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This guide will assist you in understanding how to reference for your assignment. It contains examples to help you format your in-text citations and reference list.
The American Psychological Association 7th edition (APA 7) is an author-date style, meaning in-text citations (author, year) are used to acknowledge the author(s) of ideas and quotes you have included in the body of your assignment. The details of these citations are then included in a reference list, organised alphabetically, at the end of your assignment.
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools
Check your assessment or course details to determine if you are permitted to use generative AI tools to complete your assessment. Further information is available on the Why Academic integrity matters web page.
When citing content produced by these tools follow the examples in the AI section of the referencing guide.
This advice updated April 14th, 2023 based on the official APA style blog.
APA 7 examples
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, editor, translator
- The term "Author" refers to the author's last name (if an individual), or the name of the organisation producing the work.
- Record organisation names in full for the initial citation and include the abbreviation of the organisation (if there is one) in a bracket. Use the abbreviation for any subsequent citations, for example:
- First citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2010)
- Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2010)
Author (Year) paraphrased idea sentence.
....paraphrased idea sentence (Author, Year).
Author (Year) "direct quote from source" (p. xx).
"Direct quote from source" (Author, Year, p. xx).
Rational-emotive therapy developed as a cognitive, positivist therapy (Ellis, 2004).
Health institutions have a key role to play in reducing the burden of violence in society (World Health Organization [WHO], 2002).
Ellis (2004) claims that rational-emotive therapy is "highly cognitive, largely positivist, and very active-directive" (p. 69).
The World Health Organization (WHO, 2002) advises “the health sector has a key role to play” (p. 1).
Reference list
- The term "Author, A. A." refers to the author's last name and initials. The author Albert Ellis becomes: Ellis, A.
- Spell out in full the name of the organisation in the reference list entry followed by a full stop: Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services.
Book - print
Author, A. A. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher.
Book - chapter
Chapter Author, A. A. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed., pp. xx-xx). Publisher. https://xxxx
Journal article
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue), Pages. https://doi.org/xxxx
Book - print
Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science: A theory of nursing (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Book - chapter
Ellis, A. (2004). Reflections on rational-emotive therapy. In M. J. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and constructive psychotherapies: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 69-73). Springer. http://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/obj/SPCB0000565
Journal article
Mantie, R. (2013). A comparison of "popular music pedagogy" discourses. Journal of Research in Music Education, 61(3), 334-352. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022429413497235
- The term "Author" refers to the author's last name.
- Add authors in the order listed on the source being cited.
FirstAuthor and SecondAuthor (Year) paraphrased idea sentence.
....paraphrased idea sentence (FirstAuthor & SecondAuthor, Year).
FirstAuthor and SecondAuthor (Year) "direct quote from source" (p. xx)
"Direct quote from source" (FirstAuthor & SecondAuthor, Year, p. xx)
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm & Chaudhri, 2000).
Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (Bohm & Chaudhri, 2000, p. 171).
Reference list
- The term "Author, A. A." refers to the author's last name and initials. The author Anthony Bohm becomes: Bohm, A.
Book - print
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher.
Book - chapter
ChapterAuthor, A. A., & ChapterAuthor, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed., pp. xx-xx). Publisher. https://xxxx
Journal article
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue), Pages. https://doi.org/xxxx
Book - print
Bohm, A., & Chaudhri, D. P. (2000). Securing Australia's future: An analysis of the international education markets in India. IDP Education Australia.
Book - chapter
Haaga, D. A. F., & Davison, G. C. (2004). An appraisal of rational-emotive therapy. In M. J. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and constructive psychotherapies: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 69-73). Springer. http://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/obj/SPCB0000565
Journal article
Draper, P., & Harrison, S. (2018). Beyond a doctorate of musical arts: Experiences of its impacts on professional life. British Journal of Music Education, 35(3), 271-284. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0265051718000128
- The term "Author" refers to the author's last name.
- Add authors in the order listed on the source being cited.
- For a work with three or more authors, include only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
FirstAuthor et al. (Year) paraphrased idea sentence.
....paraphrased idea sentence (FirstAuthor et al., Year).
FirstAuthor et al. (Year) "direct quote from source" (p. xx)
"Direct quote from source" (FirstAuthor et al., Year, p. xx)
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Mahoney et al., 2004).
According to Mahoney et al. (2004) psychology in the 20th century was "a period of sweeping conceptual changes and methodological developments" (p. 103).
Reference list
- The term "Author, A. A." refers to the author's last name and initials. The author Anthony Bohm becomes: Bohm, A.
- Provide last names and initials for up to and including 20 authors.
- When there are 2 to 20 authors, use an ampersand before the final author's name. For example Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C.
Book - electronic
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher. https://doi.org/xxxx
Book - chapter
ChapterAuthor, A. A., ChapterAuthor, B. B., & ChapterAuthor, C. C. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed., pp. xx-xx). Publisher. https://doi.org/xxxx
Journal article
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., Author, D. D., Author, E. E., & Author, F. F. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue), Pages. https://doi.org/xxxx
Book - electronic
Greig, A., Taylor, J., & MacKay, T. (2013). Doing research with children: A practical guide (3rd ed.). Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781526402219
Book - chapter
Mahoney, M. J., Miller, H. M., & Arciero, G. (2004). Constructive metatheory and the nature of mental representation. In M. J. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and constructive psychotherapies: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 103-120). Springer. http://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/obj/SPCB0000565
Journal article
Bartleet, B.-L., Bennett, D., Bridgstock, R. S., Draper, P., Harrison, S., & Schippers, H. (2012). Preparing for portfolio careers in Australian music: Setting a research agenda. Australian Journal of Music Education, 1, 32-41. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1000243
- The term "Author" refers to the author's last name.
- Add authors in the order listed on the source being cited.
- For a work with three or more authors, include only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
- The term "Author" refers to the author's last name.
- Add authors in the order listed on the source being cited.
- For a work with three or more authors, include only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
FirstAuthor et al. (Year) paraphrased idea sentence.
....paraphrased idea sentence (FirstAuthor et al., Year).
FirstAuthor et al. (Year) "direct quote from source" (p. xx)
"Direct quote from source" (FirstAuthor et al., Year, p. xx)
Students when preparing for exams enjoy listening to indie pop bands (Wiskunde et al., 2019).
Wiskunde et al. (2019) state that "indie pop music is preferred by many university students" (p. 1935).
Reference list
- The term "Author, A. A." refers to the author's last name and initials. The author Anthony Bohm becomes: Bohm, A.
- When there are 21 or more authors, include the first 19 authors' names, insert an ellipsis ... (but no ampersand) and then add the final author's name.
Journal article
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., Author, D. D., Author, E. E., Author, F. F., Author, G. G., Author, H. H., Author, I. I., Author, J. J., Author, K. K., Author, L. L., Author, M. M., Author, N. N., Author, O. O., Author, P. P., Author, Q. Q., Author, R. R., Author, S. S., ... Author, Z. Z. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue), Pages. https://doi.org/xxxx
Journal article
Nath, A. P., Ritchie, S. C., Grinberg, N. F., Tang, H. H., Huang, Q. Q., Teo, S. M., Ahola-Olli, A. V., Wurtz, P., Havulinna, A. S., Santalahti, K., Pitkanen, N., Lehtimaki, T., Kahonen, M., Lyytikainen, L. P., Raitoharju, E., Seppala, I., Sarin, A. P., Ripatti, S., Palotie, A., . . . Inouye, M. (2019). Multivariate genome-wide association analysis of a cytokine network reveals variants with widespread immune, haematological, and cardiometabolic pleiotropy. American Journal of Human Genetics, 105(6), 1076-1090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2019.10.001
- The term "Author" refers to the name of the corporation, organisation, group or government agency or department.
- Spell out full Corporate name for first citation. Subsequent citations can use the abbreviated name. For example: (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2019).
CorporateAuthor (Year) paraphrased idea sentence.
....paraphrased idea sentence (CorporateAuthor, Year).
CorporateAuthor (Year) "direct quote from source" (p. xx).
"Direct quote from source" (CorporateAuthor, Year, p. xx)
Up to 22% of Australian children are in informal care (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2019).
Subsequent citation
Up to 22% of Australian children are in informal care (ABS, 2019).
The ABS (2019) state "data on the use of care back to 1996 shows little change in the use of care" (para. 3).
Reference list
- Spell out the full name of a corporate author, followed by a full stop. Do not add the corporate author abbreviation after it. For example, World Health Organization.
Book - print
CorporateAuthor. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher.
Government publication
GovernmentAuthor. (Year). Title of document: Subtitle (Report number). Publisher. https://xxxx
Industry report
CorporateAuthor. OR Author, A. A. (Year). Title of report: Subtitle (Report number) OR [Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
Book - print
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. (2009). Financial reporting handbook 2009: Incorporating all the standards as at 1 January 2009. Wiley.
Government publication
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019, July). Childhood education and care, Australia (No. 4402.0). https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/education/childhood-education-and-care-australia/latest-release
Industry report
Euromonitor International. (2023). Tobacco in Greece [Country report]. https://www.euromonitor.com/tobacco-in-greece/report
Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher.
Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. B. (Eds.). (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher. https://xxxx
Fetherston, T. (Ed.). (2007). Becoming an effective teacher. Thomson Learning.
Friedman, S. L., & Wachs, T. D. (Eds.). (1999). Measuring environment across the life span: Emerging methods and concepts. American Psychological Association.
