Creating a sustainable future for Australia

Australian Repair Network brings together a wide range of stakeholders interested in or working in the repair sector, who genuinely want to engage in open and respectful dialogue; with industry, other sectors and the community at large about the legislative and policy changes that are being developed to respond to the international right to repair movement.

Repair Australia

What we do

We engage with all levels of government, policy makers, industries, repairers and the community to facilitate the need for a right to repair in Australia. We recognise the complexity of the wide range of interests involved in ensuring the longevity of a range of goods, machinery and equipment. We work closely with universities and resource institutions on priority themes related to repair, durability and product life extension.

Why we do it

We believe that education, dialogue, and exchange is fundamentally important to ensuring our society recognises the social, environmental and economic benefits of repairability and the role it can play in creating a sustainable future for Australia. We encourage you to become involved: make contact, follow our research and initiatives, and remain connected for the latest Australian Repair Network updates and news.

Australian Repairers and Repair Cafe volunteers online forum  - 29 July

Professor Leanne Wiseman would like to extend an invitation to Australian repairers and repair cafe volunteers from Australian Repair Cafes to attend an online forum on Monday 29 July 2024 at 7.00pm to 8.30pm (Brisbane time).

This forum will provide an opportunity for the sharing of Repair Cafe updates.  Leanne would like to share her learnings from her recent Right to Repair research trip though England, Scotland and Wales and report on the 2023 Repair Cafe survey that was conducted.  There will also be time for general discussion of repair opportunities and challenges in our Australian Repair Cafe Network.

This forum will be online only (via Microsoft teams) and if you are interested in attending, please email with your correct email address so that we can provide you with the link to the teams meeting.

Steering committee

View the Australian Repair Network steering committee members, including representatives from universities, not-for-profit organisations, national industry associations, advocates, campaigners, and Australian consumer associations.


Events have included:

Griffith University's Professor Leanne Wiseman, the Law Futures Centre and the Repair Summit Steering Committee's Australian Repair Summit.

Griffith University Law Futures Centre forums: 'Can we fix it? A Right to Repair for Australia?' and the 'Building Back Better: ReUse, Repair and Recycle Stakeholder Workshop'.


View various media articles, television segments, radio interviews and discussions related to Australian Repair Network and its aims.

4 Quality education11 Sustainable cities12 Responsible consumption and production13 Climate action

Sustainable Development Goals

The Right to Repair initiative is part of the Law Futures Centre's commitment to address issues such as sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; and climate change for the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs. ).

Community Repair Groups Australia

The Repair Café concept began in the Netherlands in 2009 and has since grown to a global movement of over 3,000 repair cafes operating worldwide.

In Australia the first repair cafe was held in Sydney in 2015 and now there are around 110 repair cafes listed on the Community Repair Group map along with other group initiatives relating to repairing, fixing and mending activities. Across Australia repair cafes and other fix it initiatives run independently and differently. They support communities to divert their useful but broken items from landfill and premature e-waste recycling, share practical repair knowledge, raise awareness of the circular economy, reduce the impact on the environment and support social inclusion. The type of repairs will vary with each repair event and group because these are dependent on the skill set of the volunteers available. Sessions are usually free but donations are welcomed to help with ongoing costs.

Interactive map of repair cafes in Australia (zoom to interact)

Contact us or join our mailing list

Please be advised, there is no fee or charge to sign up to the Australian Repair Network.

Contact details

+61 7 3735 3260
Location, delivery and postal address
Professor Leanne Wiseman
Griffith Law School (N61)
Griffith University
Nathan campus Qld 4111



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