Register your interest here to become a member of the STEM Squad with Griffith University's award-winning Science Outreach Team!
The Griffith Sciences and Science on the GO! STEM Squad provides a fantastic opportunity to get experience delivering fun, engaging, hands-on programs to primary and secondary school students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM).
We are seeking current Griffith students who have a passion for Science and would enjoy engaging with local school students and members of the public through science-related, hands-on fun STEM activities.
STEM Squad members will participate in a variety of on and off campus events throughout the year while having the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students, the Science on the GO! team, Griffith academics, local schools and industry partners.
As a STEM squad member, you will represent your discipline by sharing your own experiences, and encounter networking opportunities that will further your chances of employment and enhance your professional skills.
Gain experience and enhance your employability skills in science communication, event delivery, and organisation while delivering fun, interactive, hands-on experiences to school students – Join the STEM Squad today!
- Work alongside the award-winning-Science on the GO! team at a range of school and community events, such as World Science Festival, Science and Engineering Challenges, Cutting Edge events and many more!
- Get exclusive face-to-face access to like-minded industry partners, academics and fellow students
- Learn how to communicate your story better, inspiring students to follow a STEM career and prospective employers to offer you opportunities
- Enhance your own essential resume and workplace skills in:
- Science Communication
- Leadership
- Event Management
- Stakeholder Engagement
"The STEM Squad leadership program at Griffith University has been absolutely pivotal in my personal and professional development as an Engineer. It equipped me with the essential communication, leadership and organisational skills that have translated to professional success in the industry. The STEM Squad provided training and experience on how to engage with students and how to be a leader in the promotion of STEM in the community. It is through this program and the guidance of life-long Griffith mentors, that I gained the confidence to take up further extra-curricular roles such as president of the Women in Engineering society and within Engineers Australia. As a STEM Squad member, I was invited to many opportunities for professional networking and facilitated industry engagement and it was these opportunities that ultimately led to securing a role as a graduate engineer at Boeing Australia. Although no longer a student, I cannot speak highly enough of the program to undergraduate students and will continue to be actively involved with it throughout my career, supporting now from an industry perspective.”
Ms Celeste de Mézières, Graduate Electronic and Biomedical Engineer at Boeing
Any questions?
If you would like to receive more information about the Griffith STEM Squad, please contact us