Find and access full text articles for your research. Use browser extensions and mobile apps to:
- improve your productivity
- simplify your research
- make it easier to access our subscribed resources.
Use BrowZine to:
- find library subscribed journals and articles
- browse and read journals by subject, review tables of contents, and download full articles
- create your own Bookshelf for your favourite journals—see when new articles are published
- opt into new article email alerts for your saved journals
- save articles for off-line reading or export to services such as DropBox, Zotero, Papers and reference management software
- email article links to colleagues.
LibKey Nomad
Do you start your research on the open web—on a publisher's website, PubMed, Wikipedia or Google Scholar?
Libkey Nomad is a browser extension that connects you to library subscribed content when searching the web.
Note: Libkey Nomad is not compatible with mobile devices.
Google Scholar
Use Google Scholar to find a variety of scholarly sources including journals, conference papers, dissertations, technical reports and books.
The coverage of Open Access articles and papers is more comprehensive than the Library catalogue or databases, making it an excellent complementary search tool for finding scholarly information.
Create a profile
If you are a researcher or author create a Google Scholar profile to:
- track your research
- view your citations
- explore related works in your research area.
Try the browser plugin
The plugin for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, adds a Google Scholar button to your browser toolbar for easy access to Google Scholar from any web page or article PDF.
The Google Scholar button can:
- Transfer your query from the web to search Google Scholar.
- Search for an article in Google Scholar, highlight the title and click the button.
Griffith University Library app
The Griffith University Library app is a secure and easy way to check library items out, view your library account, renew items on loan (in line with library renewal policies) and view the status of items you have requested from the library.
Download the app from the App store or Google Play.
Search for Griffith University Library
Referencing Software
Use literature management software to organise your research literature and references effectively.
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Find us in the libraries or contact us by phone or online.