Stories and insights for our working lives

Our Content Centre is dedicated to those who are passionate about continuous learning, developing skills and staying abreast of new trends to further their career. With contributions from across the university, from academics who are leaders in their field, our growing collection of original, bite-sized articles, and our podcast, The Worker Learner, is designed to provide you with the latest professional insights to inspire and fuel your career.


Featuring stories and insights for our working lives, the Worker Learner podcast is hosted by Griffith University academics and features extraordinary guests doing extraordinary things. The conversations not only address skills required in the workplace of today and tomorrow, they challenge us to think about the kind of world we want to work and live in.

Proudly produced by the Professional Learning Hub. 

Available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and iTunes.

Water and beer: a conversation with brewer Sarah Laing

Let's talk about beer! In this episode Associate Professor Brian McIntosh discusses how water is used and managed in the brewing process with CUB Abbotsford Head Brewer, Sarah Laing. A conversation for anyone interested in beer (we know there are a lot of you out there) and the brewing process, and how breweries manage their water consumption up and down the supply chain, and how they position themselves within the community.

Lessons from the ED: Dr Dinesh Palipana interviews Dr Shahina Braganza

In this intimate and moving conversation Dr Dinesh Palipana interviews his boss, Dr Shahina Braganza. Both work in the high pressure environment of the emergency department of the Gold Coast Hospital. They discuss the pressure and the burn out that can be the result of working in the ED, and how they overcome it by teamwork and embracing vulnerability. This is a deeply personal conversation that not only sheds light on a high stakes profession, but delicately examines the emotional landscape of all our working lives.

My job walking the length of the Earth: a conversation with Lucy Barnard

Lucy Barnard is attempting to become the first woman to walk the length of the Earth from the southernmost tip of South America to the highest point of Alaska. In case you're wondering, that's 30,000 kilometres. At the end of an enforced COVID pause, Lucy is about to recommence her trek. In this episode, Dr Johanna Nalau discusses Lucy's grand adventure, and explores what motivates her, how she sets goals and how she keeps putting one foot in front of the other.


Our contributions are drawn from across the university. Our brief to our contributors is simple - take your expertise and share a skill or idea that relates to our working lives. Some of the following articles will surprise and some may challenge you, but all examine the workplace of today and tomorrow. Enjoy.

The Purpose Advantage – can it signal progress?

Does your company have a purpose statement? Professor Nick Barter, Dr Akihiro Omura and Ms Joanne Kerr discuss how companies that have a clear purpose statement perform better across key success metrics compared to companies that don't invest the time and energy in defining a purpose statement. Learn how many organisations are shifting to a wider stakeholder perspective to maximise performance.

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Future Generations Boards Part 3

In this final essay for the series Professor Nick Barter continues to explore the concept of future generations boards, this time widening the scope to include ESG scores. In doing so, he once again confirms that the business of the future is the business of now.

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Disasters — they're about people

In this article, Griffith University’s Disaster Management Network leadership team outlines their unique insights into supporting decision makers with knowledge and networks, in the right time and in the right place.

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Future Generation Boards Part II

Just like Biff and Marty we have the Sports Almanac. In terms of climate science we know the future. But are we Marty McFly, or are we more like Biff, motivated by power and our immediate needs? Professor Nick Barter and Dr Akihiro Omura continue their discussion of future generation boards, a governance mechanism where the future is a concern of the present.

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This article was not written by ChatGPT

The PL Hub asked a number of academics across Griffith University, from a myriad of disciplines, for a 100 word response to ChatGPT (or DALL E or Midjourney). The answers, of course, are varied. There is no one dominant narrative. The only consensus seems to be that grappling with the ramifications of AI means means grappling with what it means to be human.

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Investigate — stop, reflect, adapt

When a workplace accident occurs, it's right that we should want to know how it happened. But often the truth gets muddled by the urge to quickly lay the blame on something or someone. Dr Christine Boag-Hodgson reminds us that workplace accidents are rarely simple, and are often the result of multiple organisational weak points aligning.

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Workplace predictions for 2023

Near the end of the year the PL Hub asks academics across Griffith University about what they see as the key trends and insights that will shape our workplaces for the following year. Their answers are as varied as they are thought-provoking. Here's what's coming your way in 2023.

