Emergency contact details

Call Fire, Ambulance, and Police on 000 or 112 from a mobile. Call 1800 800 707 (free call) for all emergencies and incidents on all Griffith University campuses.

For urgent assistance call Campus Support

For urgent facilities and maintenance issues requiring immediate attention, call (07) 3735 8888 (Ext: 8888) between 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. Outside of these hours, please contact Campus Support (Security).

Warden Management App - Connect to the Griffith VPN to access off-campus

Campus Support offices

Campus Support free call for all campuses: 1800 800 707

Campus Support office locations and phone numbers
CampusLocation Internal phone External phone
Gold Coast G01 Academic  1 Room 3.39 7777 (07) 5552 7777
Logan L03 Entrance to Wayne Goss Centre Room 2.10 7777 (07) 3382 1717
Brisbane South (Mt Gravatt)M13 Entrance to Information Services Room 1.02  7777 (07) 3735 6866
Brisbane South (Nathan)N53 Willett Centre Room 1.17 7777 (07) 3735 7777
Brisbane City (South Bank)-
Queensland College of Art and Design
S05 QCAD Courtyard Room 202 7777 (07) 3735 6200
Brisbane City (South Bank)-
Queensland Conservatorium
S01 Queensland Conservatorium Room 2.38 7777 (07) 3735 6363

Campus Support (Security)

When reporting an incident, provide the following information where possible:

  • location of the incident
  • caller name and contact details
  • nature of the incident (eg. burst water main, fire, injury)
  • brief description of what has happened
  • description of what you are doing now
  • time the incident occurred.

Building safety information

    Campus Chief Warden

    The Campus Chief Warden manages the initial University response to emergencies on campus. Griffith has two Campus Chief Warden.

    Gold Coast

    Simon Somogyi (07) 5552 8959 (Ext. 28959)

    Brisbane South (Nathan),  Brisbane South (Mt Gravatt), Logan and Brisbane City (South Bank)

    Cliff Melvin (07) 3735 3520 (Ext. 53520)

    Emergency evacuation procedure

    If the evacuation alarm sounds, or you are instructed to evacuate the building:

    • do not panic – remain calm
    • leave the building immediately
    • do not delay when gathering personal belongings or bags, this may delay your exit from the building
    • do not use building lifts
    • do not run, push or overtake
    • go to the building's emergency assembly area and remain there (see evacuation plans)
    • listen and follow instructions from building wardens, the Campus Chief Warden Campus Support or emergency services staff
    • Fire alarm – close but do not lock doors
    • Chemical or biological threat – close but do not lock doors
    • Bomb threat – leave doors open
    • Do not re-enter the building, or leave the assembly area until given the all clear by building wardens, the Campus Chief Warden, Campus Support  or emergency services staff.

    Contact us

    Griffith emergencies and incidents

    General enquiries

    Visit Services@Griffith to see the full list of available services.

    Common questions