Support and guidance for optimal results

As the dedicated point of contact for higher degree by research enquiries, the Griffith Graduate Research School provides academic oversight and administrative responsibility for all aspects of the HDR candidature lifecycle.

Visit the GGRS website (SSO Login required)

Research candidates guide

The Griffith Sciences Higher Degree Research Candidature Guide assists candidates throughout their research program. This guide is intended to supplement additional information that candidates will receive from their School, Research Institute and/or Centre and the Griffith Graduate Research School (GGRS).

Candidates must access their Griffith emails regularly to benefit from the series of orientation activities that Griffith has put together to assist candidates in getting started in their HDR program.

Schools and/or Research Institutes and Centres may host discipline-specific activities with candidates contacted via email. Visit School specific webpages for more information:

Early candidature milestone

The purpose of the early candidature milestone is to:

  • Assess whether the candidate has a viable research project and is appropriate for the degree in which the candidate is enrolled.
  • Identify any resources needed by the candidate to undertake the research.
  • Identify any problems/difficulties that have caused or are likely to cause an impediment to progress.
  • Support the development of the candidate's capabilities, aligned to the candidate's research project and career objectives.

Candidates are required to complete and upload the Early Candidature Milestone form via myGriffith > My program > My candidate centre at least 3 days ahead of the planned milestone review meeting/seminar.

Sciences Research Executive Team

Dean (Research)

Professor Frederic Leusch

Deputy Dean (Research)

Associate Professor Dominic Ong

HDR Director

Associate Professor Milton Kiefel

Executive Support Officer

Ms Yvette Baxter

Administration Officer

Ms Angela Hillsdon

Senior Research Development Coordinator

Dr Graham Cuskelly

Senior Research Development Coordinator Dr Lucia Pozzi

Generic email address

Confirmation of Candidature

The objectives of the candidature confirmation procedure are to:

  • provide peer feedback to the candidate on the work completed to date through open discussion of the candidate's research proposal;
  • provide confirmation that the project is appropriate to the degree for which the candidate is enrolled;
  • determine whether a candidate has made suitable progress during the initial stage of the candidature;
  • ensure that adequate resources and facilities are available;
  • confirm that satisfactory supervision arrangements are in place;
  • identify any specific problems or issues (for example, ethics or intellectual property) needing to be addressed;
  • monitor and support the development of the candidate's capabilities toward their research project and career objectives; and
  • determine whether the candidature should continue.

Candidates will be required to complete the Confirmation Candidate Statement, prepare a written paper and present a seminar, which should be done in consultation with their supervision team. The statement, written paper and any additional documents must be submitted via myGriffith two weeks prior to the seminar date.

Confirmation of candidature Milestone

Progress report

The progress reporting milestone is a method of monitoring and supporting candidate progress toward a timely completion and an important formal means by which any problems concerning candidature can be identified. The progress review provides a structured opportunity for candidates and supervisors to:

  • discuss performance and progress in the research and adherence to other candidature requirements
  • identify, address and resolve any problems
  • comment on candidature in the context of the remaining time available for completion of the thesis – and in the case of a scholarship holder, in light of the time available on scholarship, and
  • monitor and support the development of the candidate’s capabilities toward their research goals and career objective.

Candidates are required to complete and upload the Progress report form via myGriffith > My program > My candidate centre.

Progress report Milestone

Thesis and candidature review milestone

The objective of the milestone is to provide a forum for a formative review of the work completed towards the thesis. The milestone allows candidates to gather feedback that can be used to guide them towards the final research findings and to assure the quality of the thesis to be submitted for examination. The milestone also provides an opportunity to:

  • review and confirm candidates' satisfactory progress toward and timeline for completion;
  • review and confirm satisfactory progress by doctoral candidates toward fulfilling the University research output requirement;
  • identify and provide recommendations to resolve any difficulties that might negatively affect quality of the research submitted or impede its timely completion;
  • provide the candidate an opportunity to present their preliminary findings;
  • monitor and support the development of the candidate's capabilities toward their research goals and career objectives.

Candidates will be required to complete the TCRM Candidate Statement and present a seminar, which should be prepared in consultation with their supervision team. The statement and any additional documents must be submitted via myGriffith two weeks prior to the seminar date.

Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone

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