Canada student loans

Canada Student Loans help students pay for post-secondary education at a designated college, university, or other post-secondary institution. It is offered to eligible full- and part-time post-secondary students in most Canadian provinces and territories.

How to apply

Students must first apply for a provincial or territorial student loan. Students are automatically considered for a Canada Student Loan when they apply for a provincial or territorial student loan.

Nine participating provinces and territories determine eligibility and assess students' financial need based on federal criteria, award the aid by issuing a loan certificate, and designate eligible educational institutions. Quebec, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut do not participate in the Canada Student Loans Program, but offer their own Student Assistance Programs and receive alternative payments from the Government of Canada to assist in the operation of those programs.

Provincial and territorial links

Griffith University school codes

Educational institutions participating in the various Canada Student Loan Programs have been assigned a "school code" to identify them as an approved institution. When completing your Canada student loan paperwork, please use one of the following school codes that matches your campus whenever required:

  • VUSY (for Gold Coast and Logan)
  • VUBG (for Brisbane South (Nathan))
  • VUTC (for Brisbane South (Mt Gravatt))
  • VUCE (for Brisbane City (South Bank)).

Apply for funding

Find out how to apply, study dates used for loan documents and how to receive funding.

Find out more

University requirements

Read important information on processing your Canadian student loan paperwork.

University requirements

Tax certificate

Find out what you can and cannot claim for courses you took in the year.

Find out more

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