About this service

Research integrity and managing data are critical elements of research projects.

At eResearch Services, we work with researchers to develop systems to manage data for capture through to long-term presentation.

There are in-house solutions already available, such as Research Drive and Research Vault. A staff computing account is required for Research Drive and Research Vault.

There are also external providers that offer discipline-specific and general data management and storage. Additional details can be found on the eResearch Research Data Storage, Retention and Data Services page.

This service is for

  • Research staff
  • HDR (Higher Degree by Research) students

What to expect

Research Drive (working storage)

  • This service enables Griffith researchers and their collaborators to store primary data and associated documentation from research projects being conducted at Griffith University. This helps researchers fulfil the requirements of the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research and Griffith's Best Practice Guidelines for Researchers: Managing Research Data and Primary Materials.
  • This service is provided at no cost to researchers.
  • Research Drive is a shared network storage system where you can securely store Griffith research-related large files or collections of data. Research project data on the Research Drive is stored in a central location on a server, making data backup and recovery easier and more reliable. Griffith researchers can request storage for individual research projects. Access to the Research Drive is available only through a Staff Computer Account. If you are a student without a Staff Computer Account, you will need to speak to your supervisor to arrange access.
  • Detailed information and the Request Form can be found on the Research Drive FAQ page.

Research Vault (long-term archive storage)

  • This service allows researchers to store a backup of research data that is in its final state and no longer being modified. This data will be retained for a specific duration (selectable duration).
  • Detailed information and the Request Form can be found on the Research Vault page.

Research data repository

  • A repository that makes research data collections accessible and searchable via a web interface. The repository can be public or private. For more information please visit the Research repositories website.

Discipline-specific repositories for research data storage

  • The team provides access and support for some discipline-specific repositories. Be sure to contact eResearch Services using the Request Form if a specific service isn't listed or if you had any questions.
  • Terranova is a software system that acts as a central information hub for researchers in the Climate Change Adaptation research domain. Users can deposit research data, with associated metadata descriptions, into centrally managed storage infrastructure, which can be searched in a variety of different ways. There are many collections from catchment management authorities from across Australia.
    • The Terranova website is offered as a self-service application and is free of charge.
  • Omero Microscopy Portal: This service uses the software Omero Plus, from Glencoe Software. It is based on the OMERO system by Open Microscopy Environment. It can visualise images and microscopy media from most many microscopes. Omero connects to the local Griffith HPC; this allows you to easily create and customise algorithms to compare multiple samples, plates or batches. Visualised results can then be exported to many formats.
    • The Omero Microscopy Portal website requires the Griffith VPN to access.
    • This is offered as a self-service application and is free of charge
    • An account is required to access the Omero Microscopy Portal. You can request an account by submitting a Service Request using the eResearch form. Select the "Microscopy Portal (Omero)" option on the form.

Infrastructure provisioning

  • Requirement gathering and provisioning of hardware, software, network resources and services required for the existence, operation and management of research and research related activities. Additional information can be found on the eResearch Physical Research Infrastructure page.

Consulting for other research storage options

Note: eResearch Services partner with researchers on projects and can supply skilled staff for short-term projects. Situations will vary depending on the work and funding arrangements.

  • non-research and personal data storage and data management
  • infrastructure provisioning for non-research based or personal websites
  • support for research storage options managed by other organisational units at Griffith
  • internal Network-Attached Storage (NAS) that is available to staff (G: Drive) and students (H: Drive)

Telephone support, onsite support and consultation is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, excluding public holidays.

Self-service components are available 24/7.

Small application development is handled as a small project and scheduled depending on resource availability.

To access this service


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