Welcome back!

Below are a few important things for you to know, now that you are coming to the end of your exchange experience. This webpage is designed to give you information on the next steps and how you can help other students live the same experience as you!

What should you do upon your return

First, make sure you have followed departure instructions (if any) provided by your host university, which could potentially prevent your transcript from being sent. Your academic transcript will be sent directly to our office from the host university. We will contact you and provide information for credit transfer as soon as we receive it. If you are unsure whether your transcript has been sent, you can contact your host university.

Upon return to Griffith, you will need to complete an online application to transfer credit to your Griffith degree. You will need the following items to complete the online application:

  • Academic transcript from your exchange university (verified).
  • Approved study plan.

If your Study Plan does not match the courses completed on your official transcript please make sure you get a new Study Plan approved before submitting your credit transfer request.

Please also note: to pass a subject you must receive a grade of 50% or more, regardless of the pass mark at the host university.

You will also need to ensure that you are enrolled at Griffith for the trimester you return. You can access the Enrolment opening dates from the Griffith Academic Calendar. Griffith University will also email you a reminder about enrolment so please check your Griffith emails regularly.

Graduating Students

You will only be eligible to graduate once the official results from your host university have been credited to your Griffith University degree. Griffith cannot acknowledge your eligibility to graduate until this is done. As the overseas university semester dates differ from Griffith, we may not receive your official transcript in time for you to graduate at the end of your exchange semester. You can however contact Student Connect to request a letter stating that you have completed your degree but are just waiting to officially graduate.

Learn more about Griffith Graduations.

Connect with the Griffith Careers and Employment services team to discuss how to best maximise your international experience for your future career.

You may have had a buddy at your exchange university, or maybe you wish you had had someone to show you the ropes! Griffith has more than 10,000 international students with new starters joining the Griffith community every trimester. As you'll know it can be daunting, as well as exciting, arriving into a new country. For this reason the Griffith Mates offer the Buddy Program to all commencing international students; providing a buddy (you!), social events and self-development opportunities.

As you can now demonstrate that you have gained cross-cultural communication skills you are the ideal candidate to be a senior buddy!

Register to be a Senior Buddy 

  • Senior Buddies are current Griffith University students who:
  • Have strong cross-cultural communication skills and a strong interest in cultures other than their own.
  • Want to play a role in making international students at Griffith University feel welcome and included both on and off-campus.

Become a Global Mobility Ambassador

The Global Mobility Ambassador program gives you the opportunity to talk about your exchange experience, share your photographs, host information sessions, run market day stalls, represent Griffith Global Mobility and further develop valuable leadership and communications skills. It's also an ideal volunteer experience to add to your resume!

Griffith Go Global Club (GGGC)

The Griffith Go Global Club (GGGC) is a community for students to network and share their Go Global Experiences whilst also encouraging and inspiring prospective Exchange and Study Abroad students.

We are here to guide those prospective students and help them turn their “far fetched” Go Global dreams into a very real and exciting reality!



Contact us

(07) 3735 8200
10 am to 2 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays).
Book a consultation
Available Monday, Tuesday & Friday, via MS Teams or on-campus
Join the drop-in session
2 pm to 3pm, every Wednesday during Trimester 1 & 2 (excluding Public Holidays).

To enquire online or submit documentation:

  1. Visit Ask Us for current students (login required)
  2. Select topic - Global Mobility > Outbound

We will receive your enquiry and respond to your Griffith student email address.

You can also search existing answers.

Ask us

Emergency assistance overseas

If you are on an approved program and need urgent medical and/or travel assistance, please contact International SOS