Griffith, J. P., Posner, J., & Barker, G. R. (Eds). (2013). The textbook of pharmaceutical medicine (7th ed.). Wiley-Blackwell.
Kryger, M. H., Roth, T., & Dement, W. C. (Eds.). (2005). Principles and practice of sleep medicine (4th ed.). Elsevier/Saunders.
Author, A. A. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (T. Translator, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published Year)
Author, A. A. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (T. Translator, Trans.; x ed.). Publisher. https://xxxx (Original work published Year)
Ylinen, J. (2008). Stretching therapy: For sport and manual therapies (J. Nurmenniemi, Trans.). Churchill Livingstone. (Original work published 2002)
Rosenkranz, K. (2015). Aesthetics of ugliness: A critical edition (A. Pop & Widrich, M, Eds.; Trans.). Bloomsbury Academic. (Original work published 1853)
Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1969). The psychology of the child. (H. Weaver, Trans.; 2nd ed.). Basic Books. (Original work published 1966)
Republished work
Shakespeare, W. (2005). Much ado about nothing (B. A. Mowat & P. Werstine, Eds.). Washington Square Press. (Original work published 1623)
- When citing a translated or a republished work in-text use the following format.
Author (Original publication year / translation year)
(Author, Original publication year / translation year)
(Ylinen, 2002/2008)
Rosenkranz (1853/2015)
(Shakespeare, 1623/1995)
- A work is treated as having no author when its author is unknown or cannot be reasonably be determined.
- In this situation move the title of the work to the author position
Book with no author
(Title, Year)
Article with no author
("Title", Year)
Book with no author
(Higher Education in Australia: The Facts, 2004)
In Higher Education in Australia: The Facts (2004) it is stated that.....
Article with no author
("Understanding Sensory Memory", 2018)
In "Understanding Sensory Memory" (2018) it is stated that...
- If the title of the work is italicized in the reference, also italicize the title in the in-text citation.
- If the title of the work is not italicized in the reference, use double quotation marks around the title in the in-text citation.
- Capitalize these titles in the text using title case. For example: Interpersonal Skills
- When the author of the work is indicated as "Anonymous", then use Anonymous in place of the author in the in-text citation. For example: (Anonymous, 2017)
Reference list
Title. (Year). Publisher.
Article title. (Year). Title of source, Volume(issue), Pages. https://xxxx
Title of entry. (Year). Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Higher education in Australia: The facts. (2004). Business/Higher Education Round Table.
Lipitor. (2020). MIMS Online. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://www.mimsonline.com.au/Search/AbbrPI.aspx?ModuleName=Product%20Info&searchKeyword=lipitor&PreviousPage=~/Search/QuickSearch.aspx&SearchType=&ID=37190001_2%22
Referencing element | Abbreviation to use |
edition | ed. |
Revised edition | Rev. ed. |
Second edition | 2nd ed. |
Third Australian edition | 3rd Aust. ed. |
Editor (Editors) | Ed. (Eds.) |
Translator(s) | Trans. |
Narrator(s) | Narr. (Narrs. |
Page: p. 15; pp. 15-20 | p. (pp.) |
Paragraph(s) | para. (paras.) |
Volume (as in Vol. 4; Vols. 1-4) | Vol. (Vols.) |
Number | No. |
Part | Pt. |
Technical report | Tech. Rep. |
Supplement | Suppl. |
Note: Abbreviations in references. Adapted from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Associations (7th ed.), 2020, p. 306. Copyright 2020 by the American Psychological Association.
Quote, cite, missing details
- Use the following formats to create direct quotes from sources.
Short quote less than 40 words
Ellis (2004) claims that rational-emotive therapy is "highly cognitive, largely positivist, and very active-directive" (p. 69).
Rational-emotive therapy is "highly cognitive, largely positivist, and very active-directive" (Ellis, 2004, p. 69).
- Enclose quoted text with quotation marks " ".
Block quote 40 words or more
Ellis (2004) states:
As the first of today's cognitive-behavioural therapies, RET in 1955 was highly cognitive, largely positivist, and very active-directive. Its ABC theory of human disturbance held that people experience undesirable activating events, that they have rational and irrational beliefs about these stimuli, and that they create appropriate emotional and behavioral consequences with their rational beliefs or they create inappropriate and dysfunctional consequences with their irrational beliefs. (p. 69)
- Indent all lines of the block quote
- Do not enclose block quote with quotation marks
- Add page number after final full stop
See section 8.27 of the APA 7 manual for further information
Citing parts of a source - page number, paragraph, time stamp, section
- To cite a specific part of a source, provide an author-date citation for the work plus information about the specific part.
- Indicate the specific part when directly quoting from a source.
- There are many possible parts to cite including: pages, paragraphs, sections, tables, figures, supplemental materials, footnotes, chapters; forewords, time stamps of video and audio book; slide numbers in powerpoints.
Page numbers
Author (Year, p. xx)
(Title, Year, p. xx)
Author (Year, para. xx)
("Title", Year, para. xx)
- To obtain paragraph number count from the top of the source.
Time stamp
Author (Year, hh:mm:ss)
("Title", Year, hh:mm:ss)
- hh:mm:ss refers to hours:minutes:seconds.
- Use time stamp to indicate specific time point in a video or audio source
Author (Year, "Heading title" section)
("Title", Year, "Heading title" section)
- When citing webpages use the heading title of the section to show where in the source the direct quote was taken from.
Page numbers
Gillard (2020, p. 37)
(Higher Education in Australia: The Facts, 2004, p. 15)
Hogan (2015, para. 7)
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012, para. 19)
Time stamp
Griffith University (2020, 01:45:10)
("Top 10 music videos of 2017", 2020, 23:13)
Griffith University (2020, "In-text citations" section)
(Downing, 2020, "For fitness junkies" section)
...(Primary author, year, as cited in Secondary author, year)…
The study (Sleajndro & Reid, 2002, as cited in Cowie, 2019) found that the….
Reference list
Cowie, S. (2019). Libraries are the best places. Griffith University Library.
- In the reference list only refer to the source where you found the information, not the original source.
- If the year of the publication of the primary source is known, also include it in the text.
- If year of the primary source publication is unknown omit from the in-text citation, for example: (as cited in Cowie, 2019).
Multiple works by the same author published in the same year
- To differentiate references with the same author and year, place a lowercase letter after the year in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry.
Ramsden (1998a, 1998b) lists several reasons for what makes a university effective.
Reference list
Ramsden, P. (1998a). Learning to lead in higher education. Routledge.
Ramsden, P. (1998b). What makes a university effective? Griffith University.
- In the reference list order multiple works by the same author published in the same year alphabetically by title, disregarding the words “A”, “An”, and “The”.
- When no date is available and n.d. is used, insert a hyphen before the lowercase letter e.g. (Author, n.d.-a).
Multiple references in one citation
- List the citations in alphabetical order and separate with semicolons.
Many agree that Australia has some of the best beaches in the world (Brown, 2006; Scott, 1976; Turner, 2019).
Australian beaches are the best in the world (Jones, 2012, 2016, 2018; Scott, 1976; Turner, 2019).
- For two or more works by the same authors when citing in-text arrange them by year of publication. For example (Jones, 2012, 2016, 2018).
- A work is treated as having no author when its author is unknown or cannot be reasonably be determined.
- In this situation move the title of the work to the author position
Book with no author
(Title, Year)
Article with no author
("Title", Year)
Book with no author
(Higher Education in Australia: The Facts, 2004)
In Higher Education in Australia: The Facts (2004) it is stated that.....
Article with no author
("Understanding Sensory Memory", 2018)
In "Understanding Sensory Memory" (2018) it is stated that...
- If the title of the work is italicized in the reference, also italicize the title in the in-text citation.
- If the title of the work is not italicized in the reference, use double quotation marks around the title in the in-text citation.
- Capitalize these titles in the text using title case. For example: Interpersonal Skills
- When the author of the work is indicated as "Anonymous", then use Anonymous in place of the author in the in-text citation. For example: (Anonymous, 2017)
Reference list
Title. (Year). Publisher.
Article title. (Year). Title of source, Volume(issue), Pages. https://xxxx
Title of entry. (Year). Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Higher education in Australia: The facts. (2004). Business/Higher Education Round Table.
Lipitor. (2020). MIMS Online. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://www.mimsonline.com.au/Search/AbbrPI.aspx?ModuleName=Product%20Info&searchKeyword=lipitor&PreviousPage=~/Search/QuickSearch.aspx&SearchType=&ID=37190001_2%22
- For works without a date or year of publication use the abbreviation n.d.
(Royal Institute of British Architects, n.d.)
Royal Institute of British Architects (n.d.)
Reference list
Royal Institute of British Architects. (n.d.). Shaping the future: Careers in architecture. http://ww.careersinarchitecture.net/
- For works without a title, include a description of the work in square brackets instead.
Reference list
Shakespeare, W. (2010). [Playscript for a 3 act play with 4 characters]. [Unpublished manuscript].
First Peoples materials
We respectfully advise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this guide may contain images or names of people who have passed away.
You are encouraged to use this guide when working with sources created by First Peoples. Refer to the notes for further guidance on how to appropriately reference and acknowledge the creator(s) Nation, Country and/or language group.
First Peoples Intro Notes
- Nation—refers to a culturally distinct group of people associated with a particular culturally defined area of land or country.
- Country—refers to First People's family origins and associations with particular parts of Australia and the connections of blood-line back to Country.
- Place of Country—refers to the geographic location of the Country. For example, the Country of Yuggera is located in Queensland, Australia. Map of Indigenous Australia.
