About this service

eResearch Services offer a number of tools and services to help researchers easily capture and discover data, and manage participants in their research projects. This includes general and clinical surveys, clinical trial randomisation services, participant management tools, and tools for generalised and discipline-specific data capture including microscopy, biodiversity, climate change, and urban data. Visit our resources page to access a list of available datasets.

If you are looking for specific software, the software website offers free or subsidised rates for the following applications: MATLAB, Nvivo, SAS, SPSS, ArcGIS and Ansys.

If you're completing your honours, masters or a PhD and need help with your data-intensive project, please visit HackyHour. Bring your laptop and join us for a free hands-on lesson in many languages, including R, Python, ArcGIS (and soon MATLAB and SPSS) and spend less time wrestling with software and more time doing useful research.

This service is for

  • research staff
  • HDR students

What to expect

Application development

  • Requirement specification and project initiation through to product development and completion for research related application development.
  • Smart Meter Information Portal: A secure service provided to assist researchers from the Smart Water Research Centre in the query and maintenance of water logger details and associated data (logger data, household survey data, logger history). Restricted access to this site may be granted to suitable external collaborators. The Griffith University Smart Water Research Centre manages this service.
  • eResearch Services partner with researchers on projects and can supply skilled staff for short term projects. Situations will vary depending on the work and funding arrangements.

Clinical trial data management and survey tool

  • REDCap: A secure, web-based application for building and managing online surveys and databases. It provides automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to Excel and common statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata, R), as well as a built-in project calendar, a scheduling module, ad hoc reporting tools, and advanced features, such as branching logic, file uploading, and calculated fields

Clinical trials randomisation service

  • An automated service that provides random allocation to randomised controlled trials. Researchers within the study team log in, and then enter key information. Allocation occurs instantly. Confirmation emails are generated automatically and sent to relevant personnel in the study team. This provides a completely independent randomisation process compatible with all major clinical trial standards and guidelines including those required by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors.
  • For more information on the Griffith Randomisation Service.



  • Qualtrics Core XM is a web-based survey tool enabling you to build surveys, feedback and polls using a variety of distribution means. Results can easily be analysed, downloaded and viewed in reports to inform your research.
  • Website: https://griffithuw.qualtrics.com/
  • Request help from eResearch and Specialised Platforms support team
  • All Griffith staff and students are eligible to use Qualtrics. There is no charge for users under the Griffith enterprise licencing arrangements. Staff and students can access the platform using their Griffith single sign on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) steps.
  • For more information on the Qualtrics service.

Microscopy Portal

  • This service uses the software Omero Plus, from Open Microscopy Environment and Glencoe Software. It can visualise images and microscopy media from most many microscopes. This allows you to easily create and customise algorithms to compare multiple samples, plates or batches and uses the Griffith HPC to run analysis. Visualised results can then be exported to formats such as Excel and PowerPoint. Access needs to be granted and the Griffith VPN is required to access Microscopy Portal.

Scientific software support

  • Programming/scripting support is available for tasks such as:
    • automating data processing tasks that need to be done repeatedly
    • processing of very large datasets
    • complex data processing that requires advanced programming skills.
  • Support for database technologies is available to assist with tasks such as:
    • database design
    • importing datasets (e.g. from Excel spreadsheets)
    • developing database queries
    • exporting data for analysis with other software tools.
  • Assistance with popular data analysis software (e.g. R, python, Matlab and ArcGIS) can be provided where an eResearch support staff member has the required skills.
  • Griffith has negotiated licensing agreements for many products used for data analysis, modelling and simulation. Products available free-of-charge or at subsidised rates include but are not limited to:
    • MATLAB - mathematical modelling and visualisation
    • Nvivo - qualitative analysis
    • SAS - statistical analysis
    • SPSS - statistical analysis
    • ArcGIS - geographical mapping and analysis
    • Ansys - engineering computation tool
    • Products and pricing can be obtained via the Software website.

Infrastructure provisioning

  • Requirement gathering and provisioning of hardware, software, network resources and services required for the existence, operation and management of research and research related activities.

Consulting service for other data capture

  • Requirement gathering and consultation to determine client needs for research.

Note: eResearch Services partner with researchers on projects and can supply skilled staff for short term projects. Situations will vary depending on the work and funding arrangements.

  • non-research and personal data capture development
  • infrastructure provisioning for non-research based or personal websites
  • support for data capture, applications and scientific software managed by other organisational units at Griffith

Telephone support, onsite support and consultation is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, excluding public holidays.

Self-service components available 24/7.

Small application development is handled as a small project and scheduled depending on resource availability.

To access this service


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