Showcasing high-quality agribusiness and trade research studies in Australia and the Asia–Pacific region

The Griffith Agribusiness research program delivers insights to improve and further develop an understanding of Australian and international trade and market systems directly related to agriculture.

Researchers are engaged in applied studies in the areas of trade and marketing for fresh and processed foods in developed and developing countries across the region.

Current research projects include trade and market analysis, opportunity identification, market entry and biosecurity, product quality and innovation, value chain studies, market and customer insights, and consumer profiling.

About Griffith Agribusiness


This important research program undertakes studies that directly engage in or directly benefit from agricultural activities. The principal aim is to provide high-quality research and analysis across a range of agribusiness sectors.

Research areas

GriffithAgribusiness researchers are engaged in applied industry studies encompassing agricultural trade, product development, economics and supply chains across Australia and the Asia–Pacific region. Our projects include trade and market analysis, opportunity identification, market entry and biosecurity, product quality and innovation, value chain studies, market and customer insights, consumer trends, and profiling fresh and processed food channels.


The Australian government has identified agribusiness as a priority research area to deliver increased opportunities to trade within the region. Further, the investment by institutions, agencies and non-government organisations in the development sector has prioritised agriculture as a pathway to improve the livelihoods of smallholders and their communities

Study with us

Develop the necessary skills for a rewarding career in agribusiness

GriffithAgribusiness provides an opportunity for candidates seeking to engage in higher degree research studies focused on improving business and community outcomes in the Asia-Pacific region. Why not consider studying your higher degree research program with GriffithAgribusiness.

Download our information sheet for guidance on how to apply, or contact us if you have any further questions.

Co-design and deliver your training needs with us

Griffith Agribusiness directly supports agricultural activities and development through partnerships, research, training, outreach, education, collaboration and capacity building. We strive to enhance the capabilities of others, providing innovative education, capacity building, and training opportunities that are accessible for all academic and industry partners.

Agribusiness Impact Evaluation

Our project partners in the ACIAR Southern Vietnam Mango Project have recently achieved the Agribusiness Impact Evaluation credential.

This digital badge certifies participants understand impact evaluation for agribusiness in a developing country context.

They can identify various impact indicators, consider indirect or spill over effects of interventions, and choose among the different methodological research approaches used for assessing impact.

Learners gained knowledge in agribusiness data collection and overall design strategy needed in impact evaluation projects.

Agribusiness Orchard Nutrition

Our project partners in the ACIAR Southern Vietnam Mango Project have recently achieved the Agribusiness Orchard Nutrition credential.

This digital badge certifies participants have demonstrated a fundamental knowledge of mango nutrition for orchard management.

They have developed a nutritional program for a mango orchard based on the plant's requirements.

Earners understand macro and micronutrients within a mango plant and their role at critical stages within the phenological cycle. They are able to examine fertiliser programs to interpret leaf and soil analysis data.

Building capacity with Vietnamese dragon fruit traders and growers

Robin E Roberts has been helping dragon fruit farmers and co-operatives in Binh Thuan province train up for export expansion.

The program covers key concepts such as understanding demand, consumer buying behaviours, supply chain development, and export entry protocols. It provides practical training with activities designed specifically to assist the traders supply Australian markets.

Contact us

If you'd like to know more about our research, study with us or get involved, contact the Agribusiness team.