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What hope for a 'post-hope' world?

As the year draws to a close, and the world lurches from one catastrophe to another, is your sense of hope failing? Working from the theories of Max Weber, Julian Meyrick suggests that rather than hoping for better times, we may need to roll up our sleeves to create them.

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League's ability to lead the way to inclusion

A professional sporting team may not be the first place you'd look to find innovative strategies in creating inclusive environments, but in this article Assoc Prof Popi Sotiriadou points out that the Gold Coast Titans are leading the way in doing just that.

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My job walking the length of the Earth

In this extract from an episode of our podcast, The Worker Learner, Dr Johanna Nalau interviews Lucy Barnard, an adventurer attempting to become the first woman to walk the length of the Earth, a distance of 30,000 kilometres. We learn how Lucy deals with set backs, and what keeps her putting one foot in front of the other.

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Living and working on a floodplain

In this extract from an episode of our podcast, The Worker Learner, Associate Professor Brian McIntosh interviews Dr Margaret Cook. They discuss the flooding of the past and the flooding of tomorrow and what that means for where we live, work and play.

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The Art of Sustainability

When you worry about the climate crisis do you think about art?  If not, perhaps you should. Dr Saffron Benner, Griffith University's Sustainability Manager, suggests that creative thinking and practice can help us shift from a paralysis caused by information overload to reclaiming the narratives of our lives and future.

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Do you really need to book that flight?

We all know that a world with less planes in the sky is better for the planet. But as soon as the borders reopened we flocked to the airports. Whether for pleasure, and increasingly again for work, our compulsion to fly has returned with gusto. But we know that comes with a cost. Professor Tim Ryley and Jane Moad provide practical tips on best practice when flying for work.

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Road Block Square 2

Road Block - are you commuting again?

As you navigate the traffic and watch fuel prices soar, spare a thought for the wild life whose lives are segmented and broken by our vast network of busy roads. Professor Emeritus Darryl Jones suggests that as we fire up our pre-pandemic lives once again, we should also spare a thought for all creatures great and small trying to cross the road.

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Future Square

Future Generation Boards

Professor Nick Barter and Dr Akihiro Omura embrace the idea that a generation spans 30 years, and that means we can negotiate with the future now. No time travel needed. Far from some abstract thought experiment, a negotiation between the leaders of today and the future generation is not only practical and achievable, it may also be critical for our continued existence.

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Decision 3

The agony of decision making

Making a decision, of any size, can be hard. In times such as these the complexity of decision making can be excruciating. To help you navigate through this uncertainty, we asked academics across Griffith University how they approach decision making, which is a skill that is in more demand than ever.

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Algorithm Square

Change the algorithm — future prosperity first

What's the primary goal of your business? What do you actually care about? If your master algorithm is about making profit, then you're behind the times. Professor Nick Barter suggests a new way of approaching business, one that puts our collective future at the heart of all that we do.

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Regen Leadership Square

Can your organisation regenerate?

What can a spider's web offer you and your organisation? Whether at an individual or organisational level, Kimberly Camrass suggests the ability to self-heal and regenerate is a fundamental skill required by modern leaders and the organisations and communities they work for.

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45 Square

Over the working hill at age 45?

Yes, you read that right. Research suggests that ageism not only continues to impact our working lives, but it does so earlier than ever before. Dr Dhara Shah, herself approaching the cliff of 45, unpacks the phenomena and suggests ways we might begin to balance the diversity and understanding between different generations.

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Seld reliance square

How to build greater national self-reliance

The pandemic and current geopolitical tensions are revealing the fault lines in the nation’s skills and knowledge. By charting how we learn in the workplace, Professor Stephen Billet outlines the foundation for building more resilient organisations.

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Professional identity square

Unique ways to shape a professional identity

Have you ever wanted to run away from work and join the circus? This may not be as outlandish as it sounds. Dr Natalie Lazaroo suggests that developing yourself professionally doesn't have to happen in obvious ways. Connecting with new communities, even a circus group, can create a flow of new skills and ideas about yourself and the world.

