Griffith University awards Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (GUIPRS) via a competitive application process to candidates commencing or enrolled in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) program. The fee offset provided through the award of a GUIPRS will remove the liability of the HDR candidate to pay program tuition fees for the tenure of the award. This website sets out the allowances and conditions attached to the GUIPRS award.

A limited number of GUIPRS may be allocated to achieve specific strategic objectives. In such cases, there may be additional eligibility requirements or variations to the procedure for selection and award. The GUIPRS Conditions of Award will be amended to reflect the variations applicable to the awardee.

Key benefits

Tuition fees

Covers tuition fees for up to three and a half years for doctoral candidates and up to two years for research masters candidates.


Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the candidate. Research candidates are required to hold a visa for their program length plus an additional nine months to allow for interactive thesis marking. Candidates undertaking a PhD will require 57 months of overseas health cover. Holders of Griffith University scholarships will receive cover (if undertaking a PhD) for 57 months.

Student Services and Amenities Fee

Covers the fee for which the scholarship recipient would otherwise be liable.

Key dates

For information on when to apply through the Continuous Scholarship Round and intake dates please see Key dates.

Applicants who have a sponsorship or scholarship to support their living expenses can apply for a GUIPRS, where evidence of the sponsorship/scholarship is provided and where the amount is a minimum of $AUD35,000 pa. Applications for a packaged GUIPRS can be lodged at any time

Key dates

How to apply

Applicants may only apply a maximum of two times in a five year period for consideration in the scholarship ranking and selection process.

New applicants must follow the process for submitting an online application for a research program, which also includes a section for scholarship application.

New applicants

Current research candidates are required to follow a different process for submitting a scholarship application.

Current candidates

Conditions of Award 2025

(1) To be eligible for a GUIPRS, an applicant must:

  1. not be a domestic student, as defined as being a student who is an Australian citizen; or an Australian permanent resident or holder of an Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa; or a New Zealand citizen.
  2. be commencing or enrolled in a HDR program (for which GUIPRS support is available) at Griffith University.

(2) To be considered for a GUIPRS, an applicant must:

  1. hold a Bachelor Degree (AQF 8) with First Class Honours (Class I) or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment, as specified on the Equivalent qualifications for HDR program admission webpage.
  2. have not completed a degree at the same or higher level as the HDR program to which the applicant is commencing or enrolled in.
  3. if seeking recognition for prior candidature in the HDR program, have not completed more than 12 months (equivalent full-time) of candidature at Griffith University or another Australian or overseas institution.
  4. have not previously held the same or an equivalent scholarship for which they are applying unless it was terminated within six months of the scholarship’s payments commencing; it was held for a degree at a lower level to which the applicant is applying; or the applicant is applying to transfer the scholarship (refer to Section 3.6 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure).
  5. have not held a Commonwealth Government Australia Award scholarship in the two years prior to the point of commencing the award, unless approval for this course of action has been granted by the appropriate branch of the Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
  6. not be in receipt of an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth Government designed to offset research program tuition fees.

Applications for research scholarships as part of the Continuous Scholarship Round at Griffith University are firstly processed within the Griffith Graduate Research School. It is at this point that applications are initially reviewed for eligibility for entry into Griffith research programs.

Following this initial review, applications are then forwarded to the appropriate schools, departments or research centres for academic staff to assess applications for both entry into Griffith research programs, and for consideration for a scholarship. All applications are then assessed by the Dean (Research) of the relevant Group and the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School, to arrive at an outcome against the eligibility and selection criteria.

Applications that meet the criteria for scholarship consideration are then assessed and ranked in an order of merit, as outlined in Section 3.2.7 of the Higher Degree by Research Scholarship Procedure and takes into consideration:

  • Academic merit, with emphasis on the results attained in the qualification with the substantial research component but also taking into account the grades of any other eligible qualification, or evidenced equivalence of research excellence capability as applicable
  • The international standing of the institution at which the qualification with the substantial research component was completed
  • Research background, including:
    • the quality of the eligible research outputs included as evidence in an application, as well as the applicant's contribution to these outputs
    • the level and duration of sustained research experience and evidence of how the research activity undertaken bears upon and enhances the applicant's research capacity, with regard to the proposed research
  • The compatibility/fit between the applicant, research environment, and the supervision team.
  • The compatibility/fit of the proposed research with university/academic group research priorities

The University's HDR Scholarship Committee considers applicants and awards scholarships based on the University-wide Order of Merit List.