For more information refer to Griffith's Guidelines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Terminology.
Cultural Information
- Critically evaluate the work you wish to cite and reference to determine if including First Peoples information about nation, country and language is right for you. If in doubt follow standard APA7 formatting rules.
- If an author's cultural information (nation, country and language) is not present in the published work (the author's by-line or in text of the work), then there is no need to include it in the reference.
- Work with what is in the published work or available in the archive/library catalogue record for the author, document and/or object details. Do not guess this information. There is no expectation for you to investigate the author to find this information.
Author treatment in the reference list
Author treatment in the reference list
First Peoples author treatment
- Apply the author treatment to First Peoples materials references (artwork, designs, objects, and images) to acknowledge the country and language of First Peoples authors and creators.
- If appropriate apply the author treatment to other First Peoples created resources such as books, chapters, journal articles, and other types. Follow the standard APA7 formatting rules for these resources.
Author, A. A. (Author’s Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country). (Year). Title...
Behrendt, L. (Eualeyai, Kamillaroi, North-Western New South Wales). (2012). Indigenous Australia for dummies. Wiley. https://www.perlego.com/book/1013920/indigenous-australia-for-dummies-pdf
Nganampa Health Council (Anangu Pitjantjatjara, North-Western South Australia). (1991). Anangu way.
- Omit cultural information if not known.
- If the author is not known, use 'Unrecorded' in place of the author.
- If the title is not known, use [Untitled] in place of the Title.
- If no date is available, use (n.d.).
- Omit the publisher if the author and publisher are the same.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
…a way of understanding cultural greetings can be seen in Murphy and Kennedy (2016).
…a way of understanding cultural greetings (Murphy and Kennedy, 2016).
Behrendt (2012) states that “Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (p. 50).
“Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (Behrendt, 2012, p. 50).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
- Apply the author treatment to First Peoples materials references (artwork, designs, objects, and images) to acknowledge the country and language of First Peoples authors and creators.
- If appropriate apply the author treatment to other First Peoples created resources such as books, chapters, journal articles, and other types. Follow the standard APA7 formatting rules for these resources.
Author, A. A. (Author’s Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country), & Author, B. B. (Author’s Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country). (Year). Title...
Book - Print
Author, A. & Author, B. (Year). Title. Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country (Author A); Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country (Author B). Publisher.
Timbery, E. (Bidjigal/Eora, La Perouse, New South Wales, Australia), & Jones, J. (Wiradjuri/Kamilaroi, New South Wales, Australia). (2015). Shell wall [Installation]. Barangaroo Delivery Authority, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. https://www.barangaroo.com/shell-wall-2015
Murphy, J. (Wurundjeri, Melbourne, Victoria) & Kennedy, L. (Trawlwoolway, Tasmania). (2016). Welcome to country. Blackdog Books.
Book - Print
Murphy, J. & Kennedy, L. (2016). Welcome to country. Wurundjeri, Melbourne, Victoria (Murphy), Trawlwoolway, Tasmania (Kennedy). Blackdog Books.
- Omit cultural information if not known.
- If the author is not known, use 'Unrecorded' in place of the author.
- If the title is not known, use [Untitled] in place of the Title.
- If no date is available, use (n.d.).
- Omit the publisher if the author and publisher are the same.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
…a way of understanding cultural greetings can be seen in Murphy and Kennedy (2016).
…a way of understanding cultural greetings (Murphy and Kennedy, 2016).
Behrendt (2012) states that “Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (p. 50).
“Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (Behrendt, 2012, p. 50).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
First Peoples author(s) and non-Indigenous author(s)
- Apply the author treatment to First Peoples materials references (artwork, designs, objects, and images) to acknowledge the country and language of First Peoples authors and creators.
- If appropriate apply the author treatment to other First Peoples created resources such as books, chapters, journal articles, and other types. Follow the standard APA7 formatting rules for these resources.
Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Author’s Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country). (Year). Title...
Author, A. A. (Author’s Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country), Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Author’s Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country). (Year). Title...
Art - Viewed online
Artist, A., & Artist, B. (Year). Title [Medium]. Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country (First Peoples Author). Source. URL.
Broadhust, H., & Watson, J. (Waanyi, North Queensland). (1996). [Untitled] [Public sculpture, goanna]. Boundary St, West End, Brisbane, Queensland.
Art - Viewed online
Jagamara, M. N., & Tillers, I. (2017). Metafisica Australe 2017 [Painting]. Warlpiri/ Luritja, Papunya region, Northern Territory, Australia (Jagamara). Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. https://blog.qagoma.qld.gov.au/michael-nelson-jagamara-imants-tillers-metafisica-australe/
- Omit cultural information if not known.
- If the author is not known, use 'Unrecorded' in place of the author.
- If the title is not known, use [Untitled] in place of the Title.
- If no date is available, use (n.d.).
- Omit the publisher if the author and publisher are the same.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
…a way of understanding cultural greetings can be seen in Murphy and Kennedy (2016).
…a way of understanding cultural greetings (Murphy and Kennedy, 2016).
Behrendt (2012) states that “Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (p. 50).
“Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (Behrendt, 2012, p. 50).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
- Apply the author treatment to First Peoples materials references (artwork, designs, objects, and images) to acknowledge the country and language of First Peoples authors and creators.
- If appropriate apply the author treatment to other First Peoples created resources such as books, chapters, journal articles, and other types. Follow the standard APA7 formatting rules for these resources.
Unrecorded. (Year). Title [Medium]. Object’s Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country. Museum name, Museum location.
Unrecorded. (n.d.). Didgeridoo (TH2004.183) [Aboriginal musical instrument]. Tweed Museum, Tweed, New South Wales, Australia. https://ehive.com/collections/5051/objects/354323/didgeridoo
- Omit cultural information if not known.
- If the author is not known, use 'Unrecorded' in place of the author.
- If the title is not known, use [Untitled] in place of the Title.
- If no date is available, use (n.d.).
- Omit the publisher if the author and publisher are the same.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
…a way of understanding cultural greetings can be seen in Murphy and Kennedy (2016).
…a way of understanding cultural greetings (Murphy and Kennedy, 2016).
Behrendt (2012) states that “Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (p. 50).
“Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (Behrendt, 2012, p. 50).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
First Peoples materials
Artwork, designs, objects or images - viewed online
Author/Creator/Artist, A. (Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country). (Year). Title [Medium]. Source. https://xxxx
Whiskey, K. (Indulkana, APY Lands, South Australia). (2018). Kaylene TV [Painting]. Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/prizes/sulman/2018/29987/
George, W. (APY Lands, South Australia), & Cooper, T. (APY Lands, South Australia ). (2018). Piltati and Malara: A story of love and war [Painting]. APY Lands, South Australia. Hazelhurst Gallery, Gymea, New South Wales, Australia. https://www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au/Community/Hazelhurst/Exhibitions/Previous-Exhibitions/2018/Weapons-For-The-Soldier
- Omit cultural information if not known.
- If the author is not known, use 'Unrecorded' in place of the author.
- If the title is not known, use [Untitled] in place of the Title.
- If no date is available, use (n.d.).
- Omit the publisher if the author and publisher are the same.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
…a way of understanding cultural greetings can be seen in Murphy and Kennedy (2016).
…a way of understanding cultural greetings (Murphy and Kennedy, 2016).
Behrendt (2012) states that “Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (p. 50).
“Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (Behrendt, 2012, p. 50).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Artwork, designs, objects or images - viewed in person
Author/Creator/Artist, A. (Nation/Country, Language group, Place of Nation/Country). (Year). Title [Medium]. Museum name, Museum location.
Broadhust, H., & Watson, J. (Waanyi, North Queensland). (1996). [Untitled] [Public sculpture, goanna]. Boundary St, West End, Brisbane, Queensland.
- Omit cultural information if not known.
- If the author is not known, use 'Unrecorded' in place of the author.
- If the title is not known, use [Untitled] in place of the Title.
- If no date is available, use (n.d.).
- Omit the publisher if the author and publisher are the same.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
…a way of understanding cultural greetings can be seen in Murphy and Kennedy (2016).
…a way of understanding cultural greetings (Murphy and Kennedy, 2016).
Behrendt (2012) states that “Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (p. 50).
“Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (Behrendt, 2012, p. 50).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Oral history/Personal communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Personal communication is only included in the body of your work. It does not require a matching entry in the reference list.
A. Author (Country/Nation, Language group, Place of Nation/Country, personal communication, Month Day, Year) OR
(A. Author, Country/Nation, Language group, Place of Nation/Country, personal communication, Month Day, Year)
… in recent indigenous artworks (E. Timbery, Bidjial/Eora, La Perouse, New South Wales, Australia, personal communication, April 23, 2015).
- Can replace “personal communication” with “yarn” if appropriate. For example, if using a yarning methodology.
- Omit cultural information if not known.
- If the author is not known, use 'Unrecorded' in place of the author.
- If no date is available, use (n.d.).
- If you are yourself a First Peoples author and are sharing your own experiences, you do not need to provide any form of citation (either in-text or in the reference list). However, you should describe yourself in the text to contextualise the information you are sharing (this would include what nation you belong to and where you live).
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
…a way of understanding cultural greetings can be seen in Murphy and Kennedy (2016).
…a way of understanding cultural greetings (Murphy and Kennedy, 2016).
Behrendt (2012) states that “Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (p. 50).