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Predictions Square

Workplace predictions for 2022

We asked academics across Griffith University about what they see as the key trends that will shape our workplaces and thinking in 2022. Their responses are as varied as they are enlightening.

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Vaccine Square

Vaccine hesitant workers - to jab, or not to jab?

As the nation starts to open up, workplaces across the country are grappling with the ethical and practical implications of vaccine mandates. Dr Tracey West and Emeritus Professor Ross Guest tackle this contentious issue and explore some of the thinking behind vaccine hesitancy, and the possible financial implications facing vaccine hesitant workers.

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Paying it forward square

Paying it forward

Do you supervise student placements in your workplace? Taking a nervous and excited student under your wing can be challenging, but Michaela Smyth and Prof Andrea Bialocerkowski reminds us that it is also the rewarding first step of building the workplace of tomorrow.

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Creative Business Square

Business is a creative practice

Who are the creative people in your organisation? The answer might surprise you. Dr Rae Cooper uncovers creativity in all corners of our workplace, and suggests that nurturing creativity, wherever we find it, can make our organisations stronger.

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Crisis Square

Crisis management - ignorance is not bliss

Do you know what to do if your organisation is plunged into a crisis? In this personal and dramatic look at crisis management, Dr Sara Ekberg and crisis management expert, Bo Carlsson, provide a framework for preparing your organisation for the unthinkable.

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Essential Business Square

Essential business - a financial health check

Does checking your bank balance bring anxiety? If it does, you're not alone. These are tough times for so many. Dr Tracey West gently guides us through some steps that can help us check in on our financial health.

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Personal Brand Square

Building your tribe - the use of personal branding

Do you have a personal brand? While it may be tempting to dismiss the idea, how we present ourselves and connect with others in the digital landscape is a key skill for the modern worker. Associate Professor Naomi Birdthistle walks us through the first steps of building your personal brand.

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Adaptation Square

Adaptation - it's a mindset

How do we adapt our lives, businesses and communities to meet the challenges of climate change? Dr Johanna Nalau suggests we start by analysing our mindset. Understanding how we think and how we make decisions is a critical skill in adapting to a changing planet.

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GD Square

Design as strategy — not decoration

All too often graphic designers are brought onto a project right at the end, before we hit print. Associate Professor Dominique Falla points out that a designer and the insights they offer can be far more than just decorating. For a client, a closer working relationship with a designer will result in an enhanced overall strategy.

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Change Square Image

Let's change how we think about change

Is your workplace in the throes of change? Professor Julian Meyrick charts the rise and rise of the concept of 'change', an idea with almost magical qualities, and one we may need to exercise a degree of caution with when we hear it.

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Professional Learning Hub

The Professional Learning Hub is Griffith University’s platform for professional learning. Our tailored professional learning focuses on the issues that are important to you and your team. Bringing together the expertise of Griffith University’s academics and research centres, our professional learning is designed to deliver creative solutions for the workplace of tomorrow. Whether you are looking for opportunities for yourself, or your team we have you covered.

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Brydie Square SDG

How music can help advance the SDGs

Does music feature in your work life? Maybe it should. Professor Brydie-Leigh Bartleet points out that while music provides pleasure, it can also activate the social imagination and help individuals, communities and organisations working towards the UN's SDGs.

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Unlearner square

Becoming a lifelong (un)learner

We all know lifelong learning is important, but have you ever considered the skills you've been acquiring throughout your career need to be unlearned? Associate Professor Katherine Main sheds light on possibly the most valuable skill of the 21st Century - the ability to unlearn.

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Saffron Square

Sustainability - the system as a whole

Dr Saffron Benner links the seemingly disparate disciplines of theatre and sustainability and points out that whether you're trying to create a meaningful performance, or achieve the United Nations' SDGs, you need to see how the many moving parts work together.

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Dinesh Square

Equity - it's a matter of attitude

All workplaces can and should be inclusive according to Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM. And he should know. In addition to becoming the first quadriplegic medical intern in Queensland, he is a champion of workplace inclusivity. In a personal account, he reminds us that making a workplace inclusive is just matter of attitude.

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SDG Yunus Square

SDGs ...a mission-led approach

We've got under a decade to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Alex Hannant and Ingrid Burkett of Griffith University's Centre for Systems Innovation, not only believe we can achieve them, they suggest how. Make no mistake, it'll take a global effort, but we've done it before, and now the stakes are higher than ever.

