
The video presentation for this session outlines some examples of successful notetaking methods you can try. Two downloadable resources highlighting further notetaking strategies (and examples of what they look like) in addition to some useful weblinks to help you take effective notes are also included in the Resources section.


Below are two downloadable resources which provide you with some tips for taking effective notes and some examples of common notetaking strategies.

Griffith University – Effective Note Making

University of New England – Notetaking

Monash University – Listening and Notetaking in lectures

University of New South Wales – Effective Reading and Notetaking

RMIT Learning Lab – Notetaking

Australian National University – Notetaking

Griffith University - EnglishHELP Self-Help Resources

Griffith University - English Language Support

James Cook University - Develop Your English

RMIT Learning Lab - Academic Word List Tool

Curtin University Learning Centre - Better Grammar

Curtin University Learning Centre - Better Sentences

La Trobe - Achieve@Uni - Language


Manchester Academic Phrasebank

BBC - Learning English