At Griffith, we offer hundreds of study possibilities
As one of the leading providers of higher education in the Asia-Pacific, we have a reputation for remarkable research and teaching excellence. We have over 200 degrees in a wide range of disciplines, as well as world class English language programs.
Searching for degrees
Our study website is a great way to search for degrees based on area of interest. It is perfect for students who are unsure what they want to study.
If you already know what degree a student wants to study, use our degree search tool. Through this tool you will be able to search for a specific degree using keywords or filters.
We offer a range of scholarships for new and continuing students.
English language courses
Direct Entry Program
For students wanting to gain entry to a Griffith University degree, Study Abroad or Exchange program, or Griffith College diploma.
General English
We know there are lots of reasons you may want to improve your English language skills, and our General English program will help you achieve your English goals.
Griffith College
Programs which generally provide access to the second year of a related Griffith University bachelor degree.
Masters Qualifying Program
A program to upgrade prior study to meet the academic requirements for direct admission to some Griffith University master degrees.
Foundation program
A bridging course for students who did not finish senior studies in high school equivalent to Australian Year 12.
Research degrees
A research degree is a postgraduate qualification which primarily involves completing a supervised project of original research.
The most common degree is a Doctor of Philosophy, or PhD, but there are several other options you can choose from, depending on interests and eligibility.
Study Abroad program
Our study abroad program allows students to complete one or two trimesters of study in Australia and earn credit towards their home degree.
Short courses and English language study tours
If you are involved in arranging professional development short courses or English group programs, please liaise with our International Business Development Unit to discuss your program needs.
This team is highly experienced and has successfully tendered for and delivered international development projects and customised group programs for many organisations, including universities, schools, foreign governments, donor organisations, and public and private corporations and businesses.
Credit for previous study
Students who are eligible for credit for prior learning may be able to reduce the time it will take to complete their degree. Griffith awards credit for formal study as well as informal and non-formal learning.
Our credit database allows you to find credit decisions that been made in the past, including those outside formal arrangements.
If your student's institution or program is not listed in our database, they can still apply for credit on a case-by-case basis.