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We host a range of seminars and workshops throughout the year, as well as a number of distinguished guests.

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WOW Annual Industry Research Showcase

In November 2023, the Research Centre held it's third and ever-growing Annual Industry Research Showcase event at the beautiful Emporium Hotel, South Brisbane.

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Upcoming events 2025

Wednesday 12 MarchMya Kirkwood,
University of Liverpool
Management School
*Seminar topic - to be advised
Monday 24 MarchProf Timothy Devinney,
The University of Manchester
*Seminar topic - to be advised
Tuesday 1 AprilProf Jason Shaw, Nanyang Technological
*Seminar topic - to be advised
Tuesday 13 MayDr Qian Yi Lee and
Prof Jo Ingold, ACU
*Seminar topic - 'Organisations perspectives on the recruitment of hidden talent: A multi-stakeholder perspective'

Past events

Trimester 2 and 3, 2024

Tuesday 9 JulyProf Adrian Wilkinson (Griffith University)Seminar topic: 'Reflections, confessions and lessons not learned after 30 years of publishing
Wednesday 24 JulyDr Hongmin Yan (Griffith University)Seminar topic: 'I think (and feel), therefore I am: How do intelligent machines impact frontlin employees' work identity
Tuesday 30 JulyDr Carys Chan & Dr Sudong Shang (Griffith University)Book Launch: 'Work-Life Research in the Asia-Pacific'
Wednesday 7 AugustWOW Research Fellow team, Griffith UniversitySeminar topic: 'The use of AI in research'
Tuesday 27 AugustProf Geoff Plimmer, Victoria University of WellingtonSeminar topic: 'Public sector capability and leadership'
Tuesday 3 SeptemberSogol Yazdankhoo, Griffith PhD studentPhD presentation: 'Systematic Literature review'
Tuesday 10 SeptemberDr Rebecca Cozens, QPS and PhD graduate 2023PhD seminar: 'Learnings from PhD journey and employment post PhD'
Wednesday 3 OctoberProf Stephen Billett, Griffith UniversitySeminar topic: 'Wisdom in practice'
Tuesday 22 OctoberDr Carys Chan, Griffith UniversitySeminar topic: 'Return to work of cancer survivors'
Tuesday 12 NovemberDr Ryan Tang, Griffith UniversitySeminar topic: 'CEO Narcissism, Subsidiary Top Management Team International Diversity, and Radical Innovation in Multinational Enterprises'
Tuesday 19 NovemberDr Stefan Jooss, University of QueenslandSeminar topic:  'Global staffing strategies in multinational enterprises (MNE's)'
Tuesday 3 DecemberDr Nick Krachler, King's Business SchoolSeminar topic: 'Post-pandemic employee wellbeing challenges in English Healthcare'
Wednesday 11 DecemberA/Prof Peter Sun, Waikato UniversitySeminar topic: 'Leadership Styles at a cross road: Where to from here?'

Past events

Trimester 3, 2023


Friday 10 November

Professor Paula Brough, Griffith University and invited speakers

Industry Research Showcase

Location: The Emporium Hotel, Southbank (9am to 2pm)

Contact details

(07) 3735 3714
Room 1.17, Business 3 Building (N63)
Griffith University
170 Kessels Road
Nathan QLD 4111
Office hours
9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Monday – Friday