Stay up to date and get involved

Throughout the year, Griffith hosts a number of open nights and events for future students, where you can learn more about studying at Griffith and the services provided by GUMURRII Student Success Unit. These events may be held both online and on-campus.

We also engage in a number of annual Community events important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Explore our latest news and events below.

GUMURRII Student Success Unit events

Social Series events

Our Social Series provides First Peoples students the opportunity to get together and engage in cultural activities in the community. Activities range from sporting events to musical performances located across South East Queensland.

Registrations are open for the following events:

Hands Up!

We welcome all First Peoples commencing students to connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff and the wider Griffith community in a relaxed, friendly and supportive environment before you start your education at Griffith.

Our team are currently planning a variety of cultural, social and academic activities to kick-start your university journey.

Campus orientation

Each trimester we host campus orientation sessions for new students. The sessions cover:

  • staff introductions, roles and student support services
  • unit facilities such as printing access codes, swipe cards, room bookings
  • a campus tour
  • safety and after-hours access
  • First Peoples Tutoring for Success Program (TSP) and scholarships.

You'll also participate in a trimester planning workshop to ensure you're familiar with your courses, learning objectives and assessment dates. You will have the opportunity to network and meet current students in a relaxed setting and have any other questions answered.

During COVID-19 restrictions, orientation activities have been delivered online to ensure the safety of our communities.

Annual dates of cultural significance

Each year we acknowledge and engage in a number of events important to Indigenous Australian history, people and culture which draw together staff and students in a spirit of reconciliation. You can find out more at the First Peoples site.

Find out more


Walk and Talk 2019

The annual Walk and Talk in acknowledgment of National Reconciliation Week held at the Gold Coast, Brisbane South (Mt Gravatt) and Brisbane South (Nathan).

More information

Our GUMURRII Student Success Unit team can help answer your questions