Working in long-standing partnerships. Powered by science.

Our work is driven by your goal(s) and focuses on continual improvement. Every project and new partnership starts with understanding what outcomes we need to achieve and learning where people are at. We use a mixed methods approach that includes co-design to understand what people want and need while building trust and establishing the relationships needed to engage stakeholders and communities effectively. Our science shows that the more deeply people engage with your offerings, the better the outcomes.

Our team thrive on making change happen. We’re here to work alongside you to tackle the challenges impacting our communities and planet. Together, we’ve achieved some remarkable accomplishments over the past decade, thanks to the dedication and passion of our partners. Here are some examples of the incredible projects we’ve worked on to drive positive change.

An array of SDG icons that our projects cover

A koala eating some eucalyptus leaves

Koala Threat Mitigation Project

Reduced koala deaths from dog attacks by 40% and decreased car strikes by 83%.

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Project Overview

School students enjoying Blurred Minds on their laptop

Blurred Minds

We’re on a mission to change how adolescents think about alcohol, drugs and vaping.

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Kids placing dead leaves in green waste bins

The Leaf Collective

Engaged communities and stopped over 345,000L of leaves from entering ACT waterways.

Leaf Collective Website

Project Overview

A child being administered an asthma inhaler

Tackling Asthma in Kids

12 key priorities identified to help children with asthma live their best lives.

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A Go Fresh sign in a cafeteria

Go Food

Altered the military dining environment to make healthy food prominent and convenient.

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A large machine watering a field of crops

Measuring Effectiveness of Lasting Behaviour Change

11 barriers to practice change were identified to improve water quality.

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The back of a bar with many alcoholic drinks on shelves

Evaluation of Alcohol Warning Labels

37% increase in attention for the alternate warning label.

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A young person smoking, exhaling smoke

The Effectiveness of Graphic Health Warnings

The review informed Australian Government of its current tobacco control policy.

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A graphic that says 'Healthy Eats Program' with a cartoon paper bag juggling vegetables

Evaluation of Healthy Eats

Knowledge of the daily recommended serves of fruit and vegetables had improved significantly.

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A person taking food out of a fridge

Waste Not Want Not

41% increase in hardly throwing away fruit and vegetables.

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Two people at sea holding fish that they just caught

Switch Your Fish

Fishers switched their fish focus to the alternate species.

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A person with the graphic that says My Health 4 Life

My Health 4 Life

Our three-year evaluation indicated that the program was a success.

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A bat hanging from a tree looking at the camera

No Bat No Me

This project aimed to reduce human-bat conflict through the CBE process.

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A turtle hatchling crawling along the sand

Reducing Light Pollution in Coastal Communities

Two projects have been conducted around light pollution and its impacts on marine turtles.

Sunshine Coast Turtle Evaluation

Reducing Light Pollution Co-Designs

Two dogs sitting under a chair in the grass.

Take the Lead

This project explored the impact of human urbanization on wildlife biodiversity.

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Two men on the roof of a house installing solar pannels.

Energy QLD

176 participants engaged in co-designs to understand Queensland residents' energy behaviours.

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Two women in military uniforms and one in a black top talking.

Military Marketing and Consumer Behaviour

This project studied motives that influence eating behaviour amongst military personnel.

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An orange and white cat sitting in a grassy area outdoors.

Hawai' i Cat Management

This project aimed to understand and co-create solutions to help reduce the impacts of cats on native species in Hawai' i.

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Two members of the armed forces in line for food.

Eating for the Future

This project consists of co-creating healthy eating behaviour programs with military personnel.

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A woman in a black hat next to the words 'O it Good enough for a friend, good enough for us'.


This project helped enhance the quality and quantity of clothing donations.

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A table of people putting post-it's on a butchers paper.

Cancer Council Design Thinking Workshop

More than 240 solutions were generated during the workshop.

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A picture of a black cat being held with the words 'I love my cat so I keep it indoors.

Love Cats Love Wildlife

93% of participants believed in keeping cats indoors after the training.

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A picture of a black cat being held with the words 'I love my cat so I keep it indoors.

Reducing plastic waste in the workplace: a program evaluation

This is one of the first studies to evaluate the impacts of a voluntary behaviour change programme aimed at reducing SUPs in the workplace.

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Solar pannels in a field with three wind turbines in the distance.

Race for 2030

The project found one third of householdes considered adopting smart technology in the next 5 years.

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Working with the Social Marketing @ Griffith team is a joy. They are a team of experienced professionals, who are driven to find effective ways to tackle entrenched problems. They are outcome focused and adaptive, making them an ideal partner for any organisation seeking to better understand the nature of the issues keeping problems in place, and to create tailored responses to address these more effectively. We look forward to continuing to work together to fully leverage the insights and ideas that emerged through the process.

Michele Goldman Chief Executive Officer, Asthma Australia

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Many people working in a workshop around tables with pens and paper

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A person in front of a large screen explaining the infographics being shown on it

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An audience in a theatre

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Brisbane South (Nathan)

Griffith University

Business 3 (N63)

170 Kessels Rd

Nathan, Queensland, 4111


Centre Manager: 07 3735 4084

(Phone hours Tuesday to Thursday,

9.00am to 4.00pm)

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