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Big Data Square

Beyond the fourth paradigm of science - big data

Big Data is ushering in a new era. Griffith University's Professor Bela Stantic made headlines with correct predictions of the Trump and Morrison elections. But this is just the beginning. Big data will affect every industry on the planet, and fundamentally change the way we understand and interact with the world.

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Over tilled square

Why some working women feel like dead dirt

Has the modern working world ripped the very life out of you? You're not alone. Like most of the Earth's agricultural land, many women workers have been over tilled. Dr Faith Valencia-Forrester suggests a course of action that might connect you back to nature, and yourself.

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Uncertainty Square

Uncertainty: three ways to think

The future is uncertain, and strategies that may have worked in the past can't be relied on tomorrow. Rather than be bewildered by uncertainty, Professor Sima Dimitrijev suggests we should embrace it. He outlines three practical ways to help us make decisions in a chaotic world.

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Msn Thinking

Giftedness ...what they didn't teach you in school

What do you think of when you hear that a student is gifted or talented? Dr Michelle Ronksley-Pavia debunks the myths and expands our understanding of giftedness and talent, and suggests that identifying and supporting giftedness and talent in an individual is a lifelong process.

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Female Leadership

Do we need to talk about female leadership again?

Dr Heather Stewart and A/Prof Deborah Delaney lament that gender inequity still exists, but suggest with current movements like #Metoo we are on the verge of a tipping point, as female voices command attention.

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Risk Square

Risk management - a lesson from Covid

How much risk is too much risk? Take the pandemic, where we have witnessed the rolling out of various strategies aimed at mitigating risk to varying degrees of success. Dr Lachlan Guthrie from Griffith University's International Water Centre highlights some core principles of risk management that are relevant to your organisation's strategy, while equally relevant to the management of a pandemic.

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Leadership glue

Trust: leadership glue

Trust might seem an obvious component of good leadership, but what does it mean in practice? Putting aside pithy leadership quotes, Professor Peter Grootenboer and Professor Christine Edwards-Groves unpack the concept of trust and outline practical steps that can help a leader earn, nurture and sustain trusting relationships in their team.

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Watching nature at work

Watching nature at work

Do you ever stare out the office window and watch the birds do their thing? Whether we work at home or in a concrete jungle, Professor Darryl Jones reminds us that even small interactions with nature can help make our working day worthwhile.

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You're on mute square

You're on mute! (and have been for a while)

Professor Nick Barter takes the all too familiar, modern day phenomena of speaking while being on mute in a meeting, and turns that into a rally cry for a better future, in which those who are, and have been, on mute, become part of the larger conversation.

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Social media square

Social media for business - the legal hazards

The use of social media is at an all time high, and organisations are liable for what is said (and not said) under their banner. Those that manage social media activity need to navigate this minefield and mitigate risk. To get a handle on your social media legal exposure, Professor Mark Pearson lays out the first steps in establishing a risk analysis strategy.

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Financial literacy ...are women opting-out?

Financial literacy ...are women opting out? It's a question that still needs asking. Dr Tracey West, Dr Laura de Zwaan and Dr Di Johnson remind us that it isn't that women are not interested in money, but the way financial literacy is often structured (at work and at home) undermines the values-based motivations that many women have when it comes to managing their finances.

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Green Collar Square

Are you part of the green or climate workforce?

Climate change is an existential threat, but there is an ever-increasing workforce out there tackling it head on. You might not consider your skill set is ready to mitigate climate change, but Associate Professor Michael Howes points out you may already have the tools to get started in the green workforce.

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Religion Talk Square

Talking about religion at work, taboo or okay?

Is talking about religion at work a no go zone? Along with politics and our personal lives is it a topic best left at home? Dr Adis Duderija suggests the issue may not be so black and white, and that exercising a respectful curiosity might actually broaden our intellectual horizons, and make for a more meaningful workplace.

