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Griffith University

Griffith University
Griffith University
International Office
Griffith University
170 Kessels Road
Queensland  4111
To display all courses at a particular location, please click on the location in the list below.
Institution Location List
Location NameStateNumber of Courses
Airways AviationQLD1
Brisbane City (South Bank)QLD55
Brisbane City, Level 8, 333 Ann St, Brisbane QLD 4000QLD2
Brisbane South (Mt Gravatt)QLD39
Brisbane South (Nathan)QLD215
Gold CoastQLD234

International Student Contact:

Director, Griffith International

Principal Executive Officer:

Liz Burd
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education)
338 courses were found.
To display a particular course's details please click on the course name in the list below.
Course List
Course NameSorted by AscendingLevelDuration (Wks)
Bachelor of ActingBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Advanced Commerce (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Advanced Government and International Relations (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Advanced International Tourism and Hotel Management (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Advanced Political Science and International Relations (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree208
Bachelor of AnimationBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Animation (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Architectural DesignBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Architectural Design/Bachelor of BusinessBachelor Degree234
Bachelor of Architectural Design/Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)Bachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Architectural Design/Master of ArchitectureBachelor Degree260
Bachelor of Architectural Design/Master of Urban and Environmental PlanningBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of ArtsBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)Bachelor Honours Degree52
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of BusinessBachelor Degree208
Bachelor of Asian StudiesBachelor Degree156
Bachelor of AviationBachelor Degree122
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