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Join us as we strive to make a healthier future

Fighting diseases of global impact

The Institute for Glycomics is a world leader in the discovery and development of next-generation drugs, vaccines and diagnostics that fight diseases of global impact.

Established in 2000, we’re the only institute of its kind in Australia and one of only a handful in the world.

We engage globally with industry, philanthropic organisations, government and other premier research institutes to build the human capital driving healthcare solutions that address some of the world’s most intractable diseases.

Our multidisciplinary research primarily targets prevention and cures for infectious diseases, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, with a focus on translational research.

Our vision

To be a world leader in the discovery and development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics through the application of innovative, multidisciplinary science.

Our mission

To fight diseases of global impact through discovery and translational science.

What we do

What is Glycomics?

Glycomics is the study of the carbohydrate or sugar language within our body, referred to as the ‘glycome’. Every cell in our body is decorated with these sugars, which are essential to our health and wellbeing.

These simple sugar molecules connect to create powerful structures called ‘glycans’. Cancers and infectious diseases can take advantage of glycans, resulting in major health problems and potentially death.

Compared with genomics (the study of genes) and proteomics (the study of proteins), Glycomics—the study of sugars—is a relatively new field.

Glycomics, however, is now a ‘rising star’ due to the development of tools to effectively identify sugar structures and their involvement in disease.

Our research is focused on the role sugars play in disease. Using that knowledge, we strive to invent new drugs, vaccines and diagnostics to treat, prevent or diagnose cancers and infectious diseases.

This 3D animation illustrates what happens at a cellular level when a pathogen interacts with glycans on the surface of cells, causing infection.

Study with us

The Institute for Glycomics, based at Griffith University on the beautiful Gold Coast, offers a range of exceptional Honours, Masters and PhD opportunities for the nation's future scientists. Study alongside some of the world's most experienced and well-known research leaders and scientists and help us fight for a healthier future for all.

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Contact details

(07) 5552 8051
Physical address
Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University
Glycomics 1 (G26)
1 Parklands Drive
Southport QLD 4215
Postal address
Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University
Gold Coast, QLD 4222

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