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Lessons for PM square

Lessons for the PM from the everyday workplace

How do leaders deal with allegations of serious misconduct by a senior member of the team? Are the systems in place within your organisation capable of facing and addressing challenges such as those we are currently seeing within the highest offices in the land? Professor A J Brown argues for a holistic system by which the trust of stakeholders - both internal and external  - is earned and maintained.

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Outcroppings Square

Is your lack of imagination killing the planet?

We're taught from a young age to associate the concept of imagination with positivity, but that’s not always the case. As we teeter on the edge of environmental catastrophe, the time to reimagine the world is now. In a personal and philosophical reflection, Professor Nick Barter suggests business leaders need to harness their imaginations to enhance life on earth, not to end it.

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Crime boss square

Want change? Don't wait for management

Want change in your organisation? Well, perhaps you need to drive it. Dr Luke Houghton reminds us that always waiting for good ideas from above flies in the face of history, where real change has often come from below.

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Taxonomy Square

Stop wasting your staff's time

Let's be honest, we've all been subjected to professional development that's been poorly planned with no clear learning outcomes. It doesn't have to be this way. Dr Steven Hodge explores the world of taxonomies and outlines proven strategies for learning design, helping you and your organisation deliver optimal training programs.

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Autism Square Image

Inclusive workplace...but what if you're autistic?

Research has shown that workers with autism possess skills that are in high demand in today's job market. Why then are they nearly 8 times more likely to be unemployed or underemployed? If nothing else the pandemic has proven our work environments can be flexible. Dr Kate Simpson suggests we should use that flexibility to embrace a more diverse workforce.

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Leadership Ethics Square

The Ethics of Leadership

How do you face ethical dilemmas as a leader? Being able to understand and incorporate your ethical beliefs and values within your team and organisation is a critical skill for an effective leader. By referencing Victorian Premier Daniel Andrew's leadership, Associate Professor Jeanne Allen explores work place ethical dilemmas and how we might begin to make sense of them.

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Has the last twelve months got you feeling out of control? Shaken by disruption and unsure of what’s next? As we experience fundamental and rapid changes that challenge our policymaking, business and personal futures, Susan Harris Rimmer and Elise Stephenson share their thoughts on antifragility and how to gain from disorder.

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Ethical Technologist

The Ethical Technologist

How does ethics factor into the decision making of those we rely on to develop new and innovative technologies that are a part of everyday life? Dr David Tuffley outlines some fundamental skills needed by the ethical technologist.

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Social Media Image

Legal risks of Facebook comments

Can you be sued over your Facebook friends' comments? An alarming question, but one well worth pondering. As organisations continue to explore ways to connect with stakeholders through social media, leaders need processes for how messages are shaped, shared and managed. Professor Mark Pearson sheds light on an emerging legal risk that affects us all.

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How do you rate your wellbeing? Whether at work, or in our private lives, this year our wellbeing is surely being tested. In this article, Katherine Main outlines some of our most basic human needs. By having an appreciation of these needs, and by showing a little empathy, we might just be able to weather this storm.

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Six Futures of Work Image

Six futures of work

What does the future of work look like? No matter what industry you’re in, or what your career aspirations are, the answer affects us all. Alan Burton-Jones helps us understand the trends, both historical and current, that have shaped where we are, where we might be going, and the skills we will need to get there.

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Storm to Perform Square Image

Storm to perform: change and teamwork

How do you lead your team to navigate change? If there's only one certainty in today's workplace, change is inevitable. To maintain a high performing team, we need to embrace change and adapt, to perform at our best.  Gaery Barbery identifies the four stages all teams must go through to achieve success.

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Marketing trust the process

Marketing: trust the process

Have you considered how your business builds relationships? In these turbulent times the process of marketing can be easily overlooked. But no matter how much the world is changing good marketing skills remain a constant. Robin Pentecost provides a timely, and reassuring, reminder to trust the marketing process.

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Working with Children

Working with children

What are the skills you need to work with children? Increasingly, in a multitude of sectors, today's workforce needs to continue to develop capabilities to work alongside children and young people. They're talking to us, clearly, and it's our responsibility to build a culture promoting respectful communication. This article provides a practical way to develop these skills. By Jennifer Cartmel, Marilyn Casley & Kerry Smith.

