed methods study Paula Brough
Sogol YazdankhooExploring Secondary-Visa Holder Migrant Women’s Career Development in AustraliaDonna McAuliffe, Peyman Abkhezr, Mary McMahon

Meet your student representative

Bilge is a passionate and resilient leader, workplace advisor and board member with over 18 years of experience. She has successfully led Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategies and facilitated change efforts to strengthen organisational culture.

Bilge takes a lead role in advocating for diversity while enabling organisations to recognise the value of creating more equitable, progressive, and socially cohesive workplaces. Her authenticity comes from listening to silences whose voices we can’t hear that inspires confidence in others. Bilge is a reputable and thorough leader who brings experience in collaborating with multiple stakeholders, from executives to grassroots, while building long-lasting and positive relationships.

Her knowledge includes over a decade of working with not-for-profit companies. As a previous Diversity and Inclusion Lead, she secured funding and set up Workplace English classes for migrants and refugees. After a successful pilot, Bilge opened ten classes that created employment pathways, reduced isolation, and increased cultural inclusion for Queensland migrant communities. In 2021, because of this significant project, she received a highly commended multicultural sector “Outstanding Achiever Award”.

Bilge is pursuing her PhD at Griffith University, focusing on the career progression and leadership of skilled migrant women in Australian workplaces, guided by three exceptional supervisors. Bilge has obtained a comprehensive knowledge of language education, public relations, and community development. Combined with capabilities in events, public speaking, project management and most recently, the public sector. One of Bilges’ mottos is that inclusion starts with us – each one of us, and we can make a difference by working together. 

In her personal life, she enjoys singing Turkish classical and folk songs, experimenting with new recipes, and playing with her beloved cat, Pekmez.

For inquiries about WOW membership and activities, feel free to contact Bilge at nbilge.ozgun@griffithuni.edu.au

Join WOW and be part of a vibrant research community.


Contact details

(07) 3735 3714
Room 1.17, Business 3 Building (N63)
Griffith University
170 Kessels Road
Nathan QLD 4111
Office hours
9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Monday – Friday