Global partnerships facilitate multidisciplinary and multifaceted engagement
Griffith University has over 500 formal agreements with international partner institutions, ranging from collaborative research and academic initiatives through to student mobility and joint program arrangements. This contributes to a diversified student population at Griffith with international students representing approximately 20 per cent of the total student population coming from more than 115 countries and a high level of the University's publications, with over 45 per cent co-authored with international collaborators. Our international partnerships also support student mobility, with particular growth in the Asia-Pacific region.
International Collaborations Staff Information Page
The International Partnerships office supports academic staff to develop international partnerships and agreements, as well as coordinating and hosting international delegation visits. We provide guidance on the approval process, and logistical support for delegation visits. We can also assist in due diligence and alignment to strategy.
Find out more about the agreements process, and view the international agreements database on our staff information page.
Partnering with DFAT
Griffith partners with DFAT for the delivery of various projects and programs under, for example, the New Colombo Plan, Australia Awards and other research-related grant schemes.
DFAT released the PSEAH Policy in 2019, which sets out the expectations and requirements for DFAT’s delivery partners (and DFAT staff) to manage SEAH risks and incidents, in Australia and overseas. All staff, students and University partners involved with Griffith in the delivery of DFAT business are expected to act in accordance with the principles and reporting requirements outlined by this Policy, in addition to upholding and abiding by the policies and procedures that relate to preventing sexual exploitation, harassment and assault at Griffith.
Credit and recognition from overseas institutions
View Griffith’s Credit Precedent Database for a list of approved credit for prior learning pathways with overseas institutions.
Get in touch
For more information on our existing international partnerships or to establish or renew an institutional agreement