About the Agreements
Read and Publish agreements accelerate the transition to open access publishing by changing the way we pay for access to research. These transformative agreements bring journal subscription and open access publishing fees together into a single agreement managed by the library.
At this stage mainly subscription-based or hybrid journals—journals that charge both APCs and subscriptions—are available via these agreements. Gold open access journals still require an APC from authors.
Exclusions and national publishing caps apply to some journals. Standard open access charges apply when publishing caps are reached, so if your article must be published open access ensure you have a plan to fund the APC.

How you will benefit
You will benefit by:
- your open access research reaching a wider audience
- no additional open access publishing costs, these are included in the agreement—colour charges may still apply however so check the individual journal agreement
- retaining copyright and the right to acknowledgment while allowing conditional reuse through Creative Commons licences.

How to take advantage
- Check the relevant agreement below and follow the Information for authors instructions.
- Include your institutional affiliation and Griffith email address when submitting your article.
- Select a CC BY publication licence.
On acceptance of the article, the publisher will detect eligibility—based on your institutional affiliation and email address—and notify you about the options available to you through these agreements. Articles are eligible in order of acceptance.
Browse current agreements
Read and Publish agreements are negotiated by CAUL as a consortia. Griffith only participates in some agreements.
Search the title list and filter by institution to find journal titles that are covered by an agreement or browse by publisher below.
Agreements without article caps
Agreements with article caps
The agreements below allow for a capped number of articles to be published every year without attracting APCs. The article allowance is shared with other universities participating in the agreement. Griffith authors can access the shared allowance with availability based on the order of article acceptance.
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