Meaningful change that lasts
For the past 29 years, the International Development Unit has been bringing together the expertise and knowledge of Griffith University academic groups and research centres to create a lasting impact throughout the world. For example:
- Supporting the regional management of climate change information in the Pacific Region
- Water management in urban settings in Indonesia
- Human resource development in Bhutan.
Case studies

Transparent fiscal policies for Sri Lanka
Our impact
- Strengthening the capacity for design and formulation of effective and transparent fiscal policies at the Ministry of Finance, Sri Lanka
- Establishing relationships between Sri Lanka's Ministry of Finance and Australian Federal and State Government counterparts
- Developing research skills relevant to fiscal policy issues for sound analysis of macroeconomic policies
Project details
Title: Australia Award Fellowship "Macroeconomics, Sri Lanka" 2017
Attendees: 14 Fellows from Sri Lanka's Ministry of Finance
Course: Four-weeks' study at Griffith, including site visits to Canberra's Commonwealth Treasury, Department of Finance and Parliamentary Budget Office

Regional growth through sustainable tourism
Our impact
- Improving the enabling environment of Indonesia's sustainable tourism sector.
- Developing linkages between Australian and Indonesian tourism operators.
- Enhancing business planning processes thus contributing to the economic growth of provinces.
Project details
Title: Australia Awards Indonesia Short Course Award "Sustainable Tourism for Regional Growth, Indonesia" 2017.
Attendees: 30 participants from Indonesian tourism regional offices, regional tourism operators and regional tourism associations.
Course: Two weeks of study at Griffith University, including site visit to Cairns plus pre-and post-course workshops in Indonesia.

Improving climate change resilience for the Pacific
Our impact
- Supporting regional management of climate change information in the Pacific.
- Working together for better climate change resilience and adaptation planning.
- Improving the understanding of climate change issues in the Pacific region.
Project details
Title: Pacific iCLIM Project

Building research publication capability
Our impact
- Building research publication capability of 150 Australian alumni through workshops and continuous mentoring by highly qualified and experienced researchers and experts.
- Establishing linkages and relationships between mentees, industry and academics through in-person workshops, online webinars and a two-day international conference.
Project details
Title: Australia Awards Indonesia's Alumni Professional Development Program (ADAP) 2017.