Industry focused research
We are committed to building a strong and dynamic research profile. To date, we have achieved significant research outcomes in both applied research, addressing real-world issues affecting domestic and international business, and academic research.
Research collaboration

Research collaboration
As we seek to drive innovation in the tourism sector, we have close ties with Australia's largest tourism research institute, the Griffith Institute for Tourism, which is consistently ranked amongst the top three institutions globally for tourism research.
Featured Project
Fire impacts and responses
Title: Memories of fire: gathering stories about the fire impacts and responses to build resilience
Investigators: Prof Karine Dupre, Dr Margarida Abreu Novais, A/Prof Sarah Gardiner,Dr Guy Castley, A/Prof Jim Smart
Overview: The overall aim of the project was to gain a deeper understanding of how communities can prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters with a focus on enhancing resilience. This was an interdisciplinary project which spanned the fields of tourism, architecture, and environment, and completed with the collaboration of various stakeholders in the Scenic Rim region.
The project gathered and shared first-hand experiences of the community responses to the 2019-2020 bushfires that impacted natural heritage sites. A storytelling exhibition – the Phoenix Pavilion - was built and put on display on different impacted sites to collect and share memories, increasing awareness, fostering discussion and building collective learning. In addition, the project involved the design and delivery of several community workshops to discuss strategies that can assist communities to enhance their resilience.
This project was jointly funded under the Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements 2020.
Industry partners: Scenic Rim Regional Council, Binna Burra Lodge and Mount Barney Lodge
Research hubs
Technology and Consumer Privacy
Technological advances are revolutionising marketing. This raises concerns regarding data privacy and efforts by business to advance data privacy best practice.
Leading this research hub are international advertising, branding and consumer research experts at the forefront of impactful research and education.
Advertising and CX Insights
This new era of interaction forces old paradigms to be flipped. Advancing advertising strategy alongside CX insights to bring consumer sentiment into the business this hub transforms impact opportunities for businesses.
This research hub leads innovative and impactful research advancing advertising insight of the impacts of technology on marketing for business and government, both locally and globally.
Sport and gender equity
The purpose of Sport and Gender Equity @ Griffith is to lead innovative and impactful research that advances gender equity in sport through a multi-disciplinary research hub connecting scholars, practitioners, athletes and advocates.
The hub aims to:
- contribute to knowledge and practice that addresses the complexity of gender inequality and diversity within and beyond sport
- Engage in collaborative and innovative research to advance opportunities for women and girls to lead in all aspects of sport
- and educate for sustainable change in classrooms, organisations and the public sphere to transform sport cultures and gender relations.
The Griffith Agribusiness research hub delivers insights to improve and further develop an understanding of Australian and international trade and market systems directly related to agriculture.
Current research projects include trade and market analysis, opportunity identification, market entry and biosecurity, product quality and innovation, value chain studies, market and customer insights, and consumer profiling.
Higher Degree Research
Our research students form an important part of our community. We take pride in actively supporting emerging scholars and involving them in the activities of the School and partner research centres. HDR students also have access to our academic experts for advice on research methods, conference and workshop presentation skills, and preparing work for publication in scholarly journals.
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- Higher degree by research phone
- Freecall within Australia: 1800 154 055
- +61 7 3735 3817
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Gold Coast
- Phone
- (07) 555 28713
- Location and postal address
- Business 3 (G42) 6.18
- Griffith University
- Parklands Drive, Southport QLD 4222 Australia
Brisbane South (Nathan)
- Phone
- (07) 373 56628
- Location and postal address
- Business 1 (N50) 0.37
- Griffith University
- 170 Kessels Road, Nathan QLD 4111 Australia