“Indigenous people were skilled linguists” (Behrendt, 2012, p. 50).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Book, chapter, encyclopedia
With DOI
Author, A. A. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher. https://doi.org/xxxx
With URL
Author, A. A. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher. https://xxxx
Gunderman, R. B. (2011). Achieving excellence in medical education (2nd ed.). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-85729-307-7
Mitleton-Kelly, E., Paraskevas, A., & Day, C. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of research methods in complexity science: Theory and applications. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785364426
Kerr, A., Chekar, C. K., Ross, E., Swallow, J., & Cunningham-Burley, S. (2021). Personalised cancer medicine: Future crafting in the genomic era. Manchester University Press. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK567277/
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher.
Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science: A theory of nursing (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Publisher location not required
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Chapter Author, A. A. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed., pp. xx-xx). Publisher. https://doi.org/xxxx
Chapter Author, A. A. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed., pp. xx-xx). Publisher.
Kaur, V., Kare, P. K., & Madaan, H. (2018). Quality control in a clinical laboratory. In P. K. Kare & R. Shrestha (Eds.), Advances in biochemistry & applications in medicine Vol. 4 (pp. 1-9). Open Access eBooks. https://www.openaccessebooks.com/biochemistry-applications-in-medicine-volume-4.html
Sherren, K. (2006). Pillars of society: The historical context for sustainability and higher education in Australia. In W. Filho & D. Carpenter (Eds.), Sustainability in the Australasian university context (pp. 11-32). Peter Lang.
- Use (Ed.). for a single editor or (Eds.). for multiple editors
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Book title: Subtitle. Publisher.
Fetherston, T. (Ed.). (2007). Becoming an effective teacher. Thomson Learning.
Friedman, S. L., & Wachs, T. D. (Eds.). (1999). Measuring environment across the life span: Emerging methods and concepts. American Psychological Association.
Mitleton-Kelly, E., Paraskevas, A., & Day, C. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of research methods in complexity science: Theory and applications. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785364426
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Reviewer, A. A. (Year of review). Title of review [Review of the book Title of book, by A. A. Author]. Journal Title, Volume(issue), Pages. https://xxxx
Brooks, T. A. (2002). The social life of information [Review of the book The social life of information, by J. S. Brown, & P. Duguid]. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 28(5), 340. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0099-1333(02)00334-8
- Identify the type of medium being reviewed in brackets (book, motion picture, television program, etc.).
- If the reviewed item is a book, include the author names after the title of the book, separated by comma.
- If the reviewed item is a film, DVD, or other media, include the year of release after the title of work, separated by a comma.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Whole work
Author, A. A. (Ed. or Eds.). (Year). Encyclopedia title (x ed.). Publisher. https://xxxx
Entry Author, A. A. (Year). Title of entry. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher. https://xxxx
No author
Title of entry. (Year). In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher. https://xxxx
Wherry, F. F., & Schor, J. B. (Eds.). (2015). The Sage encyclopedia of economics and society. Sage Publications.
Hanink, P. A. (2015). B movies. In F. F. Wherry & J. B. Schor (Eds.), The Sage encyclopedia of economics and society. Sage Publications.
Bass trumpet. (2003). In Grove music online. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.J457200
- When an online reference work is continually updated (and not archived), use (n.d.) as the year of publication and include a retrieval date, for example: Retrieved December 18, 2019, from https://xxxx
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Whole work
Author, A. A. (n.d.). Dictionary title. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Entry Author, A. A. (Year). Title of entry. In A. A. Editor, & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Book title: Subtitle (x ed.). Publisher. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Darvill, T. (2009). The concise Oxford dictionary of archaeology (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acref/9780199534043.001.0001
Darvill, T. (2009). Abacus. In T. Davill (Ed.), The concise Oxford dictionary of archaeology (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acref/9780199534043.001.0001
- When an online reference work is continually updated (and not archived), use (n.d.) as the year of publication and include a retrieval date, for example: Retrieved December 18, 2019, from https://xxxx
- Omit the publisher element if it is the same as the author.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Journal, newspaper article
With DOI
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue), Pages OR Article [number]. https://doi.org/xxxx
With URL
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue), Pages. https://xxxx
Skenderian, J. J., Siegel, J. T., Crano, W. D., Lac, A., & Alvaro, E. E. (2008). Expectancy change and adolescents' intentions to use marijuana. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 22(4), 563-569. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0013020
Eades, S. J., & Banks, E. (2017). 50 years since citizenship: Successes and challenges in Indigenous health. Public Health Research & Practice, 27(4), Article e2741730. https://doi.org/10.17061/phrp2741730
Campos, J. J. (1983). The importance of affective communication in social referencing: A commentary on Feinman. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 29(1), 83–87. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23086193
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Journal article – advance online publication and in press
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/xxxx
In press
Author, A. A. (in press). Title of article. Title of Journal.
Fox, G., & Manley, M. (2009). Hardness methods for testing maize kernels. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1021/jf900623w
Fox, G., & Manley, M. (in press). Hardness methods for testing maize kernels. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
- Advance online publications generally refer to peer-reviewed works before they have gone to print. It may not have had a final edit or be formatted for final production.
- In press publications generally refer to peer-reviewed works that have been accepted for publication in a future issue of a journal.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(issue), Pages.
Day, R. (2006). Two principles of perception revealed by geometrical illusions. Australian Journal of Psychology, 58(3), 123-128.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Newspaper Title. https://xxxx
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Newspaper Title, Page.
No author
Article title. (Year, Month Day). Newspaper title, Page.
Apples for best teachers. (2007, October 26). The Sydney Morning Herald, 14.
Sykes, J. (2018, January 4). The good the bad and the incomprehensible. Sydney Morning Herald.
Kenigsberg, B. (2020, January 13). Australian sisters honoured as pioneering filmmakers. Sydney Morning Herald. https://www.smh.com.au/culture/movies/australian-sisters-honoured-as-pioneering-filmmakers-20200113-p53r05.html
- Print newspaper articles require page numbers. If an article continues across discontinuous pages list them all, separated by a comma (e.g. pp. 21, 26, 28-29).
- If no author of article is available use the title.
- If direct quoting from a webpage or a source with no page numbers use section heading or paragraph number to indicate location of quote. Go to "Quote, cite, missing details" in this APA 7 guide and consult section "Citing parts of a source" for further explanation.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). News webpage title. Publisher. https://xxxx
Scott, S. (2019, December 19). After Australia’s hottest day the heatwave continues, so what are the signs of heat stress and how can you avoid dehydration? ABC News. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-19/heatwave-health-effects-medical-dangers-of-high-temperature/11811910
- Use this format for news website such as ABC News, CNN, HuffPost, Reuters.
- If direct quoting from a webpage or a source with no page numbers use section heading or paragraph number to indicate location of quote. Go to "Quote, cite, missing details" in this APA 7 guide and consult section "Citing parts of a source" for further explanation.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Report, government, thesis
Organisation OR Author, A. A. (Year). Title of document: Subtitle (Report number). Publisher. https://xxxx
Department of Home Affairs. (2024, December 11). Immigration and citizenship: New Zealand citizens. Australian Government. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/entering-and-leaving-australia/new-zealand-citizens#
Segrave, M., & Ratcliffe, J. (2004). Community policing: A descriptive overview. Australian Institute of Criminology. https://www.aic.gov.au/publications/archive/archive-168
- When multiple layers of government agencies are listed as the author, use the most specific agency as the group author name, and the name of the parent agency as the publisher, listed in descending order.
- Omit the publisher element if it is the same as the author.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Organisation OR Author, A. A. (Year). Title of report: Subtitle (Report number) OR [Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
Euromonitor International. (2020). Tobacco in Greece [Country report]. Passport. https://www.euromonitor.com/tobacco-in-greece/report
Johnson, S. (2019). House construction - Australia market research report (IBIS World industry report OD5214). IBIS World. https://www.ibisworld.com.au/industry-trends/market-research-reports/construction/building/house-construction.html
Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services. (2021). QANTAS annual report 2021. https://investor.qantas.com/FormBuilder/_Resource/_module/doLLG5ufYkCyEPjF1tpgyw/file/annual-reports/2021-Annual-Report.pdf
- Adjust date format to (YYYY, Month Day) if report content is likely to be updated.
- Use the corporate author when no individual author is available, for example: Morningstar, Economist Intelligence Unit, Griffith University.
- Omit the publisher element if it is the same as the author.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Presenter, A. A., & Presenter, B. B. (Year, Month Day). Title of contribution: Subtitle [Type of contribution]. Conference name, Location of conference. https://xxxx
Chasman, J., & Kaplan, R. F. (2006, June 15-17). The effects of occupation on preserved cognitive functioning in dementia [Poster presentation]. Excellence in clinical practice, 4th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Philadelphia, USA.
Draper, P., & Harrison, S. (2013, July 1-3). Artistic research training in music: Perspectives on pedagogy, higher degrees and professional practice [Paper presentation]. EDULEARN13: 5th international conference on education and new learning technologies, Barcelona, Spain. https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au/bitstream/handle/10072/59583/87114_1.pdf
- Use the [types of contributions] to describe the conference presentation such as paper presentations, poster presentations, keynote address, symposium.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Thesis or dissertation – from a database
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of thesis: Subtitle (Publication number in database) [Doctoral dissertation or master's thesis, Name of institution awarding the Degree]. Database Name.
Donnelly, J. A. (2016). The relationship between physical fitness and school performance in middle school girls (Publication No. 10003548) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ProQuest Digital Dissertations and Theses Global.
