Compounds Australia’s curates and stores more than 1.5 million small molecule and natural product samples, available to academics and industry for drug discovery and drug development research.

Our libraries facilitate collaboration between chemists and biologists and add value to the already excellent synthetic, organic and natural product chemistry conducted in Australasia.

Compounds Australia curates synthetic compound and drug libraries, natural product libraries of pure compounds, fractions and extracts, and consolidates more than 40,000 compounds originating from Australian chemistry researchers into a national ‘Open Access’ collection.

We also provide benchmark-setting storage and logistic services for numerous ‘Closed’ or proprietary compound collections and provide these samples to member organisations and their national and international collaborators.

Our sample libraries

Compounds Australia provides access to critical infrastructure and expertise to ensure flexible, efficient, reproducible, and cost-effective, compound management, supporting biological characterisation of compounds throughout the drug discovery pipeline.

We have several libraries available to researchers in assay-ready formats only. Assay-ready is volumes <1000nL, and as low as 2.5nL.

Compounds Australia can readily “spot” these collections in bespoke assay-ready formats in a single point, multi-point and cherrypicked formats. The collections are solubilised in 100% DMSO and stored in low temperature and low humidity environments.

Specialised collections

Australian Lead Identification Consortium (ALIDC)


MedChem Express bioactive compound library

Open access collections

Drug libraries

Academic library

Scaffolds library

Fragment libraries

High quality chemical tools: opnMe Collection from Boehringer Ingelheim

Closed access collections

Proprietary collections

Smart Compounds

Explore our open access compound collections through Smart Compounds, Compounds Australia's structure portal. Search the diverse 90,000 compounds accessible to all Compounds Australia members by text, chemical structure, substructure, and similarity, and link directly to chemical and library information.

Explore Smart Compounds

Contact details

(07) 3735 4445
Location and postal address
Compounds Australia
Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics
Griffith University
Building N75
Brisbane Innovation Park
Don Young Road
Nathan QLD 4111


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