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Cyber Security Square Image

Cyber security: it's all our business

How cyber security aware are you? Governments and businesses around the world are taking the ever-increasing threat of cyber-attacks seriously, and so should you. Dr Hui Tian suggests that when you put aside the high-tech jargon, it becomes clear cyber security is a multi-disciplinary field, and one we all should have a vested interest in.

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Virtuall Leadership Square

Leading in virtual environments

How do you lead your team in a virtual environment? Many of us that manage staff have grown accustomed to regular face-to-face interactions. But how do we maintain team performance, communication and cohesion when we are asked to manage in a virtual environment? Dr David Tuffley introduces strategies to help leaders drive success in a virtual first world.

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Informatics Square Image

How Health Informatics shape the way we live

Do you ever consider the health data that drove the decision to make you work from home, or that placed social restrictions on you? Do you check the daily rise and fall of infection rates? As our lives are increasingly shaped by health data and its interpretation, Sheree Lloyd and Lawrence Lim provide a timely overview of the critical discipline of Health Informatics.

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Intrapreneur Card Image

Are you an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur?

Ever wondered what the difference is between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur? Does the organisation you work for encourage and support intrapreneurship? In this thought-provoking article A/Prof Naomi Birdthistle unpacks the terms and outlines the key skills needed for both, and in doing so suggests that while you may not want to strike out on your own, you can still dream big in the organisation you work for.

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R Square


Resilience. Do you have it? We hear this term all the time, we are told it's a key skill we need to have, but what does the word actually mean? From deep in the heart of lockdown Melbourne, Professor Julian Meyrick provides a provocative and personal exploration of the idea. This is essential reading for anyone interested in resilience and wondering where we can expect to find it.

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D square 2

Working with Diversity

Do you worry whether your work is inclusive, respectful and culturally safe? As human services and social work become increasingly important in the future world of work, the ability to collaborate with diverse clients is critical as service models continue to evolve. Dr Paul Harris sheds light on some of the changing trends and opportunities in the sector.

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Leah s

The world in your lunchbox

Are you stuck at home, or in a mostly empty office, and dreaming of exotic destinations? Despite borders being closed and flights grounded there's still a way. With travel shop windows available from your screen, and the destinations at your fingertips virtually endless, Georgette Leah Burns, in a provocative exploration of the new normal, suggests your next journey is limited only by your imagination.

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Nick 2 Sq

FutureNormal: moving online

Are you working more and more online nowadays? You're not alone. In this article we continue our conversation with Prof. Nick Barter (Academic Director of Griffith Online) and Prof. Chris Fleming (Director of Griffith Institute for Tourism) about this shift. Their responses suggest Covid-19 could have some positive impacts on the world of work. Moving forward, perhaps our workplaces will be more collaborative, more flexible and less carbon reliant?

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C Square

Things we can learn from kids and science

Has work lost its sense of wonder? Are you afraid to show surprise, or learn new things, or answer “I don’t know” to a question? STEM presenter, Clare Van Dorssen, reminds us that it’s okay to be curious and surprised by new knowledge, and that perhaps to find more meaning in our workaday lives we need to embrace the long-lost child within.

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The best gift you can give yourself

How are you feeling today? Think about that for a moment. A deceptively simple question, yet often fiendishly tricky to answer. In today's challenging times a little self-care can go a long way in supporting our well-being. Providing practical tools to analyse our state of mind this article gives substance to the saying, ‘self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you’. By Jacinta Hawgood, A/Prof Michelle Hood and Prof Andrea Bialocerkowski.

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supportive square

How to Make a Supportive Work Culture

Do you lead a team at work? Have you considered each of your team members' emotional wellbeing? Regardless of the size of your team, the ability to get the job done often comes down to team culture. Assoc Prof Lauren Ball provides five insights on creating a supportive work culture.

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Boos square

Leadership is not Exclusive to the Big Boss

Who are the leaders in your organisation? The answer is complex. Everyone knows who the big boss is, but in large organisations leaders can be found in many places. Professor Peter Grootenboer outlines the importance of middle leadership, and suggests we should acknowledge and support these leaders – not to prepare them to be, or be like the ‘big boss’, but to equip them to lead in the ‘hot site’ of an organisation.