- The thesis publication number is listed in the ProQuest Digital Dissertations and Theses Global database under the heading: Dissertation/thesis number
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Thesis or dissertation – from a university or institutional repository
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of thesis: Subtitle [Doctoral dissertation or master's thesis, Name of institution awarding the Degree]. Publisher. DOI or URL
Allard, T. (2005). Closed circuit television in prison [Doctoral dissertation, Griffith University]. Griffith Research Online. https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
Video, audio, music, scripts
Author, A. A. (Contribution). (Year). Title of the video: Subtitle [Format]. Production company. https://xxxx
Barger, E., Jr. (Producer). (2013). First steps: Trips for young children [Streaming video]. Chip Taylor Communications.
- Credit people involved such as the director, producer and executive producer in place of the author.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss)
Author (Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss) stated...
In the video the lead character develop a deeper understanding of their social situation (Spielberg, 2000, 1:30:25).
- When creating in-text citations for video or audio you can refer to a specific part of the source by adding a timestamp after the author and year.
- Add timestamps in the following format (hour: minutes: seconds). For example: hh:mm:ss; 1:45:07
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Video stream – YouTube or Vimeo
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video: Subtitle [Format]. Platform name. https://xxxx
Uploader, A. A. [@username]. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video: Subtitle [Format]. Platform name. https://xxxx
Severin, A. (2016, September 13). Medical animation: Peritoneal dialysis [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/182605222
- The person or group who uploaded the video is credited as the author for retrievability, even if they did not create the work.
- Note the contributions of others who appear in the video in the text of your assignment.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss)
Author (Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss) stated...
In the video the lead character develop a deeper understanding of their social situation (Spielberg, 2000, 1:30:25).
- When creating in-text citations for video or audio you can refer to a specific part of the source by adding a timestamp after the author and year.
- Add timestamps in the following format (hour: minutes: seconds). For example: hh:mm:ss; 1:45:07
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Video physical – DVD or Blu-ray
Writer, A. A. (Writer), Director, D. D. (Director), & Producer, P. P. (Producer). (Year). Title: Subtitle [Format]. Production company.
Smith, S. (Producer). (2007). English language teaching [Film; educational DVD]. Sunburst Media.
- The format or other descriptive information may be included in square brackets, for example: [Film], [Film; three disc special ed. on Blu-ray], [Film; educational DVD]
- For additional information on when to credit directors, writers and producers see section 10.12 Audiovisual Works in the manual
(Author, Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss)
Author (Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss) stated...
In the video the lead character develop a deeper understanding of their social situation (Spielberg, 2000, 1:30:25).
- When creating in-text citations for video or audio you can refer to a specific part of the source by adding a timestamp after the author and year.
- Add timestamps in the following format (hour: minutes: seconds). For example: hh:mm:ss; 1:45:07
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Role/Contribution). (Year, Month Day). Title of work: Subtitle [Format]. https://xxxx
Author, A. A. (Role/Contribution). (Year, Month Day). Episode title (Episode number) [Format]. In Podcast series title. https://xxxx
Allbury, A. (Executive Producer). (2019, October 9). Good game: How games play us. [Audio podcast]. ABC. https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/good-game-how-games-play-us/
Yeo, A. (Presenter/Producer). (2019, October 9). Can a videogame get you high? (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In A. Allbury (Executive Producer), Good game: How games play us. ABC. https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/good-game-how-games-play-us/
- List the host/presenter of the podcast as author and other people such as the executive producer
- Specify the type of podcast, for example: [Audio podcast], [Video podcast]
- Provide the episode number, but omit if not available
- If the URL of the podcast is unknown, for example if accessed via an app, omit the URL
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss)
Author (Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss) stated...
In the video the lead character develop a deeper understanding of their social situation (Spielberg, 2000, 1:30:25).
- When creating in-text citations for video or audio you can refer to a specific part of the source by adding a timestamp after the author and year.
- Add timestamps in the following format (hour: minutes: seconds). For example: hh:mm:ss; 1:45:07
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of album [Album recorded by xxxx]. Label.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work [Recorded by xxxx]. On Title of album [Album; Format]. Label. (Original work published Year).
Beethoven, L. van. (2012). Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major [Recorded by Staats-kapelle Dresden]. On Beethoven: Complete symphonies. Brilliant Classics. (Original work published 1804)
Page, S. (2010). Hanukkah blessings [Recorded by Barenaked Ladies]. On Barenaked for the holidays [Album; CD]. Raisin Records.
U2. (2000). All that you can't leave behind [Album; CD]. Island.
- The format or other descriptive information may be included in square brackets, for example: [Album], [Album; CD], [Album; extended edition LP]
- Include a URL in the reference if that location is the only means of retrieving the work, for example: SoundCloud or artist's website
- For additional information see section 10.13 Audio Works in the manual
When citing a track from an album include the track number in the in-text citation, for example:
Lyrics from the song “From little things big things grow” (Kelly, 1997, track 10) were used in recent television advertisements.
(Author, Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss)
Author (Year, Timestamp hh:mm:ss) stated...
In the video the lead character develop a deeper understanding of their social situation (Spielberg, 2000, 1:30:25).
- When creating in-text citations for video or audio you can refer to a specific part of the source by adding a timestamp after the author and year.
- Add timestamps in the following format (hour: minutes: seconds). For example: hh:mm:ss; 1:45:07
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) | Fetherston (2007) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
ComposerLastName, A. A. (Year). Title of work [Format]. Publisher.
Author, A. A. (Composer), & Author, B. B. (Lyricist). (Year). Title of work [Format]. Publisher. https://xxxx (Original work published Year)
Bernstein, L. (1988). Facsimile: Choreographic essay for orchestra [Miniature score]. Boosey & Hawkes.
Britten, B. (Composer), Piper, M. (Librettist), & Matthews, C. (Piano reduction). (1975). Death in Venice: An opera in two acts, Op.88 [Vocal score]. Faber Music.
Gershwin, G. (Composer), & Campbell-Watson, F. (Ed.). (1987). Concerto in F for piano and orchestra [Miniature score]. E. Eulenburg. (Original work published 1942)
Lerch, L. (Compiler). (2001). Stepsister’s lament from Grease in The teen’s musical theatre collection: Young women’s edition [Piano vocal score]. Hal Leonard.
Monteverdi, C. (Composer), Busenello, F. (Librettist), Leppard, R. (Arranger), & Kenny, C. (Arranger). (1977). L'incoronazione di Poppea (The coronation of Poppea): Opera in two acts and a prologue [Score]. (G. Dunn & K. R. Marz, Trans.). Faber.
Tchaikovsky, P. (ca. 1920). Serenade for string orchestra, Op. 48 [Score]. Breitkopf & Hartel. http://imslp.org/wiki/Serenade_for_String_Orchestra,_Op.48_(Tchaikovsky,_Pyotr) (Original work published 1880)
- When you cite a republished work present the in-text citation with both the original published date and republished date: For example: Gershwin (1942/1978) uses various melodic components in his work.......
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work: Subtitle [Format] [Unpublished manuscript].
Tidrow, T. (2014). [Piece pour Coline] [Music score] [Unpublished manuscript].
- If there is uncertainty regarding the title of the unpublished score, then place the working title inside square brackets.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Music encyclopedias and dictionaries
Has author
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of entry. In Title of work: Subtitle. Publisher. https://xxxx
No author
Entry title. (Year). In Title of work: Subtitle. Publisher. https://xxxx
Bass trumpet. (2003). In Grove music online. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.J457200
Kelly, B. L. (2001). Ravel, (Joseph) Maurice. In Grove music online. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.52145
Kwakwa, P. A. (1997). Dance in communal life. In R. M. Stone (Ed.), Garland encyclopedia of world music volume 1: Africa (pp. 301-308). Routledge.
- If there is no author available use the title.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work: Subtitle [Playscript] (x ed.). Publisher. https://xxxx
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work: Subtitle [Playscript] (x ed.). Publisher.
Shakespeare, W., & Synder, S. (Ed.). (2008.). All's well that ends well [Playscript]. Oxford University Press. (Originally published 1623)
Shakespeare, W. (n.d.). The tragedy of Macbeth [Playscript]. Project Gutenberg. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1129/pg1129.html (Original work published 1606)
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Data, statistics, standard
Organisation OR Author, A. A. (Year). Title of dataset (Version Number) [Format]. Publisher. https://xxxx
Queensland Health. (2017). Consumer perceptions of care survey outcomes [Dataset]. https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/your-experience-of-service-queensland-health-mental-health-services
Euromonitor International. (2023). Company shares: Chocolate confectionery (2014-2019) [Data file]. Passport.
- Usually statistical data may not have a proper title, in that case describe the dataset inside square brackets.
- Omit the publisher element if it is the same as the author.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of document: Subtitle (Report No.). Publisher. https://xxxx
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2016). Research and experimental development, higher education organisations, Australia. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/industry/technology-and-innovation/research-and-experimental-development-higher-education-organisations-australia/2016
- Omit the publisher element if it is the same as the author.
- Year is the publication year or the most recent revision
- If a catalogue number is given, include it after the title, in parentheses, for example: (Catalogue No. 1304.2)
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Standards Organization. (Year). Title of standard (Standard number). Publisher. https://xxxx
Standards Australia, & Standards New Zealand. (2018). Bridge design: Scope and general principles (AS 5100.1:2018).
Standards Australia. (2013). Gas installations. Part 1, general installations (AS/NZS 5601.1:2013).