Applicants offered a GUIPRS may have their scholarship changed to an Australian Government Research Training Program International Fee Offset Scholarship if one becomes available and if they meet the criteria to be awarded a RTP Stipend.

3.1 Fee offset

(1) The fee offset provided by the GUIPRS removes the liability of the awardee to pay program tuition fees for the tenure of the award.

3.2 Allowances

(1) The following ancillary costs of undertaking the HDR program are provided for under the terms of this scholarship:

  1. the cost of a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy which covers the candidate for up to 57 months; and
  2. the Student Services and Amenities Fee for which the scholarship recipient would otherwise be liable during the tenure of the scholarship.

4.1 Commencement of study

(1) Awardees must accept both a place in the HDR program (if not already commenced) as well as the GUIPRS by the date specified in the offer letter. Scholarship awardees must commence their award by the commencement date specified in the letter of offer. Awardees may apply for a deferred commencement to a future date where a provision to defer the scholarship is provided in the letter of offer. Awardees are normally expected to commence within the year of award. Full details of the reasons for the request will be required.  If an awardee cannot commence by the approved date as outlined in the letter of offer, or where a deferral request is not approved, the award will be withdrawn.

4.2 Mode of attendance – Remote candidature

(1) Awardees are required to maintain an on-campus enrolment.

4.3 Study load

(1) Awardees are required to maintain a full-time study load, unless approval for part-time study load and award is approved.

(2) A full-time study load commitment is at least the equivalent of the standard five day working week (e.g. 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, 48 weeks per year). The actual pattern of research and study is to be negotiated by the candidate and their supervisory team. Refer to Section 3.5.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure.

4.4 Employment and other funding

(1) Awardees are permitted to undertake work, paid or otherwise, that is unrelated to their research project. However, it must not affect their ability to maintain their study load commitment, nor interfere with the timely progression and completion of their research project. Employment commitments will not be considered as a reason for an extension of the award. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.5.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure.

(2) Awardees should consult with their principal supervisor in regards to the decision to undertake employment while in the HDR program.

(3) Awardees are permitted to:

  1. obtain funds for fieldwork, equipment or other expenses not covered by the award; and
  2. obtain funding for overseas travel costs from other Australian Government awards or other funding sources.

4.5 Part-time award

(1) Applications to undertake the award on a part-time basis may be considered where the applicant has significant caring responsibilities or a medical condition or disability limiting their capacity to undertake full-time enrolment. Part-time awards will not be considered based on employment limiting capacity to undertake full-time enrolment. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.7 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure.

(3) The award duration will be calculated on a pro-rata basis based on periods of full-time/part-time enrolment.

(4) Holders of a part-time award may convert to full-time enrolment and scholarship award at any stage, subject to seeking approval for full-time enrolment. The University may also require part-time scholarship recipients to convert to full-time if the reasons for which the part-time award was granted no longer apply.

4.6 Tenure

(1) The tenure of a full-time GUIPRS is, from date of program commencement, up to two years (full-time equivalent) for a Masters (Research) candidate and up to three years (full-time equivalent) for a Doctoral candidate.

(2) Continuation of receipt of the GUIPRS during the tenure of the award is dependent upon evidence of the awardee’s satisfactory progress in the HDR program, through the timely completion of candidature milestones and satisfactory progress reports.

(3) The tenure of a GUIPRS will be reduced by any period of study undertaken:

  1. towards the research project and/or degree prior to the commencement of the GUIPRS; or
  2. towards the degree during suspension of the GUIPRS.

(4) A Doctoral candidate making satisfactory progress may apply for an extension to the GUIPRS tenure for up to a maximum of six months. An extension will only be approved where the grounds for the extension:

  1. relate to the study and are beyond the control of the candidate, and could not have been reasonably anticipated at the commencement of the program; or
  2. are on the basis of the candidate undertaking an industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity of more than 30 days duration, approved by the Dean Research as part of the HDR program, as per Section 4.8 of these Conditions of Award.

