The Research Output Excellence Scholarship (ROES) provides support for higher degree research candidates who have submitted their thesis and wish to write up their research for submission to high quality outlets while they await the result of their examination. This scheme is designed to encourage candidates to submit their thesis in a timely manner, and to disseminate their research findings through high quality outlets that encompass: refereed journal articles, refereed conference papers, and creative works.

The Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School, meets with a panel of the university's Deans (Research) to determine the awardees. The scholarships will be awarded to the nominated candidates who, in the opinion of the panel, best meet the criteria as specified in the Conditions of Award below.

Round dates

Applicants are normally required to apply in the round which coincides with their thesis submission/intended thesis submission date.

Round Closing date For commencement between
1 13 January 2025 1 March and 30 April 2025
2 12 March 2025 1 May and 30 June 2025
3 12 May 2025 1 July and 31 August 2025
4 14 July 2025 1 September and 31 October 2025
510 September 20251 November and 31 December 2025
610 November 20251 January and 28 February 2026

How to apply

  • Research candidates wishing to apply for the Research Output Excellence Scholarship (ROES) must complete and lodge the application form (with all candidate sections complete) via myGriffith>My program.
  • Applications must be submitted, with supporting documentation by the specified due date. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • Applications will be considered by the Principal Supervisor, HDR Convenor, and Dean (Research) once the application has been lodged.
  • Applicants will be asked to provide the following information with their application:
    • Plan of research output and intended outlet(s), identified in collaboration with their Principal Supervisor, including a detailed timebound work schedule.
    • Copies of any relevant communications with potential outlets and indicators of quality and impact.

Conditions of Award 2025

Scholarships will be available only to those who:

  1. were enrolled in a higher degree research doctoral program at Griffith University; and
  2. have submitted their thesis or have an approved intended submission date (via the Notice of Intention to Submit Thesis Form) with submission occurring within three and a half years full time equivalent (FTE) enrolment; and
  3. are able to devote sufficient time to completing the research submission for the duration of the scholarship (equivalent to full-time enrolment).

Candidates who submit their thesis under the lapsed candidature regulations are ineligible.

2.1 Funding

The scholarship is funded by the Griffith Graduate Research School. In the event the candidate does not submit the planned output (according to the agreed work plan) by the scholarship expiry date, 50% of the ROES value awarded will be borne by the candidate’s Element or Group. Where the candidate’s non-submission is a result of extenuating circumstances that are beyond their control, the Dean Griffith Graduate Research School will review on a case-by-case basis the Element or Group liability to contribute 50%.

2.2 Selection and Award

The scholarship selection panel will determine the awardees. The scholarships will be awarded to the nominated candidates who, in the opinion of the panel, best meet the following selection criteria:

  1. Quality of the planned output(s);
  2. the strength of the recommendation from the principal supervisor and Element/Group;
  3. likelihood of submission by the expiration date of the scholarship; and
  4. previous research output record, including whether the thesis publication requirement of candidature has been met.

3.1 Scholarship value and duration

  1. The scholarship rate will be at the Research Training Program Stipend rate at the time of offer, and is funded by the Griffith Graduate Research School.
  2. The stipend will be paid into an account in a bank, building society or credit union, on a fortnightly basis, as per the University’s payment schedule.

4.1 Commencement of Scholarship

Successful awardees must ensure that their research output work plan corresponds with the scholarship start and end dates prior to commencing the scholarship.

The scholarship should be taken up within four weeks of submission of the thesis.

4.2 Tenure

The maximum tenure available for the scholarship is 10 weeks.

4.3 Specific Scholarship Holder Obligations

  1. Scholarship holders will diligently and to the best of their ability apply themselves to the successful completion of the research output by adhering to objectives set out in their publication plan and schedule;
  2. Scholarship holders are required to maintain their attendance and access to any required facilities or resources commensurate to full time candidature, including regular communication with their supervisor;
  3. International candidates are required to maintain their student visa and overseas student health cover if it has, or will, expire during the tenure of the scholarship;
  4. Scholarship holders are required to include Griffith University in the by-line of the publication and to adhere to authorship protocols as detailed in Griffith University’s The Responsible Conduct of Research Policy. Candidates must consult with their supervisor in relation to authorship.
  5. Progress will be monitored by the scholarship holder’s principal supervisor, If progress is deemed to be unsatisfactory, as per the agreed publication plan, a decision will be made as to whether to terminate the scholarship.
  6. A scholarship holder must immediately notify the University in writing if any conditions of the scholarship, or obligations as specified above cannot be met.

4.4 Leave Arrangements

A scholarship holder will not normally be eligible to take leave during the tenure of the scholarship.

A scholarship holder is entitled to up to 5 working days sick leave during the tenure of the scholarship. A formal request is not required to access the sick leave entitlement, and if taken will not result in an extension to the scholarship end date.

4.5 Termination

A scholarship will be terminated in any of the following circumstances:

  1. upon conferral of the HDR degree;
  2. at the end of the period of tenure provided for by the scholarship;
  3. on submission of the research output;
  4. if the candidate ceases to meet the eligibility criteria as specified in section 1.0 or the scholarship holder obligations as specified in section 4.3 of these conditions of award.

The supervisor(s) and Element (Head of Element or HDR Convenor) must provide appropriate support and facilities to the candidate for the duration of the scholarship.

2025 Conditions of Award, effective from 1 January 2025. The conditions of award may change and these changes will be made available on the relevant website.

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