- Omit the publisher element if it is the same as the author.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Inventor, A. A. (Year the patent issued). Title of patent: Subtitle (Patent number). Publisher. https://xxxx
Hall, R. (2018). Mobile fuel delivery system (Australian Patent No. AU 2019904531). IP Australia. http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/ols/auspat/applicationDetails.do?applicationNo=2019904531
Satoshi, Y., Yoshi, K., Kosuke, M., & Aiko, S. (2017). Water storage control method and water storage control system (JP2018076764A). Espacenet. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/060570381/publication/JP2018076764A?q=pn%3DJP2018076764A
- Author is the name of the inventor to whom the patent was issued.
- Year is the year the patent was issued not filed.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Website, social media, software, AI
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Site name. https://xxxx
Griffith University. (2023). Study spaces. https://www.griffith.edu.au/library/study
Bennett, E. (2023, May 31). Man in critical condition after alleged assault outside of restaurant. 9News. https://www.9news.com.au/national/michael-hayes-hospitalised-after-hope-island-incident-gold-coast-university-hospital-queensland-police/82e2f7ad-a163-4299-8399-fcb11a09f549
- If a website does not have an obvious author, use the name of the website company, organisation or government department as the author.
- If author and website name are the same, omit the website name from the source element.
- Use the most specific date possible. (Year, Month Day) or (Year, Month) or (Year).
- If no date is available, use n.d.
- If direct quoting from a webpage or a source with no page numbers use section heading or paragraph number to indicate location of quote. Go to "Quote, cite, missing details" in this APA 7 guide and consult section "Citing parts of a source" for further explanation.
- If the webpage content is designed to change over time, add a retrieval date as shown on the APA Style manual.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of document. Publisher. https://xxxx
Radloff, A., & Coates, H. (2010). Doing more for learning: Enhancing engagement and outcomes: Australasian survey of student engagement [Australasian student engagement report]. Australian Council for Educational Research. https://www.acer.org/files/AUSSE_Australasian-Student-Engagement-Report-ASER-2009.pdf
Translink. (2019). Gold Coast line [Timetable]. Queensland Government. https://jp.translink.com.au/plan-your-journey/timetables/train/t/gold-coast-line
- Omit the publisher element if it is the same as the author.
- For unusual items, include the format in square brackets after the document title.
- If direct quoting from a webpage or a source with no page numbers use section heading or paragraph number to indicate location of quote. Go to "Quote, cite, missing details" in this APA 7 guide and consult section "Citing parts of a source" for further explanation.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of post. Site Name. https://xxxx
Abram, S. (2019, December 14). This library is showing the way for reading spaces in the digital age. Stephen's Lighthouse. https://stephenslighthouse.com/2019/12/14/this-library-is-showing-the-way-for-reading-spaces-in-the-digital-age/
- Do not italicise title of posts
- If direct quoting from a webpage or a source with no page numbers use section heading or paragraph number to indicate location of quote. Go to "Quote, cite, missing details" in this APA 7 guide and consult section "Citing parts of a source" for further explanation.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of entry [Format]. Platform. https://xxxx
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of entry [Format]. Platform. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Griffith University Library. (2019, August 6). New to Griffith [Status update]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/griffithunilibrary
Griffith University Library. (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from https://www.facebook.com/griffithunilibrary
Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn
Author, A. A. [@username]. (Year, Month Day). Title of entry [Format]. Platform. https://xxxx
Author, A. A. [@username]. (n.d.). Title of entry [Format]. Platform. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Griffith University Library [@GriffithLibrary]. (2019, August 6). First trimester student [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/griffithlibrary
Griffith University Library [@GriffithLibrary]. (n.d.). Tweets [Twitter profile]. Twitter. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from https://twitter.com/GriffithLibrary
Griffith University Library [@griffithlibrary]. (2019, April 16). Express your selfie [Instagram photograph]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/griffithlibrary/
Griffith University Library [@griffithlibrary]. (n.d.). Photographs [Instagram profile]. Instagram. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from https://www.instagram.com/griffithlibrary/
Ardern, J. (n.d.). Home [LinkedIn page]. Retrieved May 5, 2021, from https://nz.linkedin.com/in/jacindaardern?trk=people-guest_people_search-card
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of software (Version Number) [Format or Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
Schlining, B., & Jinks, E. (2019). Mbari-media-management/vars-annotation: Vars-annotation 0.3.0 (Version 0.3.0) [Computer software]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3361742
Rovio Entertainment Corporation. (2019). Angry Birds Transformers (Version 1.49.4) [Mobile app]. Google Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rovio.angrybirdstransformers&hl=en_US
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of software (Version Number) [Format or Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
- Check the details of your assessment and/or course to determine if you are permitted to use generative artificial intelligence tools to complete your assessment.
- Describe how you have used the AI tool in your work.
- Include an in-text citation and a reference list entry for the AI tool used.
- Do not include the publisher if this is the same as the author.
- Use the home page of the software for the URL source.
- Use the format or description field to describe the type of software/model. The APA style blog recommends "Large language model" for ChatGPT. See the APA style blog for more information.
(Author, Year) OR
Author (Year) generated...
Is there a gap between knowledge and theory in space exploration, ChatGPT answered this question, saying there is a gap due to the cost of experimentation (OpenAI, 2023).
“The cost of experimentation makes space travel to the stars prohibitive” (OpenAI, 2023), is the conclusion that ChapGPT draws when prompted on the issue.
Clinical, medical, legal
Clinical and medical
Clinical, medical
Cochrane database systematic review
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of systematic review. Name of Database. http://doi.org/xxxx
Roaldsen, M. B., Lindekleiv, H., Mathiesen, E. B., & Berge, E. (2018). Recanalisation therapies for wake-up stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD010995.pub2
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of entry. Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Title of entry. (Year). Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Morey, M. C. (2019). Physical activity and exercise in older adults. UpToDate. Retrieved August 22, 2019, from https://www.uptodate.com/contents/physical-activity-and-exercise-in-older-adults
Amiloride: Drug information. (2020). UpToDate. Retrieved May 14, 2020
- Where the work has no author, use the full title or a shorten version in the in-text citation.
- Add double quotation marks around the title.
- “Amiloride” (2020)
- (“Amiloride”, 2020)
Reference list
- Use the year of last update in the date element.
- Include a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and versions of the page are not archived.
- Note the title of the article is not italicised, only the title of the database or source.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Title of entry. (Year). Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Lipitor. (2020). MIMS Online. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://www.mimsonline.com.au/Search/AbbrPI.aspx?ModuleName=Product%20Info&searchKeyword=lipitor&PreviousPage=~/Search/QuickSearch.aspx&SearchType=&ID=37190001_2%22
- Where the work has no author, use the full title or a shorten version in the in-text citation.
- Add double quotation marks around the title.
- “Lipitor” (2020)
- (“Lipitor”, 2020)
Reference list
- Use the year of last update in the date element.
- Include a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and versions of the page are not archived.
- Note the title of the article is not italicised, only the title of the database or source.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Title of entry. (Year). Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Rivaroxaban. (2021). Australian Medicines Handbook. Retrieved November 03, 2021 from https://amhonline.amh.net.au/chapters/blood-electrolytes/anticoagulants/factor-xa-inhibitors/rivaroxaban?menu=home
- Where the work has no author, use the full title or a shorten version in the in-text citation.
- Add double quotation marks around the title.
- “Acarbose” (2020)
- (“Acarbose”, 2020)
Reference list
- Use the year of last update in the date element.
- Include a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and versions of the page are not archived.
- Note the title of the article is not italicised, only the title of the database or source.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
BMJ Best Practice / StatPearls
Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of entry. Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Title of entry. (Year). Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Passmore, P. (2021). Vascular dementia. BMJ Best Practice. Retrieved November 03, 2021 from https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/319
Ischaemic stroke. (2021). BMJ Best Practice. Retrieved November 03, 2021 from https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/3000114
Shaw, P. M., Loree, J., & Gibbons, R. C. (2023). Abdominal aortic aneurysm. StatPearls. Retrieved March 07, 2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470237/
- Where the work has no author, use the full title or a shortened version in the in-text citation.
- Add double quotation marks around the title.
- “Acne” (2020)
- (“Acne”, 2020)
Reference list
- Use the year of last update in the date element.
- Include a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and versions of the page are not archived.
- Note the title of the article is not italicised, only the title of the database or source.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Title of entry. (Year). Title of source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx
Melanoma. (2018). DynaMed. Retrieved November 03, 2021, https://www.dynamed.com/condition/melanoma
- Where the work has no author, use the full title or a shorten version in the in-text citation.
- Add double quotation marks around the title.
- “Physical activity” (2020)
- (“Physical activity”, 2020)
Reference list
- DynaMed articles may have a named topic editor. For DynaMed Plus use the title in place of the author.
- Use the year of last update in the date element.
- Include a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and versions of the page are not archived.
- Note the title of the article is not italicised, only the title of the database or source.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
- The APA 7 manual covers US legal sources and refers users to The Bluebook: A uniform system of citation (2015, 20th ed.) for legal sources from other jurisdictions.
- For more help with referencing Australian legislation, consult The Bluebook pages 310-318.
Title of the Act Year (Jurisdiction abbreviation) s Subdivision number-if applicable (Country abbreviation if not evident from context). https://xxxx
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42 (NSW) s 36AA (Austl.). https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/act/1983/42/part2/div2/sec36aa
Lands Acquisition Act 1989 (Cth) pt V div 2 (Austl.). https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2016C00827
Victims of Crime Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017 (Qld) (Austl.). https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/asmade/act-2017-008
- When an act does not have a short title, the long title should be used.