A request for an extension should be made within a reasonable period before (and at least one month) before the expiry date of the award. Awardees enrolled in a Masters (Research) program are not entitled to an extension of award.

4.7 Change to HDR program

(1) Applications to transfer candidature from one HDR program to another will be in accordance with Section 3.6.7 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure. If an awardee is permitted to transfer from a Masters (Research) to a Doctoral program or from a Doctoral to a Masters (Research) program, the maximum duration of the award will be adjusted accordingly.

(2) The maximum tenure of a transferred award becomes that for the new HDR program minus the period of study undertaken towards the previous program prior to the conversion.

(3) A request for a major change to the thesis topic can be considered as per Section 3.6.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure. If it is established through this approval process that the recorded field of research (FoR) and/or field of education (FoE) for the thesis topic have changed, the Griffith Graduate Research School will update these fields in the candidate’s record.

4.8 Leave provisions

(1) Candidates supported by a GUIPRS may apply to take leave as per their candidature, stipend scholarship (if applicable) and visa requirements. The GUIPRS will be suspended and extended in line with candidature leave provisions, refer to 3.7 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure.

4.9 Industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities

(1) Recipients of a GUIPRS may undertake industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities that are approved by the Dean Research as part of their eligible HDR program.

(2) Ongoing receipt of a GUIPRS at the rate set out in Section 3.1 of these Conditions of Award may be available for the duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity if:

  1. The GUIPRS awardee has not exceeded the maximum duration of their HDR program;
  2. The awardee has sufficient GUIPRS tenure remaining;
  3. The awardee has not submitted their thesis for examination; and
  4. The industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity will run for at least 30 days and no more than six months duration.

(3) The undertaking of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity does not constitute grounds for extension to the GUIPRS tenure beyond the provision for extension set out in Section 4.6 (4) of these Conditions of Award.

4.10 Ethics

(1) Where necessary, awardees will abide by the National Health and Medical Research Council codes on animal and human experimentation, Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, and the University's safety practices.

4.11 Termination of award

(1) A GUIPRS will be terminated in any of the following circumstances:

  1. at the end of the period of tenure provided for by the award or when the awardee lodges a thesis for examination, whichever is earlier;
  2. if the University is satisfied that the program of study is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the offer of award, and no suitable arrangements can be made for continuation of the degree;
  3. when the candidate ceases full-time enrolment when approval has not been obtained to hold the GUIPRS on a part-time basis;
  4. if the awardee commences a period of leave without formal approval, or fails to maintain an on campus enrolment without the approval for remote candidature status;
  5. if the award holder does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of leave, or does not make arrangements to extend that period of leave;
  6. if the candidate ceases to meet the eligibility criteria specified in Section 1 of these Conditions of Award, other than during a period in which leave has been approved;
  7. if the University determines that a candidate is guilty of serious academic or student misconduct in accordance with the Academic Misconduct Policy – Higher Degree Research Candidates and the Student Academic Misconduct Policy; and/or
  8. if the candidate fails to maintain satisfactory progress, as determined by the University in accordance with Section 3.9 of the HDR Academic Progress Procedure.

(2) If an award is terminated, it cannot be reactivated unless the termination occurred in error.

(1) A decision by the University made in respect of an application for scholarship is final and not reviewable, as per the University’s Student Review and Appeals Policy.

(2) A candidate who is dissatisfied with a decision to terminate the scholarship may request a review of the decision in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals Policy.

Refer to the Research degree scholarships for information on living allowance scholarships that may be awarded in conjunction with this scholarship, including the Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarship and the Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship.

2025 Conditions of Award, effective from 1 January 2025.  The conditions of award may change and these changes will be made available on the relevant website. Further information regarding scholarship selection and conditions at Griffith University can be found in the HDR Scholarship Procedure.

Ready to start your research journey?

Griffith Graduate Research School

Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.


  • Call us on  +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday


  • Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
    • Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
    • Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
