Empowering others to achieve change
We offer social marketing resources, tools, lessons learned, and guide you to case studies of programs that have delivered effective change. These valuable assets are freely provided because we believe in enabling and empowering others to drive change. Strengthen your work and become a pivotal part of the next generation of change agents with us.

Explaining the CBE process
The CBE wheel shows you how the 8 social marketing principles are applied in a first time offering.

How to adopt design thinking
Innovation only occurs when we step outside the box and embrace change. Design thinking is the capacity to think outside the box.

How to do segmentation
Segmentation allows us to think of the market we serve as groups of people rather than one whole market.

How to do co-design
Co-designing is an empirically tested method that helps you work with the people you seek to design for.

How to do visual observation
This formative research digs deeper to understand how people behave and what might motivate them to do so.

How to increase behaviour change
Embed more of social marketing's fundamentals in your program planning, design and delivery, and you will increase change.
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More about Social Marketing @ Griffith
Contact details
Brisbane South (Nathan)
Griffith University
Business 3 (N63)
170 Kessels Rd
Nathan, Queensland, 4111
Centre Manager: 07 3735 4084
(Phone hours Tuesday to Thursday,
9.00am to 4.00pm)
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