- Capitalise the names of Acts when referring to them in-text and in reference list.
- If referring to the Act as a whole, or citing multiple sections in text, do not give section numbers in the reference list.
- Where multiple abbreviations and numbers are needed, no comma should be used between them, for example: pt III div 2
- Subdivisions of acts and corresponding abbreviations include the following:
- chapter(s) - ch, chs
- section(s) - s, ss
- schedule(s) - sch, schs
- part(s) - pt, pts
- division(s) - div, divs
- subdivision(s) - sub-div, sub-divs
- paragraph(s) - para, paras
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
With subdivision/s
(Short title including year (jurisdiction abbreviation), subdivision/s).
'Subdivision/s' discusses ... (Short title including year (jurisdiction)).
'Subdivision/s' of the Short title including year (jurisdiction).
Without subdivision/s
(Short title including year (jurisdiction)).
... according to short title including year (jurisdiction).
With subdivision/s
(Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Regulation 2009 (Cth), s 6).
Section 6 of the regulations outline the handling of patient information (Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Regulation 2009 (Cth)).
According to part 4 of the Victims of Crime Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017 (Qld)...
Without subdivision/s
(Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2017 (Qld)).
... as outlined in the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2017 (Qld).
- The APA 7 manual covers US legal sources and refers users to The Bluebook: A uniform system of citation (2015, 20th ed.) for legal sources from other jurisdictions.
- For more help with referencing Australian legislation, consult The Bluebook pages 310-318.
Title of the Bill Year (Jurisdiction abbreviation) s Subdivision number - if applicable (Country abbreviation if not evident from context). https://xxxx
Marriage Act Amendment (Recognition of Foreign Marriages for Same-Sex Couples) Bill 2013 (Cth) (Austl.). https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2013B00115
University Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (Qld) ch 2 pt 3 (Austl.). https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/bill.first/bill-2016-002#ch.2-pt.3
Interactive Gambling Amendment (Lottery Betting) Bill 2018 (Cth) (Austl.). LawOne.
Disability Services Safeguards Bill 2018 (Vic) (Austl.).
- Titles of bills are not italicized.
- Where multiple abbreviations and numbers are needed, no comma should be used between them, for example: pt III div 2
- Subdivisions of acts and corresponding abbreviations include the following:
- chapter(s) - ch, chs
- section(s) - s, ss
- schedule(s) - sch, schs
- part(s) - pt, pts
- division(s) - div, divs
- subdivision(s) - sub-div, sub-divs
- paragraph(s) - para, paras
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
With subdivision/s
(Short title including year (jurisdiction abbreviation), subdivision/s).
'Subdivision/s' discusses ... (Short title including year (jurisdiction)).
'Subdivision/s' of the Short title including year (jurisdiction).
Without subdivision/s
(Short title including year (jurisdiction)).
... according to short title including year (jurisdiction).
With subdivision/s
...(University Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (Qld), ch 2 pt 3)
Chapter 2 part 3 highlights ...... (University Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (Qld)).
Chapter 2 part 3 of the University Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (Qld) discusses...
Without subdivision/s
...(The Disability Services Safeguards Bill 2018 (Vic)).
The Interactive Gambling Amendment (Lottery Betting) Bill 2018 (Cth) extends this to...
- The APA 7 manual covers US legal sources and refers users to The Bluebook: A uniform system of citation (2015, 20th ed.) for legal sources from other jurisdictions.
- For more help with referencing Australian legislation, consult The Bluebook pages 310-318.
First Named Plaintiff v First Named Defendant (Year) Volume Law Report Title Abbreviation First page number, Pinpoint page number (if required) (Country abbreviation if not evident from context).
Mabo v Queensland (1989) 166 CLR 186 (Austl.).
Mabo v Queensland [No. 2] (1992) 175 CLR 1, 5 (Austl.).
Minister for Immigration v Khawar (2002) 187 ALR 574 (Austl.).
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v Kumar (2017) 260 CLR 367 (Austl.).
DPP (Vic) v Stanojlovic and Another (2017) 53 VR 90 (Austl.). Lexis Advance Pacific Research.
- Only the name of the first plaintiff and first defendant should be cited.
- Where there are multiple proceedings between same parties include the decision number in square brackets.
- All case names are in italics
- The abbreviation "v" for "versus" is not followed by a full stop.
- Where the Attorney-General and Department of Public Prosecutions are listed parties cite as "A-G" and "DPP" followed by the relevant jurisdiction short abbreviations in parentheses, for example: DPP (Vic)
- The Crown is abbreviated as "R" except as a respondent, when it is cited as either "The Queen" or "The King".
- A pinpoint page number should be separated from the First page number by a comma for example: Mabo v Queensland [No. 2] (1992) 175 CLR 1, 5 (Austl.).
- For in-text citations, subdivision references should appear as paragraph or page numbers as shown in the decision or report.
- Subdivisions of acts and corresponding abbreviations include the following:
- chapter(s) - ch, chs
- section(s) - s, ss
- schedule(s) - sch, schs
- part(s) - pt, pts
- division(s) - div, divs
- subdivision(s) - sub-div, sub-divs
- paragraph(s) - para, paras
With subdivision/s
(Name v Name, Year, subdivision/s).
Name v Name (Year, subdivision/s).
Subdivision/s ... (Name v Name, Year).
Subdivision/s of Name v Name (Year).
Without subdivision/s
(Name v Name, Year).
Name v Name (Year).
With subdivision/s
(Quarmby v Keating, 2009, para. 11).
In Quarmby v Keating (2009, para. 11) rules …
Paragraph 11 breaks down … (Quarmby v Keating, 2009).
Paragraph 11 in Quarmby v Keating (2009) highlights …
It was reported in Ross v Chambers (1956) “...” (p. 2).
Without subdivision/s
(Mabo v Queensland, 1989).
... case such as Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v Kumar (2017).
Image, table, lecture, unpublished
Figure #
Title of Diagram/Map/Chart/Plot/Photo/Image
From journal
Note. Any information needed to explain the figure/image. From [or Adapted from] “Title of Article,” by A. Author and B. Author, Year, Title of Journal, Volume(issue), p. xx. (https://xxx). Copyright [Year] by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission.
From book
Note. Any information needed to explain the figure/image. From [or Adapted from] Title of Book (x ed./Volume, p. xx), by A. Author and B. Author, Year, Publisher. (https://xxxx). In the public domain.
From website
Note. Any information needed to explain the figure/image. From [or Adapted from] Title of Web Document/Site/Image, by A. A. Author/Organisation, Year, (https://xxxx). Creative commons license abbreviation eg. CC BY-SA.
Figure 1
Map of Australia
Note. This map highlights where the state of Queensland is within Australia. From Maps of Australia, 2008, (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Maps_of_Australia). In the public domain.
- Figure # (bold) appears before the title. The figure number starts at 1 and increments for each figure used.
- Figure Title is italicized and uses headline case, for example: Mean Regression Slopes in Experiment 1
- Note. (italicized heading only) appears below the figure to describe content such as copyright attribution, abbreviations, definitions and symbols not included in the legend or defined anywhere else.
- Figures can be embedded in the text of your assignment or on a new page after the reference list.
- If figure is reproduced from another source include it in your reference list.
- Copyright attribution is required for a figure (reprinted or adapted) indicating its origin.
- Use headline case for copyright attribution of the source title, for example: From: "Retrieval Monitoring and Ansognosia in Alzheimer's Disease," by D. A. Gallo, & J. M. Chen, 2007, Neuropsychology, 21, p. 560.
- Copyright permission may also need to be obtained from the copyright holder to reproduce the figure.
- Consult the manual, chapter 7 tables and figures (p. 195) and section (7.22, p. 225) on preparing figures for more detailed instructions.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
- Refer to a figure in the text of your assignment in the following ways:
- As shown in Figure 2......
- ... the survey results (see Figure 4)....
Table #
Title of Table
Note. Brief description of the contents of the table. From "Title: Subtitle", by A. A. Author, & B. B. Author, Year, Source Title, Page (https://xxxx). Copyright Year by the Publisher name.
Note. Error rates shown for surveyed groups. From "Generations" by L. G. Elias and C. C. Bent, 2002, Journal of Geriatric Care, 5(4), 22. Copyright 2020 by Generation Publishing.
- Table # (bold) appears before the title. The table number starts at 1 and increments for each table used.
- Table Title is italicized and uses headline case for example: Details of Experimental Procedure
- Note. (italicized heading only) appears below the table to describe content such as abbreviations, definitions and symbols not included or defined anywhere else.
- Tables can be embedded in the text of your assignment or on a new page after the reference list.
- If table is reproduced from another source include it in your reference list.
- Copyright attribution is required for a table (reprinted or adapted) indicating its origin.
- Copyright permission may also need to be obtained from the copyright holder to reproduce the table.
- Consult the manual, chapter 7 tables and figures (p. 195) and section (7.8, p. 199) on preparing tables for more detailed instructions.
- This fictional example was adapted from Reingold, E. (2008). APA: Tables and figures. Retrieved from http://psych.utoronto.ca/users/reingold/courses/resources/handouts_apa/TablesFigures1.pdf
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
- Refer to a table in the text of your assignment in the following ways:
- As shown in Table 2......
- ... the survey results (see Table 4)....
