Connecting and making friends while you study is crucial to academic success

Access everything on offer to help you meet people, get social and have fun. From joining a club or society, signing up for a sporting team, or linking with a cultural group, all the information you will need is right here. You can also find out about the various social events and activities happening around the different Griffith campuses to help you get out and get connected.

What’s Happening at Griffith

Griffith University campuses conduct regular social events that offer something for everyone. From chill out days, to food trucks, market days, end of trimester parties, performances, exhibitions, and cultural fiestas, your campus will be sure to have great events that will enable you to get out and get social. Click on the What’s Happening website link to find out more information.

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Student Mentoring

Getting involved with mentoring is a great way to meet people, get connected and access support while you study. Whether you are seeking a mentor or want to volunteer to mentor others, here you will find all of the information you need on student mentoring at Griffith.

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Clubs and Societies

Here at Griffith we have over 120 clubs and societies for you to get involved in.  Ranging from educational and professional to cultural and community, they are a great way to share interests and meet new people.

You can check out the Brisbane and Logan clubs or browse clubs on the Gold Coast.

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Sport and Recreation

Stay active and healthy while you study by making the most of the sporting and fitness facilities available on each campus.  Join a sports club or get involved in the social sport competitions that run throughout the year.  Represent Griffith at Nationals or search for upcoming sports events hosted by Griffith University.

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GUMURRII Student Success Unit

GUMURRII Student Success Unit (SSU) is a dedicated unit for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, delivering supplementary services in a culturally appropriate environment to enhance the student experience. The GUMURRII SSU team assists students from point of recruitment and orientation, through their Griffith journey to graduation and employment. GUMURRII SSU provides services and cultural connection for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students on each of Griffith's campuses, including online students studying through the digital campus. GUMURRII staff facilitate the Tutoring for Success Program (TSP), available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at Griffith. Upon application and acceptance into the TSP program, eligible students are matched with a tutor to help achieve their best possible course outcome(s) each trimester.  You can find more information about the GUMURRII SSU here.

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Griffith Mates

Griffith Mates is a diverse peer-support network for all students.  The team of current Australian and international students help to welcome thousands of new students to Griffith each year and can help you to adjust to University life, make new friends and get involved in community activities.

Griffith Mates regularly host on-campus activities and events and also offer volunteering opportunities which are a great way to make friends, build new skills and give back to the local community.  If you are interested in becoming a Griffith Mate, you can learn about the benefits of joining and find out how you can apply.

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Students from Refugee backgrounds

Griffith University provides engagement and support programs to help students from refugee backgrounds transition to University and settle into study.  The Griffith University Refugee Student Association GURSA provides both academic and social support and hosts organised events and activities both at Griffith and within the wider community.

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Pacific Islander and Maori Student Support

Griffith Pasifika Association is a cultural club that is committed to promoting and enhancing the university experience of Pacific Island students. The club helps students to find balance in all aspects of their lives and focuses on developing networks and relationships that promote and support Pacific Island students here at Griffith.

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Mature Age Student Support

Student Services conduct coffee catch-ups regularly at the Brisbane South (Nathan), Gold Coast and Logan campuses for adult, mature-age students to connect with others, get support and make friends. There is also a free $5 food and coffee voucher for eligible participants. For more information about the Coffee Catch-Ups, see the Adult Learners website.

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Student Guild - Gold Coast

The Student Guild at Griffith University Gold Coast offers a comprehensive range of services and support for students while they study. In addition to offering a wide range of academicpersonalfinancial and legal and wellbeing support, students at the Gold Coast can also get assistance with job seeking and finding accommodation. The Guild also run the Uni Fitness gym, support a large number of clubs and sports, and host a large number of events and activities. Visit the Student Guild website to discover all of the great services and support available for students enrolled at the Gold Coast. Alternatively, you can drop into the Guild office, telephone or email for additional information.

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