Griffith University as a DFAT Partner

Griffith University has a responsibility to create respectful and safe campus communities, where disrespectful behaviours, discrimination, harassment and bullying (including sexual exploitation or harassment and assault) are not tolerated. This responsibility extends to the conduct of staff, students and University partners when they are working and interacting with individuals and communities away from the University. A significant part of Griffith's engagement is international and involves working collaboratively with individuals, communities and organisations globally to deliver critical aid projects, education and research in partnership with the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

All staff, students and University partners, including downstream partners and third-party providers, involved with Griffith in the delivery of DFAT business are expected to act in accordance with the principles and reporting requirements outlined by DFAT’s Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy, in addition to upholding and abiding by the policies and procedures that relate to preventing sexual exploitation, harassment and assault at Griffith.  In addition,  all University staff, students and partners  involved with the delivery of DFAT business which includes potential contact with children, impact on children, or working with children, to act in accordance of the minimum standards outlined by the DFAT's Child Protection Policy.

This webpage provides specific information about DFAT’s PSEAH Policy and Child Protection Policy, to provide guidance about the University’s mandatory reporting obligations, including investigation, under these Policies and to highlight Griffith’s own policies and procedures in relation to the same. This webpage is to inform staff, students and University partners of their responsibilities under these Policies, raise University-wide awareness, and further prevent these behaviours through zero tolerance, which applies to our own organisation and extends to those with whom we work across the world.

About DFAT's PSEAH policy

In 2019, DFAT released the PSEAH Policy, which sets out expectations and requirements for all DFAT staff and delivery partners to manage SEAH risks and incidents, in Australia and overseas.

Griffith is a DFAT partner for the delivery of projects and programs under, for example, the New Colombo Plan, Australia Awards and research-related grant schemes funded by DFAT. These require Griffith to determine the risk of SEAH in all of its activities that involve the delivery of DFAT business, that is, actions taken or work performed by a DFAT partner pursuant to an agreement, to which DFAT PSEAH Policy Minimum Standards apply. All SEAH risk assessments must be completed prior to entering into an agreement with DFAT. Non-compliance with this requirement and with the DFAT PSEAH Policy may lead to a range of reactionary measures including suspension or termination of an agreement with DFAT.

Click the below link to view DFAT's PSEAH Policy.


PSEAH at Griffith is underpinned by a zero-tolerance approach. This is reflected significantly in the University's policies and procedures that address prevention, reporting and responding to incidents as well as setting the expectations of staff and students who must conduct themselves in a manner which is consistent with the relevant codes of conduct and at all times behave professionally and with respect for others.

You can view a list of Griffith’s policies and procedural frameworks that include key components of PSEAH via the link below.

PSEAH: Information and Resources

Risk factors

Risk assessment tool and Minimum Standards guidelines

Working with University partners

Information for students as beneficiaries

Reporting and investigation

Awareness, training and support

About DFAT's Child Protection Policy

DFAT recognises that it is the shared responsibility of all adults to prevent child exploitation and abuse. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has a zero tolerance approach to child exploitation or abuse. The Child Protection Policy is part of DFAT's child protection framework.

The DFAT Child Protection Policy requires Griffith to conduct an assessment of child protection risk if the program, activity, or grant involves potential contact with children, impact on children, or working with children. As a DFAT funded partner, Griffith University must apply and build on (where necessary) the minimum standards as appropriate to the activities conducted.

Click on the link below to view DFAT's Child Protection Policy.

Griffith's Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Procedure

Griffith holds a zero-tolerance approach to child exploitation or abuse.

Griffith's policy applies to adults and young people involved in any University activities undertaken as part of study, research, work, living and socialising which is organised, or auspiced by, or reasonably associated with the University, where that activity occurs on a Griffith campus, at a different site, or online.

The University expects that all members of the University community will take a proactive approach to the prevention of harm to Children by taking action to remove, reduce and report any risks to Children or young people where possible, promote best practices in relation to child safety and promote a cultural of child safety, respect and empowerment.

You can view Griffith's Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Procedural frameworks via the link below.

Griffith's Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Privacy Statement

Griffith values the privacy of every individual's personal information and is committed to protecting personal information. The Privacy Statement is designed to:

  • inform you of what information we collect and what we use it for
  • explain your rights regarding how we collect and process your personal information
  • describe the legal obligations that apply to us, how we meet those laws and how they protect you.

View Privacy Statement

More information

For more information on DFAT's PSEAH policy, please contact the Manager, International Partnerships