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of image [Format]. Name of site image was retrieved. https://xxxx
Center for Disease Control. (2024). Appendix A: Malaria lifecycle [Image]. https://www.cdc.gov/malaria/php/surveillance/appendix-a-malaria-lifecycle.html
Weston Arnold, K. (2018). [Bike short fashion] [Photograph]. Vogue. https://assets.vogue.com/photos/59caa0b318ac15238b3290f0/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/KIM_1101.jpg
- Use this format to cite (but not reproduce). To reproduce a photograph permission or copyright attribution may be necessary.
- When citing idea or concept from an image/diagram/map/chart/plot/photo use an in-text citation, for example: (Center for Disease Control, 2016).
- For an untitled photograph include a description in square brackets in place of a title.
- For including an image/diagram/map/chart/plot/photo in your writing see the "Figures" section for details.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Lecturer, A. A. (Year). Title: Subtitle [Format]. Publisher. https://xxxx
Tiralongo, J. (2019). 3992NSC_Y1 & Y2 Science capstone: Science capstone structure [Lecture recording]. Learning@Griffith. https://lms.griffith.edu.au/
- If slides or lecture notes come from a classroom website or learning management system (Learning@griffith) and you are writing for an audience with access to the resource, provide the name of the site and its URL (use the login page URL).
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
- Private letters, memos, emails, personal interviews, telephone conversations and the like are cited in-text only, providing name of source, method of communication, place, date and other pertinent information.
- Details can be provided in running text or in parentheses.
- They are not included in the reference list.
An email (A. Davis, personal communication, July 2, 2018) confirming that report has been submitted...
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of manuscript. [Unpublished manuscript, or Manuscript submitted for publication, or Manuscript in preparation]. University Name. https://xxxx
Parker, T. (2002). Style notes for typescripts in the social sciences. [Unpublished manuscript]. Australian National University.
- Unpublished work includes work that is in progress, has been submitted for publication, or has been completed but not submitted for publication.
- This includes work that has not been formally published but it is available on institutional website.
- If the work is available in an electronic archive, give this information at the end.
- Make DOIs (digital object identifier) and URLs active links in the reference list.
- Format the DOI as a web link:https://doi.org/xxxx.
- Example: https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/718
- Format URLs as appropriate with http:// or https://
- Example: https://www.griffith.edu.au/library
- If the resource has both a DOI and URL , include only the DOI in the reference list. Use the URL only if the resource has no DOI .
- Use a URL that links directly to the cited work. Do not include a URL if the resource is from a database or library-provided service where a login is required.
For further information on DOIs and URLs consult the APA7 manual section 9.30 – 9.37 p. 296-301.
(Author, Year)
Author (Year) stated...
Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm, 2000).
Bohm and Chaudhri (2010) claim that Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (p. 171).
Quick author summary
Authors | Reference list | Parenthetical in-text citation | Narrative in-text citation |
1 | Fetherston, T. (2007). Title... World Health Organization. (2021). Title... | (Fetherston, 2007) 1st citation: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021) Subsequent citations: (WHO, 2021) | Fetherston (2007) 1st citation: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) Subsequent citations: WHO (2021) |
2 | Crossman, J., & Mills, C. (2011). Title... | (Crossman & Mills, 2011) | Crossman and Mills (2011) |
3+ | Carter, R., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Harris, M., & Griffiths, R. (2009). Title... | (Carter et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al., 2020) (Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al., 2020) | Carter et al. (2020) states... Carter, Brown, Murphy, et al. (2020) state... Carter, Brown, Murphy, Harris, et al. (2020) state.... |
Notes on et al.
- For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation, including the first citation, unless doing so would create ambiguity.
- To avoid ambiguity in citations with similar authors, include as many authors as necessary before abbreviating the remaining authors with et al.
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of material [Description of material]. Name of Collection (Call number, Box number, File name or number, etc.). Name of Repository, Location.
Frank , T. (1997, February 14). Letter to Bordie M. Kubota [Letter]. Rockefeller Archive Center (GEB series 1.3, Box 371, Folder 1287). Tarry town, NY.
- Archived sources include letters, unpublished manuscripts, in-house institutional or corporate documents and other documents.
- This general format maybe modified for collections requiring more or less specific information to locate materials.
- Use square brackets to indicate information that does not appear on the document.
- For interviews and oral histories, list the interviewers as the authors, include the interviewer's name in the description.
In-text citations
Acknowledge authors using the following formats:
- Paraphrase:
- Author (Year) expresses the idea....
- ....paraphrased idea sentence (Author, Year)
- ....paraphrased idea sentence (Author & Author, Year).
- Fetherston (2007) expresses the idea...
- Teachers help each student with their individual interpretation of understanding (Fetherston, 2007).
- Australia's higher education sector is known for providing students with training that is relevant to their future profession (Bohm & Chaudhri, 2000).
- Quote
- Author (Year) "text of direct quote" (Page).
- "text of direct quote" (Author & Author, Year, Page).
- "text of direct quote" (Author & Author, Year, Paragraph).
- Fetherston (2007) claims that teachers "suggest ways of looking at the new material" (p. 61).
- Australia has a "reputation for delivering industry-focused education and training" (Bohm & Chaudhri, 2010, p. 171).
- According to the Department of Home Affairs (2024), visa applications can be made by “people who have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in an eligible field” (para. 5).
- When acknowledging multiple authors in the text of a sentence precede the final name with the word "and"
- When acknowledging multiple authors in the parentheses and reference list precede the final name with an ampersand "&"
- If direct quoting from a webpage or a source with no page numbers use section heading or paragraph number to indicate location of quote. Go to "Quote, cite, missing details" in this APA 7 guide and consult section "Citing parts of a source" for further explanation.
Reference list
Place the reference list on a new page at the end of your assignment and centre and bold the heading "References".
In your reference list:
- add a reference for every source cited in your work.
- sort references alphabetically (A-Z) by surname of the first author of the work, if no author sort under the first significant word of the title
- use a hanging indent the second line and subsequent lines of a reference are indented tabbed space or 1.27cm
- double space references throughout the list
- write titles using sentence case - capitalise the first word of the title, the first word after a colon or dash, and proper names.
- italicise titles of books, journals, films, videos, and web sites but not book chapters and journal article titles.
- write journal titles and corporate authors' names out in full, no abbreviations
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42 (NSW) s 36AA (Austl.). https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/act/1983/42/part2/div2/sec36aa
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2016). Research and experimental development, higher education organisations, Australia. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/industry/technology-and-innovation/research-and-experimental-development-higher-education-organisations-australia/2016
Bartleet, B.-L., Bennett, D., Bridgstock, R. S., Draper, P., Harrison, S., & Schippers, H. (2012). Preparing for portfolio careers in Australian music: Setting a research agenda. Australian Journal of Music Education, 1, 32-41. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1000243
Behrendt, L. (2012). Indigenous Australia for dummies. Eualeyai, Kamillaroi, North-Western New South Wales. Wiley. https://www.perlego.com/book/1013920/indigenous-australia-for-dummies-pdf
Britten, B. (Composer), Piper, M. (Librettist), & Matthews, C. (Piano reduction). (1975). Death in Venice: An opera in two acts, Op.88 [Vocal score]. Faber Music.
Ellis, A. (2004). Reflections on rational-emotive therapy. In M. J. Mahoney (Ed.), Cognitive and constructive psychotherapies: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 69-73). Springer. http://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/obj/SPCB0000565
Greig, A., Taylor, J., & MacKay, T. (2013). Doing research with children: A practical guide (3rd ed.). Sage. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781526402219
Griffith University Library [@GriffithLibrary]. (2019, August 6). First trimester student [Tweet]. Twitter. Retrieved December 19, 2019, from https://twitter.com/griffithlibrary
Higher education in Australia: The facts. (2004). Business/Higher Education Round Table.
Mantie, R. (2013). A comparison of "popular music pedagogy" discourses. Journal of Research in Music Education, 61(3), 334-352. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022429413497235
Mitleton-Kelly, E., Paraskevas, A., & Day, C. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of research methods in complexity science: Theory and applications. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785364426
Nganampa Health Council. (1991). Anangu way. Anangu Pitjantjatjara, North-Western South Australia.
Queensland Health. (2015). The Hunter Review: Review of the Department of Health's structure, governance arrangements and high level organisational capability. https://www.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/439012/hunter-review-report.pdf
Quinnan. T. (1997). Adult students "at-risk": Culture bias in higher education (2nd ed.). Bergin & Garvey. http://www.netlibrary.com
Severin, A. (2016, September 13). Medical animation: Peritoneal dialysis [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/182605222
Sherren, K. (2006). Pillars of society: The historical context for sustainability and higher education in Australia. In W. Filho & D. Carpenter (Eds.), Sustainability in the Australasian university context (pp. 11-32). Peter Lang.
Skenderian, J. J., Siegel, J. T., Crano, W. D., Lac, A., & Alvaro, E. E. (2008). Expectancy change and adolescents' intentions to use marijuana. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 22(3), 563-569. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0013020
Vessenes, P. M. (2001). Delegation of authority. Journal of Financial Planning, 14(8), 42-45. https://www.onefpa.org/journal/Pages/default.aspx
Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science: A theory of nursing (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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Consult the official manual and style blog for more information.

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Referencing information is provided as a guide only and is based on the official manual or other authoritative sources where available. You should confirm referencing requirements for your course and consult the manual directly for more information.
First Peoples materials information has been adapted from the University of Technology Sydney library APA Interactive Guide and work originally developed by Danièle Hromek and Sophie Herbert and TAFE Queensland Library Network guide to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resources and Materials and the University of Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander referencing guide under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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