Building a brighter creative future for regional Queenslanders and their communities
We believe that access to inclusive and sustainable arts education and practice in regional Queensland is essential to raising aspirations for local talent and providing meaningful opportunities for communities to engage with the creative arts.
Engagement with regional Queensland brings a wealth of perspective to our students and staff at Griffith. Support the delivery of Queensland Creative Futures by partnering with us to create a brighter future for regional Queenslanders and their communities through music, visual art and design, and film.
Griffith University’s creative and performing arts schools joined forces to bring a lively program of events for both high school students and the local community to regional Queensland.
Explore Griffith programs delivered as part of Creative Futures

Art and Design
QCAD’s Art and Design School Program supports the significant creative talent that is emerging across Queensland, through workshops and exhibitions for high school students and their teachers. All workshops are also open to teachers and school support staff looking to engage in Professional Development opportunities.

State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) is an educational program for music students that helps extend and encourage their pursuit of musical excellence. SHEP is now a firmly established aspect of music learning in Queensland, bringing together young people from all over the State, in regional centres and Brisbane to share their passion for making music.

Musical Theatre
An immersive musical theatre workshop is available for performing arts students in Grades 11 and 12. This workshop is a fun and collaborative weekend encompassing technical development, harmony exploration, ensemble skills and vocal masterclasses.

Griffith Film School invites high school students to delve into the exciting fundamentals of filmmaking through an insightful and practical workshop where they get to make their own projects in small teams. They are given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with film technology and tell their own stories to offer a perspective on the world they live in. Teachers are also welcome to attend for participation and collaboration.
Student mentors
Student mentors are engaged to support the delivery of in-school program activities and mentor prospective students providing a firsthand perspective on university life and studying the creative arts at Griffith.
Support for Creative Futures will ensure that regardless of background or circumstance, students from regional Queensland can participate and benefit from quality arts education and experiences. Your partnership with the Creative Futures Program will support regional students by providing:
Fully funded program fees
for disadvantaged students from regional and remote Australia, low socio-economic status backgrounds, and Indigenous persons.
Travel and accommodation subsidies
to lessen the burden of transport (fuel, flights) and accommodation costs associated with students/families from regional and remote areas participating in the program.
Shared resources for regional schools
to purchase of essential equipment and resources required to effectively deliver the program that is gifted to host schools and is available to loan by other participating schools.
Equity scholarships
to support accommodation expenses for regional students and Indigenous persons experiencing financial hardship to stay in Brisbane while studying an undergraduate degree in creative or performing arts.
Griffith has a long-standing equity focus, supported by the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP). With HEPPP ’s support, Creative Futures fosters educational partnerships to raise awareness and aspirations for higher education with a particular emphasis on students from low socio-economic, rural, Indigenous and Pasifika backgrounds. Creative Futures program delivery works collaboratively with the Schools Engagement Outreach Program to help secondary students transition to university and provide knowledge about pathways and study options.
Help to create a brighter future for regional Queenslanders and their communities.
If you share our passion to create enhanced educational and professional experiences, we’d love to hear from you.
Creative Futures Hubs
Programs are planned* to be delivered in around the following regional hub locations:
- Longreach and Winton
- Rockhampton
- Townsville
- Bundaberg
- Mackay
- Cairns
*Subject to change and demand
Thank you to our partners for their generous support
- Winton Shire Council
- Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival
- Guwa-Koa Aboriginal Advisors
- Essential Screen Skills
- Longreach Regional Council
- Queensland Rail Travel
- Gin Gin State High School
- Longreach State High School
- North Rockhampton State High School
- Pimlico State High School
- Trinity Bay State High School
- Cairns Art Gallery
- Rockhampton Museum of Art
- Longreach State School
- Ryan Catholic College - Townsville
- Bundaberg Christian College
- Mackay North State High School
- St Mary's Catholic College – Cairns