Making an internationally significant contribution in institutional and community governance

The Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law (IEGL) is a Griffith Strategic Research Centre established on the initiative of the United Nations University. It links Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology, Australian National University, the Center for Asian Integrity in Manila, OP Jindal University in Delhi, and Strathmore University in Nairobi. From 2004 to 2014, it was headquartered at the ARC Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice, and Governance. It is currently headquartered in the Law Futures Centre at Griffith University.

IEGL engages other academics, non-government organisations, government, business, and multilateral institutions and networks to improve governance and build institutional integrity in governments, corporations, non-government organisations and international institutions.

Our research

Find out more about our research

Scope of our research

We specialise in interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, multi-level research into contemporary governance challenges and opportunities. Our work ranges from professional and corporate governance to corruption, from decisions to go to war to responses to the global carbon crisis. Our research is funded by the Australian Research Council, multilateral organisations such as the World Bank, state, national and overseas governments, and NGOs such as Transparency International. We publish our findings in books, journal articles, research reports, and in popular media.

Building capacity globally

We aim to be a globally networked resource for the development of values-based governance through research and capacity-building. In addition to our research projects, we provide training and advice on integrity, governance, climate change, ethics, and more. We develop and deliver capacity building projects and integrity training programs for policymakers and practitioners working in government, bilateral and multilateral organisations, and NGOs. Our staff have a strong track record of providing advice on governance, integrity, and ethics to government agencies and other organisations, both in Australia and abroad. We are committed to sharing knowledge and experience to improve governance practice and policy.

Contact us

+61 7 373 55103

Location, delivery and postal address
Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law
Griffith Law School (N61) 
Griffith University
Nathan QLD 4111