Advice, training and support
Researcher Services support you through the entire research lifecycle, from developing the initial proposal through to publication and dissemination of your findings.
Working with data
- Manage and plan
- Find and create
- Process and analyse
- Store, share and archive
Research metrics
- Find relevant metrics
- Strengthen your claims of impact
- Use metrics responsibly
Researcher profiles
- Build your profile
- Promote your research
- Increase your visibility
Scholarly publishing
- Develop a strategy
- Find suitable publishers
- Understand copyright agreements
- Share your research
Open research
- Increase access and reproducibility
- Know your responsibilities
- Find open access publishers
- Take it further
Academic writing for researchers
- Define academic writing
- Learn about different writing formats
- Improve your writing
Working with literature
- Learn where to search and how
- Organise your literature
- Discover software to manage your literature
- Learn about systematic-style reviews
Research repository
- Increase your research discoverability
- Improve your research impact
- Contribute to Open Research
Are you a new HDR candidate?
See what Library resources are available to support you during your research.
Skills training
Griffith Library provides skills training across all stages of the research lifecycle. Tutorials, web guides and videos are provided to complement a suite of Library workshops hosted by Researcher Education and Development. Explore the RED resource hub to book upcoming workshops and access past workshop recordings.
Managing your research data
Understand data management practices and data related resources and services, including data storage, ethics and copyright, available to Griffith researchers.
Reproducible research: building business continuity
Discover ten steps you can take to make your research more reproducible.
Reproducible research tutorial
Working with sensitive data
Learn how to work with sensitive data using the internationally recognised Five Safes Framework.
Copyright, publishing and open access considerations for researchers
Learn about the copyright issues researchers face when publishing their outputs.
Copyright, outputs and open access considerations for creative and performing arts researchers
Discover how to manage the unique copyright challenges faced in the creative and performing arts when publishing, exhibiting, performing and creating works. Explore the resources on our Griffith webpage for further information.
Library searching for literature reviews
Provides invaluable insights and practical guidance to help you master the intricacies of library searching for literature reviews.
Managing your research literature: identifying themes and ideas
Explore techniques and strategies for organising your research literature to enhance its coherence and support the overall flow of your writing.
Organise your literature guide
Systematic style reviews: building a robust search strategy
Learn expert search techniques using an example systematic review research question, which can be applied to your own review search strategy.
Develop your search strategy tutorial
Systematic style reviews: tips and tools for getting from start to finish
Discover tips and tools that can simplify systematic and systematic-style reviews from start to finish.
Systematic style review tools guide
Exploring your literature using bibliometrics and VOSviewer
Learn how VOSviewer can help visually explore and map literature.
Q & A session for troubleshooting and advice using EndNote for reference management.
Data organisation in spreadsheets for researchers
Explore good data organization foundations for research data in spreadsheets.
LimeSurvey at Griffith
Discover how to successfully design, create and distribute a research survey using LimeSurvey. No workshop available.
Introduction to REDCap at Griffith
Learn how to build and deploy surveys in REDCap , a flexible web-based tool ideal for clinical and longitudinal trials.
Introduction to data cleaning with OpenRefine
Learn basic data cleaning steps to transform raw or messy tabular data into a structured and organised format to enable processing and analysis.
Advanced data wrangling with OpenRefine
Learn advanced data wrangling skills including combining tabular datasets, geolocating data and “what if” exploration.
Advanced data wrangling tutorial
External research datasets
Discover large, interdisciplinary, layered datasets to support research including ABS microdata, ADA , and other major virtual data labs and portals.
An introduction to digital texts and tools for HASS research
Discover digital methods and tools for building and preparing text datasets in HASS scholarship.
Text mining and analysis tutorial
Computational thinking
Learn strategies to breakdown a complex problem and develop possible solutions, in a way that a computer, a human or both can understand. No workshop available.
Improving the tone and style of your academic writing
Gather strategies to develop your writing skills in order to compose text that has appropriate tone and style, providing clarity for the reader.
Improving tone and style tutorial
Conveying the argument in academic writing
Develop a clear argument in your writing as well as identifying arguments in the writing of others.
Conveying the argument tutorial
Writing the methods and methodology section
Gather strategies to write the methods and/or the methodology section in your work. No workshop available.
Methodology and methods tutorial
Analysing the literature and writing your review
Building on the Manage your research literature workshops, learn strategies to help plan, structure and write your literature review.
Analysing and writing tutorial
Writing a journal article
Learn about the features and structure of journal articles, as well as tips to help you shape your ideas into a publishable format.
Writing a journal article tutorial
Publishing during your PhD
Understand the requirements and guidelines for publishing as part of your PhD thesis. Workshop is available through the Griffith Graduate Research School ( GGRS ).
Formatting your thesis
Learn to use Microsoft Word's automated features to apply consistent formatting efficiently throughout a document.
Formatting your thesis tutorial
Navigating the publishing maze for early career researchers
Discover strategies to resolve issues involved with academic publishing.
Data visualisation basics
Explore methods and tools to create publication quality visualisations of structured data from spreadsheets.
Data storytelling
Learn how to use data, visuals and narrative to bring together the story of your research.
Cracking open research
Discover the benefits of open research and ways to make your research data and publications open.
Researcher profiles
Discover the essential researcher profiles/identifiers and techniques to keep them automatically updated.
Research metrics for promotion
Explore metrics in Web of Science, Incites, Scopus and Google Scholar to find publication metrics for promotion and grant applications.
Metrics to support grants and promotions guide
Research metrics express: find my top 5 publications
Learn strategies for finding and determining top publications to include in your next grant applications.
Research metrics express: has my work been cited in policy?
Discover strategies for finding policy citations for individual publications.
Copyright matters
Find information and support for all aspects of your research and publishing.
Ask the library
We are here to help!
Find us in the libraries or contact us by phone or online.
Copyright matters
Find information and support for all aspects of your copyright compliance obligations.
eResearch services
For help with your research technology, data science and technical infrastructure needs.
Office for research
For help with research grant funding opportunities, ethical and IP matters.
Attend a workshop targeted to support you throughout the research lifecycle.
Griffith research online
Make your research visible and open using the University repository.