Navigate the publishing maze
Learn about the publishing journey including journal selection, article preparation and submission.
Deposit in national and state libraries
If you publish in Australia you are legally required to deposit a copy of your publication with the National Library of Australia.
When publishing in Queensland you are also required to deposit a copy of your publication with both the State Library of Queensland and the Queensland Parliamentary Library.
When publishing with a journal or another publisher they will arrange for the legal deposit of the publication on behalf of the author. If you request a DOI , ISBN or ISSN it is your responsibility to legally deposit your publication.
What is a published work?
A work is deemed to have been 'published' if reproductions of the work or edition have been made available (whether by sale or otherwise) to the public. Electronic publications and recordings are included in legal deposit.
Add a copy to our collection
Include a copy of your publication in the University Library's collection, although this is not a legal requirement. Send to:
- Scholarly Resource Services N53 0.03
- Griffith University Library
- Nathan 4111
Expand your reach
Social media and social networks can be valuable for sharing and promoting your research.
Expand your reach and visibility as a researcher:
- Use social media, such as, Twitter and Instagram.
- Communicate your research through blog posts, podcasts and YouTube videos.
- Connect and network with others through LinkedIn.
- Try academic social networks, like Mendeley, ResearchGate, or
Promote your research by writing for The Conversation or participating in media broadcasts as an expert commentator.
Share the right version
When sharing your research on social media and social networks check:
- the publisher's copyright and open access policy
- your publishing agreement to identify which version can be freely shared.
Include social media
Read about the benefits of sharing your research using social media:
Ask the library
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Find us in the libraries or contact us by phone or online.
Copyright matters
Find information and support for all aspects of your copyright compliance obligations.
eResearch services
For help with your research technology, data science and technical infrastructure needs.
Office for research
For help with research grant funding opportunities, ethical and IP matters.
Attend a workshop targeted to support you throughout the research lifecycle.
Griffith research online
Make your research visible and open using the University repository.