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Frag square

Bookmarks and Fragments

Do you read for work or pleasure, or both? In a world of social distancing and isolation it seemed we were all about to finally tackle that pile of unread books beside the bed. But did it happen? As we slowly emerge from our bunkers, novelist and Griffith Review editor, Ashley Hay, seeks to understand what it means to escape into new, literary worlds when our own day to day lives are so strange.

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P Square

Positive on Purpose: no magical thinking required

It might be a tough call to stay positive at the moment, but did you know that positive psychology (as opposed to the positivity glibly deployed in memes) is a scientifically researched phenomena? Dr Mia O’Brien provides a timely reminder that positivity is a practical tool for work and life.

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don't touch square

5 reasons to avoid accessing your super early

Times are tough, and the federal government has kicked in with a range of unprecedented stimulus and support packages. One of the more controversial packages is granting early access to our superannuation. Dr Tracey West gives us five reasons to think twice before dipping into our retirement savings.

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Virtual square

FutureNormal - Living in a Virtual First World

From work, to learning, to kids’ birthday parties and Friday afternoon drinks, the Covid-19 crisis has meant we’ve all had to move rapidly towards the virtual world in our day to day lives. Professor Nick Barter and Professor Chris Fleming suggest the new normal is here to stay, and that's not a bad thing.

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covid square

Creativity in the time of Covid-19

In a world where the term ‘creative’ can be applied to almost any endeavour, what do we really mean when we label ourselves and our work ‘creative’? Also, if everything is creative, perhaps nothing is. Professor Julian Meyrick walks us through the complex concept of ‘creativity’, unpacking its usage and history and where it might be taking us in the new, Covid world.

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Work home

A short guide to (not) working from home

These are strange times indeed. If you're lucky you're grappling with the stresses of working from home. We at the Professional Learning Hub are in the same boat. Here's our very quick guide to (not) working from home.

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Impact square t2

Introducing the Impact Economy

The promise of the ‘impact economy’ brings together a number of ideas, strategies and practices that are gaining traction and becoming mainstream. In this article, Alex Hannant and Prof Ingrid Burkett from Griffith's Centre for Systems Innovation, outline an overarching view of the ‘impact economy’ - the what, why and how.

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Is it time to declutter your digital closet?

How many social media accounts do you have? How many do you use? Which ones make you happy? And which ones don't? Dr Timo Dietrich and Mr Yannick van Hierden from Social Marketing @ Griffith offer a few simple but effective tips to help you declutter your digital closet.

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Workplace square a

Understanding How People Learn in the Workplace

Workplaces are always looking for more efficient ways for workers to be productive. So how do employees continue to learn in a work environment? A/Prof Sarojni Choy discusses the different ways people learn in these settings and the importance for employees to optimise the opportunities for learning to meet the changing nature of work.

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5 tips 2

5 tips for Managing your Super

Your superannuation is not something you think about everyday, however your quality of life post-retirement is shaped by the decisions you make today. Dr Tracey West shares her insight and provides strategies to help you maximise the potential of your superannuation.

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Facades in Focus - Learning Conversations - a video series

Many of us live and work in cities packed with high-rise buildings. We spend more than 90 percent of our lives indoors, largely unaware that the quality of our ‘building façades’ (our building ‘skins’) make an enormous difference to our comfort and safety, and play a big role in determining the environmental impact of our buildings.

Façades protect us from the weather outside and connect with internal structures to keep us safe, high up off the ground. Yet we cannot take them for granted. These learning conversations, presented by the Professional Learning Hub, with A/Prof Cheryl Desha, explore an important feature of our built environment.

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Positive on Purpose: a podcast series

As part of our ever-growing catalogue of bite-sized pieces of professional learning, The Professional Learning Hub is proud to present Positive on Purpose, a podcast series by Dr Mia O'Brien.

It might be a tough call to stay positive at the moment, but did you know that positive psychology is a scientifically researched phenomena? Throughout this series Dr Mia O’Brien provides a timely reminder that positivity is a practical tool for work and life.

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Case studies


How does an organisation redesign itself to meet the challenges of the 21st century? We partnered with UAP, a global organisation, to develop a bespoke professional learning program to become FutureNormal.

Find out more UAP